Tuirveiyr Organization in Apotheca | World Anvil
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Tuirveiyr is a land far to the north, even further north than the icy salt flats of the Scaeltiar. The land is perpetually shrouded in a dense mist that never clears, and is protected by high craggy mountain ranges and dense pine forests. It is often called "the Northern Cragsworn", as it shares many traits with its southern counterpart. It is a place shrouded in mystery and shunned by outsiders, even more so than the "Southern" Cragsworn. It is inhabited by isolationist, suspicious, unfriendly sons of Keltaren. It is known as a hard land to live in, though perhaps less so than the south range. It is surrounded by enemies and seems to constantly be at war, and even in times of border peace, there are many threats from within. They share land and communities with dwarves, who are even more reclusive in those areas. The only major difference between Tuirveiyr and the Cragsworn is location on the globe.   They are secretive and suspicious to the point of isolationism, far exceeding even the Cragsworn Theissiesc in that regard, and prefer not to concern themselves in matters beyond their borders and their seas unless pure need drives them there. They make an exception for fellow sons of Keltaren, though even then only if deemed absolutely necessary. Even so, it must be said that they do not forget any sons and that when some Theissiesc clan anywhere in the globe is threatened, even when all other Theissiesc have forgotten their presence the Tuirveiar will remember and lend aid. In many far-flung corners of the globe there lay solitary bastions under Keltaren's grey banner, uncharted and no longer known by either Theissiesc or any other Keltar hold but the Tuirveiyr, and when these are under threat from their enemies and close to extinction they may yet see Tuirveiyr Ghost Ships sail into view, heralding a bloody reckoning where arrows blot out the stars and broad-bladed axes water the ground with the blood of the Faithless, even on the other side of the Globe.   For such an isolationist nation, they have travelled far indeed. There are accounts written of them by cultures even on the complete other side of the globe, usually portrayed as avenging angels, shadowy seraphim, ghost armies, or even demons of the darkness. This is because the only reason they ever travel out of their homeland is to strike against some enemy of Keltarens people, and for that reason alone. Sometimes they are victorious, sometimes not, but their coming is always a herald of death. As such, they have many enemies. The Scaeltiaren are bitter enemies of the Tuirveiyr nations, as they have endured the desolation of their lands at Tuirveiyren hands many times in retaliation for their aggression against the Cragsworn Confederacy, and they lead raids and invasion forces into the Tuirveiyr mists often. Bitter skirmishes erupt over land and sea, in the Forests of Brokkvar, in the Hidden Sea, on the Shores of Scaeltiar and elsewhere. The Far Northern clans are said to have dealings with Tuirveiyr of both peace and war.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Tuirvar, Northern Cragsworn, Nor'theissiesc
Tuirveirn, Tuirver

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