Aogan The new imperial court
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The new imperial court

Political event


With a chancellor missing, and a plethora of war heroes to choose from, the council welcomes a new member to its round table.

Osewal Kaer, a modestly powerful lord, but a brilliant strategist, who had just been given Gavarenths soul of insight for his services in the war, was a perfect candidate for a seat on the imperial council. His body is still scarred from the plague, but the title of dragon count does guarantee at least a few more years of life.   The imperial Marshall is Stallen Mek, a rather old saurian, but still very powerful nonetheless. His allegiance to the empire is indisputable.   Feren Stell is the court steward, the only woman in the imperial council, and leader of her family. A rather quiet figure, (and unmarried since no lord wants to marry their sons matrilineally) she has kept the imperial banks in good state for over twenty years.   The emperor's right hand, the court chaplain, is Hok Go'rek. An aged being who has seen much of what the empire has to offer, and, of course, a fervent believer in dragon faith.   And lastly, the imperial spymaster is Sef Minos. A tall, bulky character, with crocodile like features, he is often mistaken for the Marshall. However, for all the brawn this lord shows, he has twice the intellect.