Mods Material in Antaizon | World Anvil
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Mods are natural growing fruits that, when processed and mixed with a Telenetic connection, can produce powerful mental and emotional sensations. These sensations vary depending on how they are harvested, processed, cooked, and/or mixed with other substances.   Mods were a wildly growing fruit that was discovered on outer rim planets. It's a versatile crop, though, that can grow in a wide variety of environments. When terraforming expeditions occurred, it became a popular staple crop to bring on expeditions. It grows quickly from a small number of seeds.   As the Telenet developed, people quickly discovered that the Mods allowed for rapid processing of data from the Telenet. In short you could absorb material in rapid and concentrated forms that you could not do otherwise. Subjects that might otherwise take you days, weeks, months, or years could be absorbed in a fraction of the time.  You could absorb knowledge, but you could also absorb sensations. They could serve as potent aphrodesiacs, or as sources of euphoria.   Not surprisingly, these are dangerous and highly addictive substances depending on how they are managed. As the Telenet became more central to people's day-to-day lives, Mods became both a regular part of life and a serious social problem to be managed. The Confederates assumed a sort of laissez faire approach, allowing autonomous zones to make their own decisions about how the Mods should be regulated. Some outright banned them. Some only approved them for use by monks. Some legalized them and had them strictly regulated. As the economy of Antaizon stagnated (and as faith in government similarly decayed), dangerous and unauthorized use of Mods increased dramatically. And during times of war-most notably the Civil War- Armies allowed widespread use of the mods among soldiers. (With varying amounts of oversight among the higher ups)   One of the key objections of the Integralists as part of the war was the feeling that the Mods had become a resource that was exclusively controlled by wealthy classes at the expense of everyone else. This includes the Monks of the Order of the Voice of the Multiverse. A key aspect of the Constitutional Convention is whether the Monks will be required to share their techniques for using Mods with average citizens of Antaizon. They have historically guided these secrets aggressively.

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