Felonir Character in Anruien | World Anvil
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Felonir, the most beautiful of Hyseria's spirit-children, is the creator of the elves. In order to preserve their beauty as his own, he blessed them with long life and formidable spirits. He gave them grace, cunning, and made them in the very image of Vanaya. From his forests, the elves first walked.

Divine Domains

Elves, forest.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A thrice-braided cord of silver, copper, and brass in the shape of a diamond or a diamond with three vertical lines inside.

Tenets of Faith

The elves are the closest to Felonir's tenets. They believe in beauty, in preeminence, and in wisdom. Many consider the followers of Felonir to act superior. These dedicants often turn to the arts or to "noble" work professions if they serve regularly in a temple. Felonir's temples are places of quiet sanctity and are welcome to any with elven blood.


Felonir's divine day falls during vana, the season of new birth and fluidity. It is generally held near the middle of the season.
Divine Classification
Divine Nymph

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