Ise (metropolis) Settlement in Aquilla | World Anvil
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Ise (metropolis)

A Large Town on the north eastern coast of Rhodes. Ise, Like Kynes, was always a port of call for merchant vessels leaving and entering the Eastern Approaches.


60% Human, 10% elven, Tiefling 10%, 10% Drow, 5% Lizardfolk, 5%.


Ise is ran by a city council that pledges its allegiance to the T.E.N.S Alliance


The old city walls have been ranforced with the old turrets now topped with duel fourteen inch naval cannons. The militia garrison is a full 900 strong backed by a Yellow Jacket garrison of 120.

Industry & Trade

Steel is brought in by Ship to be turned into goods and weapons at the major factories that make up the industrial sector. Cotton, leather, and other fabrics are brought to the many mills to be turned into clothing and other goods. Crude Oil arriving in from tankers is loaded onto trains and sent to the refinery's at Kynes and Valley Tyrus. Military trains loaded with ship munitions supply the Naval depot with supplies from Valley Tyrus.


Shipyard 10 25K ton slipways, Godred Steam works, Ise Railroad Terminal, Steel Works, Large Textile mills, Small secondary mining towns, Ship Auction, weapons factory.


Blacksmith shop, General trader, Trade House, luxury clothing shops, Oil Silos, Coal storage, Coal/Oil facility, Railyard, Dockside railways, Large dockyard cranes, Naval Depot.

Guilds and Factions

Ise City Council, Yellow Jackets, T.E.N.S Naval supply division, Holzharen trade house Ise Division, Godreds Steamworks.


The Largest city on Rhodes. Ise has often been referred to as "The Rhodesian Jewel" as who ever controls Ise, effectively controls the whole island.


Modern 20th century architecture


See Rhodes (Island)

Natural Resources

See Rhodes (Island)
Alternative Name(s)
The Rhodesian Jewel
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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