Seraphina Lightloved Character in Apostle of the Dark Goddess | World Anvil
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Seraphina Lightloved

Princess Seraphina Aurelia Opulentia Luminosa Lightloved (a.k.a. Sera)

Princess Seraphina Aurelia Opulentia Luminosa Lightloved, the youngest princess of the Holy Kingdom, is a core member of the inner circle of the Cult of the Dark Goddess. At fifteen years old, and as the youngest of the fourteen royal children of Pope-King Quentin Theodoren Lascroft Eschester Lightloved II, her influence and prestige is an invaluable asset to the Cult.   Though her mother has been dead for roughly ten years, Seraphina shares her blood with an older brother, Regulus Octavius Foltest Lightloved III. However, Regulus, an egotistical and pompous individual, leads a large political faction within noble society, and sees his younger sister as a nusance and a treat. Annoyed and seeing her as an embarassment, Seraphina is pushed out of the royal sphere of influence and sequestered to the Capitol Academy by her brother in order to contain her and mitigate her ability to gain political influence. Luckily, this proves to be the best thing he could have done for his younger sister.   Seraphina ends up attending the Capitol Academy during the end of Gwyn's initial investigation of the Cult of the Dark Goddess. Gwynevere, among other tutors and instructors, was Seraphina's greatest inspiration and role model as a young girl, and had been tought the basics of swordplay from the prestigious paladin. Due to their connection and friendship, and already corrupted with the power of the Dark Goddess, Gwynevere suggests the princess as a possible recruit to the Cult to Astrid. Seduced by the proposition of power and true influence, Seraphina trusts Gwynevere and follows her to the Midnight Rose.   Immediately overwhelmed by the pressure of the Dark Goddess' Influence, and the powerful alure of her apostle, Astrid, Seraphina quickly accepts the proposal and assumes her place within the Cult of the Dark Goddess. Despite the heretical risk and her status as royalty, she was found to be a perfect fit as a member of the Dark Faith. Though initially seeing the cult as a means of seizing true power within the royal sphere, Seraphina eventually comes to love her new true family under the Dark Goddess. Seeking to futher their goals, and her own, she meticulously manipulates the chaos within her country's already shakey government. Gaining the magical abilities of the Dark Goddess' power, she uses the chaotic and corrupting magic (to much glee) to make her older brother's life especially tormented, under the hope of creating a royal puppet for Astrid's goals.   Though initially quite agitated at having to attend Capitol Academy, despite being a royal, Sera eventually relaxes into her unassuming life after joining the Dark Faith. Though, she is assigned to be rather close-appearing friends with her fellow cultist, Anya LeFaux, in public, the two have a tumultuous relationship. As both are tasked with masquerading as 'mean girls' bullying Astrid, Sera finds her assignment to be an emotionally confusing endeavor. Immediately aware of the other as a rival, Sera and Anya are both in love with Astrid, and Sera in particular finds having to bully her crush as a conflicting heartache. Due to their shared cover as Astrid's bullies, a rather clownish mutual dislike is formed between her and Anya, as one has to routinely watch the other bully someone they hold in extremely high regard. Still, Sera faithfully continues the ruse in hopes of pleasing her Lady, the Apostle.   She especially awaits the day she is finally tasked with outshining her older brother. While she may not want the throne, she longs to expose her family as the megalomaniacal sociopaths they truly are, and bring the rise of a true leader to her country.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Seraphina has soft, delicate facial features that give her a cute and meek appearance. She has a small, upturned nose and full, rosy lips. Her big, golden and blue eyes are framed by long, blonde lashes and her eyebrows are thin and well-groomed. Her face is framed by long, chest length, braided blonde hair that falls to her right side. Despite her petite stature, Seraphina expression often exudes confidence and strength, with a hint of her insecurity.

Special abilities

Despite being a princess, Seraphina is not afraid to get her hands dirty and is known for her physical strength and athleticism. Her deceptive strength despite her petite appearance often leads others to vastly underestimate her. Seraphina is an excellent swordswoman, known for her skill with rapiers.

Apparel & Accessories

As a student, she wears a yellow blouse, a black skirt with white stockings, and a fancy long white royal cape she refuses to take off. She also wears cute black heels with ribbon ankle ties, as they make her look a little taller and more formally presentable and mature. She also is adorned with various jewelry, including a large blue gemmed golden necklace that once belonged to her mother.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma


Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  Embarrassing Regulus: Despite being siblings, Sera and Regulus have a strained and competitive relationship, with Sera often seeking ways to get under Regulus' skin. This tendency to try and one-up her brother is a direct result of his bullying and of the pressure and expectations placed on her as a member of the royal family, as well as a desire to prove herself and assert her own independence.   Flowers: Sera is fond of a variety of flowers; particularly roses. This interest in botany stems from her late mother, who held a love of gardening and maintained a beautiful flower garden within the royal palace. Sera often spends her free time tending to her own small garden, using it as a place to relax.   Exercise: Sera is an avid exerciser. She works hard to maintain her fitness through a variety of activities such as fencing, running, and a number of other common exercises. While deceptively petite, she is quite strong.   Astrid Luciene: The leader of the Cult of the Dark Goddess, Astrid Luciene, is the primary object of Sera's affection. While Sera initially joins the cult as a means of gaining power and control, she eventually comes to care deeply for Astrid and the other members of the cult, viewing them as her true family. Sera is fiercely loyal to Astrid and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her and further the goals of the cult. She also holds a fairly strong crush for Astrid, much to Anya's dislike.
  Regulus: As mentioned before, Seraphina and her older brother Regulus have a strained and competitive relationship, with Sera often seeking ways to get under Regulus' skin. This animosity towards her brother is fueled by his mistreatment of her and his attempts to control her, as well as his own ambition and desire to seize power within the royal family. Sera sees Regulus as a threat to her own independence and autonomy, and she is determined to outdo him and prove herself.   Mistakes: Seraphina is a perfectionist and is highly self-critical. She has a strong sense of responsibility and wants to be the best at everything she does. When she makes mistakes, she can become hard on herself and struggles with an intense sense of self-doubt.   Messiness: Sera is quite organized and prefers to keep her surroundings clean and tidy. She dislikes clutter and disarray, and she can become frustrated when things are not in their proper place.   Anya LeFaux (but not really): While Sera initially dislikes Anya due to their rivalry for Astrid's affection, she eventually comes to see Anya as a fellow member of the cult and a friend. While they may still bicker and tease each other, Sera holds no real ill-will towards Anya, and she even comes to respect Anya's skills and loyalty to Astrid.

Vices & Personality flaws

Seraphina is also known for being greedy, and grew up among megalomaniacs and conquerors, although she is not quite on the same wavelength as them. Partially due to her royal upbringing, Seraphina is somewhat spoiled, as a direct result of being a rich kid.


Family Ties

Seraphina Lightloved is the seventh princess of the Holy Kingdom, and the youngest of the fourteen royal children of Pope-King Quentin Theodoren Lascroft Eschester Lightloved II. She has one full-blood older brother, Regulus Octavius Foltest Lightloved III, who holds the third largest political influence among the royal children. However, Sera does hold a number of cordial and friendly relationships with her many half-siblings, with both the seventh prince and sixth princess being childhood playmates. Seraphina's mother has been deceased for roughly 10 years, and her relationship with her father is nonexistant. She has no contact or awareness of her maternal family.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
7th Princess of the Holy Kingdom
Princess of Chaos
golden and blue; aloof
long, braided blonde
Aligned Organization

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