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In the beginning, there was silence. The world was void of any and all past, present, or future. Everything was the same in Holy Darkness. And then...Possibility sparked. What if? What if we can dream? What if we can rise and become more than what Fate says we are? It was at this moment, a spark set the dark and stagnant universe aflame in wonderful fire. The fire was called Possibility. In a majestic flashpoint of rebellion and defiant divinity, the cosmos was born in reflection of the divine question: what if? What if there were beautiful nebulas of stars and lights? What if there was realms sprawling in colorful life? What if there were emotions that could paint life in all spectrum of happiness, sadness, and everything in between? What if...I existed? In this Spark of Possibility, Anim was born. In this wonderful symphony of life, we have our fates in our hands. You, my fellow Fatewalker, march with the music of possibility. In the realm of Anim, you can fly to the heights of divinity or fall to the depths of devils. Forge your own fate.
  Anim is the creation of a single day dreamer who wondered during lazy summer classes...what if? A world brimming with magic, wonder, and endless stories all waiting to be discovered by you, Fatewalker. The realm of Anim beats to the music of fantastical lands both magical and familiar. The elegant Concordians whose culture, land, and history reflect a lost realm drowned by the eldritch gods of the Extinguished. The warrior nation of the Soryen where honor defines anything and everything. The tropical paradise of Vinrossa where love, life, and quick death come every day from a nation forged from the fires of arcane pirates. The breadth of Anim is its people, magic, and you.   Anim is a story waiting to be written. In this world, you will find stories of godly rebellion. In this realm, you will learn of cataclysmic weapons of ruin that enslaves light itself. In this universe, stories of hope appearing in the darkest hour against insurmountable odds paint Anim's survival earned and proud. For in this world, there will always be more darkness than light. However, the greatest stories are the ones written by the souls who chose to walk their own fate and rose to the call of that mighty question: What if? What if I can slay a god? What if I can save Concordia? What if...I can destroy the world? Anim is an ever changing world to the tides of fate written by the people who explore it. Go on, Fatewalker. Forge your own fate.   My only request, dearest Fatewalker: bring back a good story.

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