Fae Species in Apotropeica | World Anvil
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The collective of many species. A capricious category of critters, divided into courts with each their own rules and subspecies. Among these courts are the Seelie and Unseelie court, with allied courts of the Summer, Spring, Autumn and Winter court.   It doesn't take much to become a fae. Once initiated in a court, anyone in particular could become a fae. Born into the courts are, for example, pixies, fairies, fae satyr and faun variants, gnomes, hags, sprites, yumboe, brownies and elementals. Witches and spirits may, due to their nature or initiation in a court, be adopted as a Fae also. Subspecies are generally divided into organic fae or wisp fae, depending on how closely related to living creatures they are.

Basic Information


Exact anatomy depends on the subspecies. The standard Fae is a fairy, who are mostly insectlike. Fae, in general, are mostly sustained by magic and possess ethereal and undying bodies.

Biological Traits

Only one trait is commonly shared between Fae, which is eye color. The first Fae all had one particular color, namely mauve, white and blue. Mauve fae were male, white were female and blue were something else entirely. This trait, the more the species varied and evolved, would eventually come to disappear. Nowadays one can tell a fae's precise gender by their eye color, a trait which is entirely changable at the fairy's will. Usually the roster of mauve-white-blue is followed, but with the vainness of fae comes the desire to change oneself to fit their own beauty ideals, after which other eye colors may be found.

Genetics and Reproduction

The standard fairy, or otherwise organically based creature, depends on sexual reproduction. Wisplikes, such as elementals or pixies, can spawn their offspring on their own or will produce a child after a magic ritual of combining energies.

Growth Rate & Stages

Organic fae will have growth rates similar to those of humans and will reach full maturity at age 21. After this, aging will advance at an incredibly slowed rate. It will take a thousand years for a fairy to look a day over 40. Wisplike fae will mature incredibly fast, only knowing a "baby" stage, where they will be nothing more than playful floating lights. Most baby wisp fae are mistaken for Will-o-Wisps by humans, which aren't an actual subspecies of fae. They're just babies! After this baby stage, the wisp fae will be fully matured.

Ecology and Habitats

Fae function optimally amongst lush vegetation. They derive their power from nature and their bond with it and also just have a general preference for thick shrubbery. Fae feel safest when they have a place to hide, after all. Underwater and desert fae are not unheard of, but are still significantly less common.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wisp fae do not need to eat at all, but organic fae do. They have no specific dietary needs but have a high preference for sweets. Bring honey.

Biological Cycle

Fae are strongly tied to the seasonal changes, as they dedicated their entire courts to them. Fae, depending on their court, are at their full power during their respective season, and will hibernate during their "opposite" season. A Winter Court Fae, for example, will gain strengthened magical abilities during the winter, but during the heat of summer, will be weakened into hibernation. Seelie- and Unseelie Court Fae, on the other hand, are unaffected by the seasons, but rather by day- and night cycles. During solstices, full moon and eclipses are when magic levels reach their peak.

Additional Information


Fae cannot be domesticated, they domesticate themselves. Brownies and gnomes, for example, tend to move in homes of people they deem worthy. They will help around the house and do chores for their hosts, in exchange for food such as sweet bread and bowls of milk. Fae will not forgive those who spy on them or otherwise mistreat them, and if you are to treat your fae guests rudely, they will start stealing and destroying your belongings.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Fae are difficult to exploit, as they are incredibly powerful and will not stand for things being unrightfully taken from them. Fairy hunters will, for example, steal the wings off of fairies and similar species and sell them off, but Fae will punish unjust trades.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Fae can be found worldwide, but mostly linger around highly populated areas, forests and fields. They tend to avoid any type of desert.

Average Intelligence

Fae are incredibly smart. They are full of tricks and are highly unpredictable. Fae are sapient and function with strict rules. They are rather dangerous due to their high intelligence, and have an excellent memory. Those who do them wrong will not be forgiven or forgotten.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Fae are all capable of flight, whether they depend on wings for this depends on the species.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The relationship of fae with other species, primarily humans, entirely depends on how they are treated. See the Domestication tab.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

