Humans Species in Antigone | World Anvil
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The most wide-spread species in the galaxy, humans originate from countless systems and worlds, some having melded with other peoples to create a new species all-together. Humans are also notable for being the only true species to have access to magic in it's purest form.   Despite the division between the different systems of humans, most share a common cultural background such as similar music and folk heroes based on what is assumed to be the time before they left their original home world (at least according to the Home World Theory).

Basic Information


Human's typically share the same anatomy; bipedal, two eyes, nose, opposable thumbs, hair, etc. However because of their wide spread and the environments they've evolved to over the centuries the appearance of these general features vary greatly.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are by far the most wide-spread species in the galaxy, having settled thousands of systems and many groups of humans still yet to be discovered.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most humans share similar naming conventions in that they have at minimum a first and last name, one of which being the family name and other being a given name awarded at birth by their parents. While many have adopted additional names such as colony or professional names, many chimera species have been known to adopt their non-human species naming conventions, or a mishmash of the two.


The first humans to make contact with another species were The Swahada of Tesenine in the Balak System with the Dreidas in 1 GA-g. At first it was the assumption of the the Dreidas and the Swahada that they were the only humans in the galaxy. Then, as more and more species started making contact it became apparent that the Swahada weren't alone - in fact most of the species making contact were also human of varying appearance and race from all corners of the galaxy.   The Home World Theory tries to explain the wide variation and spread of the humans, citing an expulsion from their home world and separation thereof. The home world theory is widely supported as evidenced by the historical records of the ///Cressida and countless others.   Humans have entirely implanted themselves into galactic society, the Swahada and Cressida being prime examples in their positions in the Alliance Council and Basilica respectively.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

A key note is the existence of human-hybrids or ///Chimera's - humans have extreme margins of adaptability, evolution, and general diversity meaning if a non-human species is capable of insemination by way of compatible methods with human female ova, it is entirely possible if dangerous to produce many hybrids. An prime example of this is the ///Breinheim who have both human and Aviva ancestry.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
1.8 m
Average Weight
60 kg

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