Valentin Delenion Character in Annos Imperium | World Anvil
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Valentin Delenion

Baron (a.k.a. Valen)

A baron in the Kingdom of Chauletre, he rebelled against the Boars alongside Noiran Epeistisou. His pledge of support lead to several other Barons and Counts declaring support for the Black Knight.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A fit young man

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Valentin grew up as a noble child. He often times would leave the castle to go play with a young Noiran. Noiran's Uncle, and his guardian, was the Baron's blacksmith (after the fall of Anjoutileaux). He grew up as a friend to Noiran, and they would often go out and get into trouble. Many looked down upon Valentin for being around a peasant boy. As they grew up Valentin often looked after the Young Noiran, sticking up for him and acting almost as a brother to him. They were very close.

Becoming a Man

As Noiran and Valentin grew up, it was clear Noiran was always destined to become a mercenary and travel the world. Valentin however had to sit through boring lectures and learn about the intricacies of ruling a Barony. At age 15 Noiran was signed up to become a mercenary. Valentin watched from his study as Noiran packed and prepared to set out into the world. Valentin planned to escape the castle with the help of Noiran. Unfortunately they were caught and in order to let Noiran escape Valentin gave himself up. Valentin became depressed and figured the life of travelling was over. About 2 weeks after he was caught he meet another young lad, Francis Velnioun. Francis was also the son of a noble and wished to travel the world much like Valentin does. Together they escaped and joined a mercenary company, hiding their identities.

Sons for Hire

The two traveled with the mercenary company travelling around the land doing contracts and other work for the company. As they would travel valentin always kept an eye out for a man dressed in black, knowing that it would be Noiran. During their travels Valentin took a liking to the daughter of a king, but he knew that it could never be. He was far too insignificant for a King to marry his daughter to, yet he still revealed his true identity to the lady in hopes of the slim chance he is allowed to wed her. Unfortunately news was spread and carried back to Valentin's father, who immediately hired agents to bring his son back. After almost being captured Valentin knew he could not stay any longer, he bid farewell to his lover and him and Francis got a pension from the mercenary company and then left. They later joined up with the Crusade heading across the sea to the Holy Land.

Fugitive's Crusade


Raised as a noble, learned hunting, how to read and write, and many of the other normal things a noble would learn.
1120 CE 1159 CE 39 years old
Short brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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