Ser Kaede Verain Character in Amath | World Anvil
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Ser Kaede Verain

"To rectify the situation, I'm sending you my best Bannerman. Do not be fooled by her tendency to crack wise, for underneath the peppy exterior beats the cold, cunning heart of a seasoned warrior"   Remiro Clemente on Kaede Verain, 1486
If asked to describe a citizen of Allkamp, nine times out of ten the first adjective used is 'sour'. Life in the nation known as the Crucible is hard, and because of this it's people must adopt a visage of stony faced determination. Ser Kaede Verain seemingly missed the letter telling everyone this. While her fellows are grim faced, no nonsense souls, Verain approaches life as if it were one giant game. Almost every sentence from her mouth is some kind of joke, and she almost always wears a smile on her face. It is therefore a great shock to learn that she is one of the most feared Bannermen in Allkamp.   Born to a common family on the border with Lossum, young Kaede experienced hardship most of her childhood. Her family were incredibly poor and she was often sent out by her parents to steal food from other families. This often led to the girl getting into fights, and over the years she developed an iron will to survive. When she turned eighteen, she saw a chance to lift her family out from poverty. Remiro Clemente, the local lord, was looking for a new Bannerman. Like all children in Allkamp, Kaede idolised these warriors, and set about preparing for the trials to gain the position. The competition was fierce, but eventually Verain succeeded and became Clemente's newest Bannerman. Her first act was to request that her family never go hungry again and so her new lord brought them into his keep. Then she promised herself that she would never let her past colour who she was, adopting the sunny personality she became famed for.   In 1491, Emperor Arnulf II called for a Grand Imperial Games to be held. As was customary, the lords of Allkamp each sent a Bannerman to compete and bring glory to their family. Kaede was chosen, and now ventures to Korium to show that anyone can aspire to greatness, regardless of their beginnings. Sadly, tragedy would befall the young Kaede. After winning her bout in the melee round of the tournament, she was attacked at night and murdered by an unknown assailant.
1465 EoK 1491 EoK 26 years old
Long red, tied into ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white

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