Gallen Character in Apocrypha | World Anvil
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Gallen Ainswallow

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gallen is scrawny and not very fit at all, preferring books over exercise. He is a little short for his age as well.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gallen was a bright child who loved life and learning and his family. Gallen loved to read and would often visit his local schoolhouse even during times of rest to get new books. Tragedy struck during his 15th season (approximately 7-8 years). One night while his family was asleep, an intruder broke into the home. His mother ran into his room and had him hide. Gallen ran over to the far wall behind his bed and lifted one of the wooden planks. He quickly hid behind the walls in his secret hideout and sat on a stack of books while he held his hands over his ears. Desperate to muffle his own noises every time he heard a scream Gallen grabbed one of his treasured books and bit into it, shutting his eyes as hard as he could. He didn't know how long he sat in that crawl space, but it felt like an eternity. Even when it quieted outside, he couldn't muster up the courage to leave the safety of his hideout. Eventually, he heard a familiar voice call his name. It was their neighbor, a middle aged man with a large family. His name was Mr. Yaller. Gallen left his hideout to find his room and home in disarray. Gallen began sobbing loudly at the site of blood staining everything in his family's gathering room. When Mr. Yaller placed a hand on his shoulder, he let out a scream of pour agony before burring his face in the chubby man's abdomen and holding onto him for dear life. Mr. Yaller bent down low and hugged Gallen tightly, whispering words in his ears that Gallen couldn't make out in his delirium. Soldiers began filing into his home and yanked Gallen away from Mr. Yaller. The soldiers ignored his protests as they dragged him into a separate room to question him about what occurred. Nothing ever came from their investigation.

Mr. Yaller wanted to take Gallen in, but he was barely able to feed his current family. Gallen had no skills that could get him placed in any school or apprenticeships so he was taken to the Church of Eoltare where he joined the orphanage. Mr. Yaller told Gallen to come to him if he ever needed anything and while Gallen believed that to be true, he would never impose on someone so kind. Gallen was expected to do what all orphans do, clean the grounds and do whatever tasks the devouts and high priest deemed necessary. During the next 4 seasons while doing general work around the ground, Gallen became intrigued by the devout's work. Whenever he fetched them clean cloths and water, he would ask them a little about their job. In his 20th season, Gallen became a devout in training. He would attend classes at the church on top of his chores and learn the proper runes and bathing methods to prepare Eoltare's Miracle.

In just 1 season, Gallen shot to the top of his class and as a special provision from the high priest, he was allowed to begin practicing on people with slight wounds. Over the next few season, Gallen became one of the best healers at the church and was sought out to heal those from the inner walls of Fenlow. During his 5th season of practicing, Gallen was ordered to heal a noble who was planning on making a generous donation to the church. During this standard healing, something went wrong for Gallen and the miracle left an unsightly scar. Outrage, the patron assaulted Gallen and rescinded planned donation. Furious as well, the high priest banished Gallen from his church and sent him to a remote village where he can do no more harm to the high priest's reputation.

Arriving at the new orphanage, Gallen began to keep to himself. Even though he was at a new village, he was still at a Church of Eoltare. The high priest here did not inquire about his transfer, so he did not offer up any information about the incident or the fact that he can perform the miracle. Gallen went right back to doing general chores, but this Church was smaller and had less to do. Gallen had snuck some of his favorite books with him to this new village and he would read it in secret behind a large tree in the woods behind the church.

4 seasons went by without incident. One day, the high priest of the church called Gallen into his office. He finally asked Gallen about his past, his present, and ultimately his future. Gallen tried his best to explain the situation that caused his banishment, that he was becoming disillusioned with Eoltare and was having doubts about the gods altogether. These doubts manifested in his healing and the disconnect in his belief caused the potency of his miracle to wane. The high priest explained to him that each church had their own sovereignty, and the only true commonality between churches is that they must heal the wounded. All the laws of the Fenlow church do not apply to Eoltare himself. The high priest reassured him that he wasn't strange or wrong for having those doubts, the he himself had doubts. But never let your doubts stop you from believing, let them fuel your motivation to learn more about yourself, your god, and your ability to help others. He wasn't forced to become a devout again, but it was an option for him whenever he was ready. With a renewed outlook on life, day by day, Gallen took up healing again and working towards finding something he once lost.


Gallen spent a lot of his early childhood at the local schoolhouse in Fenlow. At 15 seasons, his schooling was cut short during his 6th season lessons due to the tragedy that left him without family. At 20 seasons, he began his training to become a devout of the church. He practiced Eoltare's Miracle to heal the wounded in order to earn his keep. He practiced at the Fenlow church for 6 seasons before he was sent away to a small village where he gave up on healing. He picked it back up during his 30th season and has been practicing ever since.


Gallen is a Devout of the Church of Eoltare and spends his time there tending to and healing those who required it. He's next in line to become the High Priest of his church due to his skill and commitment. He currently travels as a part of his training and heals as many people as he possibly can. He's venturing through the continent to visit other branches of the church to learn of their methods and traditions. This training is to give High Priest elects a well rounded idea of their responsibility since each church is sovereign and determines their own rules and traditions.

Personality Characteristics


Gallen is driven by his desire to heal the wounded. Physical, mental, emotional, it doesn't matter, he wants to heal them all. His primary focus is on children who have experienced tragedy. He was in a really bad place once, and he doesn't want anyone to feel hurt or alone.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes books, learning, helping others, and sour foods. Dislikes people who are prey on the weak and overly sweet foods.

Vices & Personality flaws

Self-loathing due to religious beliefs brought on by the Fenlow Church.
Light blue
Medium-short hair, platinum blonde almost white.

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