Cardinal Gerrart Character in Amrash | World Anvil
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Cardinal Gerrart

Write about someone whose power comes from wealth. How do they use this power? What do others think of them?   The City of Mistcliff is home to one of the decendants of the Great Generals. One of which descends from the great Duke Gerrart. Though hundreds of years have passed since the founding of Mistcliff and the passing of Duke Gerrart, The city still stands proudly in the rises of the Greennan summit. Cardinal Gerrart is the current leader of the city of Mistcliff, And has used the passed down wealth and power so support the mistcliffians. So much so that the city is thriving and bustling with all manner of merchants, cooks, specialists and even more! Cardinal Gerrart is growing older and older with age and has since not been seen out in public any time recently. Cardinal with the boom of the great city of mistcliff has been scheming growing the of his underground network called the allura divergents. Very few in the city are aware of an underground network greated through the great greennan summit though it wouldnt be a surprise with how vast the singular mountain stands. Cardinal Gerrart keeps his city running smoothly and fairly with very few taxes imposed on the people of the city, and encourages lots of trade and commerce within the financial district of mistcliff. Cardinal Gerrart in his time of power has set up a few ways to enforce the rules and laws of the land since the city has been growing in population. Many towers have been erected along the cliffs sides running straight up parallel to the mountains. These towers are enforced with the law enforcement group known as the sentinels. Few other highly trained sentinels will roam the sky accompanied by a hippogryff. Cardinal Gerrart is mostly loved by his populous and seen as a great successor to the great duke, though very little are aware of the Allura Divergents. The Allura Divergents are a group of magic users that have been forcefully indicted into the group. There are few reports of magic users and creatures being kidnapped throughout mistcliff and though the cases are rare, some believe it is an angry spirit deep in the mountain taking people with arcane capabilities.

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