The Crimson Plague Condition in Angel Isle | World Anvil
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The Crimson Plague

An illness made by the Handlers to punish towns that go against the crown.   Victims infected with this will crave the new blood, which is a blood red concoction handed out in limited supply. With a sickly sweet smell, the inflicted will crave a vile of it once a week. If they don't get it they will start to go mad; lashing out at loved ones; screaming for it in the streets; and rumours have it that some even twist and break into savage insect-like beasts.   Only few men have seen the transformation and lived to tell the tale. Arms contort back and split open laying way for new oversized mandibles to take their place. Lacerating claws seem to twist out from them, sharp enough to slice through a tree like nothing. Massive lance sized suckers sprout out from their broken faces with bug eyes affixed to the rear end.

Transmission & Vectors

blood transition from a normal infected patient or a 1 in 4 chance from every hit from one of the blood beasts.


The handlers take the accused and inject it into them. They are then spat back onto the streets, craving the new blood.   Blood beasts can also transmit via attacking their enemies.


People with this disease look no different from anyone else other than if cut their blood runs much thinner, and hence will bleed a lot more. (take an extra 1d4 necrotic damage when hit)


The new blood is administered in churches, for 10 silver a vial. if someone is craving, for a few hours after be lusting for the blood of those who have wronged them (bloodlust) (1d4 on attack rolls and dex & strength checks but will have disadvantage on con and wisdom saves).


Blood Blight: Patient has had more than 3 vials worth of new blood and will turn into a blood beast.   Blood lust: patient has just been administered the new blood and wants to kill and attack all that have wronged them. A blood lusting patient has sunken red pupils and breaths a lot heavier. (extra 1d4 on attack rolls, strength and dex checks but disadvantage on wisdom and con saves)   Stable: patient is stable and only has the normal symptoms (1d4 extra necrotic damage from any attack)   Craving: patient is craving the blood and is lethargic. (disadvantage on dex and strength checks, and also attack rolls)   Dying: if the patient hasnt had the blood in two weeks exactly, they will start to die. Their skin turns chalk white along with the whites of their eyes turning black. by the end of the week they die.


don't hit and don'f fuck or have a blood transfusion with an infected patient.


the fertility festival was the thing that spread it the most.

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