As mentioned, the Fae species is under the rule of the Faerie Courts. The Courts are each characterized by certain philosophies and behaviors, fae of each court will strongly follow these rules by nature. Fae can choose to abandon these Courts, these solitary fae are usually even more capricious than organized fae.   The Seelie Court is a court that functions best under the powers of the sun. To simply call this Court the "Good" Court is unjust, seeing as how each Court has a tendency to be meanspirited, or otherwise have evil plots. Seelie Fae are usually easier to put up with than Unseelie Fae, is all. The Seelie Court is much more strictly organized, with strictly set trading pacts and societal rules. They are much more friendly to non-fae than Unseelie Fae. The Seelie Court is strongly associated with the Spring and Summer Courts.   The Unseelie Court is among the most unpredictable and chaotic Courts. Unseelie Fae strongly act out on their emotions, and obey little to no ruling, other than commands carried out of respect for a superior. Unseelie Fae only obey when they respect you, which is usually earned after a "battle", this battle may be anything, be it a game or an actual duel. Unseelie Fae are incredibly fond of games with humans but are significantly more dangerous to encounter. The Unseelie Court is a philosophy, rather than a set of rules. The Unseelie Court is strongly associated with the Autumn and Winter Courts.   The Spring Court is characterized by its playful curiosity. Spring Court fae will inquisitively flock around humans and are generally the friendliest fae one could encounter. They're amicable creatures and will enthusiastically converse with those willing to, but as any fae, have tricks up their sleeve. One may never know how much mischief these fae are willing to pull. Spring Fae will often live together in large groups and families and spend a lot of time nourishing their environment, such as tending to crops, landscaping and taking care of animals. Spring Fae are incredibly empathetic creatures.   The Summer Court Fae are much more energetic and free-spirited, they are generally as benevolent as the Spring Court but much less organized and have a tendency for bad tempers. Summer Fae generally take no responsibilities in their hands, spending most their time on their own business and playing about. Generally, they will interact with humans in no more ways than pranks and other annoyances but make incredibly good friends. A Summer Fae's philosophy is to just have fun!   The Autumn Court has a reputation for having some of the more eerie fae. Not only is their mysterious aura unrivaled, they're also usually quite grumpy. Autumn Fae are some of the more responsible fae, cleaning up the messes the Summer Fae left during their times of cheerful chaos. They're incredibly organized and clever, but are generally uncaring for humans. Due to their grumpy outlook on life, an Autumn Fae's soft side comes out when they are given a favor. Autumn Fae are among the more grateful Fae, accepting an excess gift is a much less risky endeavor than per example, accepting one from a Seelie Fae, who will see such an acceptance as an admittance of debt. Autumn Fae are only any trouble when they legitemately don't like you.   The Winter Court is full of a bunch of grumpy pessimists. They generally have a dark outlook on humans and creatures alike, but rather than pulling pranks, they choose to display this distaste in the form of criticism and philosophy. Winter Fae generally have a dark and cold aura, but despite all their moping are known to be incredibly innovative. An opportunist Court, so to say, Winter Fae are known for their talents of doing a lot with very little. Their trust is hard to be won, but is very valuable.

Beauty Ideals

Fae are incredibly vain and will spend hours on end perfecting their appearance. Fae are generally adept shapeshifters, and so warp themselves into becoming their ideal image. There is no set beauty ideal among Fae, even not amongst subspecies, these are all highly subjective. Certain trends come and go, and fae will often be inspired by each others appearances and adopt certain traits into their own image. Fae, however, are quite judgemental and more mean-spirited fae are quick to mock others for their choices.

Gender Ideals

Fae are quite strict about their color coding. Fae put great value into eye color, seeing as how eye contact is of great importance in any interaction. White, mauve or blue eyes are the standard, other eye colors, despite there being a new surge of them, are generally frowned upon by most traditional fae.

Courtship Ideals

Fae are quite materialistic. Courting is almost a competition, Fae enjoy being either entirely compatible and similar or opposite in a way where they fill in each other's shortcomings. Gifts, displays of beauty and good manners are essential in courting any fae. All parties involved (Fae are not necessarily monogamous!) are expected to perform the same degree of commitment and courting ritual.

Average Technological Level

Fae generally do not invent more than magical mechanisms, actual electrical technology is something fae usually stray from. Urban fae on the other hand, may find it upon themselves to be more innovative, either working around technology to still adopt a suitable living area or working with it and inventing things themselves. Fae are especially beloved workers in magitech, Martians are quite fond of them.

Common Etiquette Rules

Fae put great priority in politeness. They speak properly, rarely ever insult others (directly) and keep their trades even. Debt is something to be either avoided or taken advantage of. To be charitable is a dubious subject, and accepting gifts is a risky endeavor.

Common Dress Code

Fae are modest, but the degree of this modesty varies per Fae court or subspecies. Generally, all Courts except the Summer Court prefer to keep as much covered as possible, bared arms and legs from the knees-down are about the barest one can go without it being considered inappropriate. Summer Fae however have no problem with being entirely nude. Amongst every Court though, footwear is entirely optional and is only used for cleanliness, comfort or fashion accessoiry.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Fae, as previously discussed, have a tradition of trading and extended politeness. Still, they believe manipulation is a survival skill and will find their way around any deal or trade to pick out a loophole to take advantage of. Traditions vary highly between Courts and subspecies of fae, but generally Fae highly value seasonal change and will celebrate this with feasts and parties, happily delivering their fellow Courts their time of power.

Common Taboos

Rudeness, stealing, trespassing and cursing are all incredibly frowned upon among Fae.


Fae have no real history, at least not the wisp fae. Wisp fae and the phenomena they influence have existed for as long as people have tried to theorize about their surroundings, but physical fae of flesh and blood came to existance about 5000 years ago. Due to the effects of satyrs and fauns spreading their magic around the world, the effects of this magic chained ancient abstract spirits of nature to particular organisms, such as plants and bugs. Organisms subjected to this effect would eventually gain the appearance of the first fairies, resulting in a disorganized group of vaguely humanoid creatures skittering about. As their intelligence grew, so did their organisation. The Seelie and Unseelie court came to existence, under the reign of the Sunflower Monarch and Lady Moon, respectively. Shortly after new allied courts came to existence, based off of the seasons, namely the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter court. Respectively, these are ruled by the Crocus King, Silenus, Queen of Crickets and Frost Flower.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Fae have generally positive relationships with most non-fae, save for the Winter Court, who have beef with basically anyone if they look at them wrong. Humans, elves, dryads and fauns are fae's most beloved friendly species. Generally, they're not too fond of cursed species, such as werewolves. They tend to not like robots.
Genetic Descendants
Wisp fae are immortal until they are either killed or entirely drained of magic. Organic fae live about several centuries, but the actual age varies between subspecies.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Fae can come in basically any color, organic fae usually follow the color scheme of non-magical animals or humans, while wisplike fae adorn themselves with all sorts of often psychedelic colors.

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