Andrivious Myth in Amara | World Anvil
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“Wait your turn, my fears.. For when the time is right, you will release all hell onto these weak humans.” -Andrivious
  Long ago, when Humans moved from Earth to Amara, they unknowingly stirred up an activity from within the planet. A planet where everyone’s fears come to life. The ruler of Fears who goes by the name Andrivious, strived on the fears of people. When he discovered the Humans had moved onto his planet, he lay in wait for the perfect moment to strike.   When he encounters Soliel, he can tell from within her, she isn’t afraid of any of the fears he’s thrown at her and her friends. Instead, she was afraid of losing someone, afraid of the dark and what’s inside. He decided that he would be the one to fight against her, and for a majority of the battle had the upper hand until Soliel released Light of Luminara, a bright and powerful light that damaged him greatly to force him to retreat.  


  When in Human form, Andrivious’s skin is dark. His outfit consists of a dark brown cloak, white button up shirt with a black vest, black slacks, and black suede shoes. He dons a brooch on his vest of a Spider, with ruby gemstones engraved in it. The ruby glows when he activates it to teleport from Alwold to Amara.   In his original form, Andrivious will melt to the ground, becoming a black puddle before rising back up into what appears to be a dark specter dripping ink puddles, which would rise up to be monsters or versions of himself being multiplied to attempt to confuse Soliel. The brooch of the ruby spider will split into two, shrink, and move to become his red eyes.

Historical Basis

In the 1800’s, Claustrophobia was termed, and Andrivious began to form. When he came to, he was confused and concerned of where he was, and why the sudden feeling of joy whenever he felt someone being afraid of crowds, tight spaces, or being in the dark. As the years went by, he grew darker, more sinister. He had the ability to summon other phobias and spread control. He became the puppeteer of these phobias, taking in pride and joy in his duty and obligations of being considered “The Boogey Man”.   When Humans moved to Amara, there was a brief period where nobody was afraid, and his power shrunk. However, a new generation of kids were coming in, and their fears grew increasingly. Andrivious became stronger than he ever was.


"The Boogey Man" is the most common myth that children have grown to naturally fear of. Most Adults tend to forget about him, where as some adults still have lingering thoughts and fears.

In Art

There are several drawings, paintings, and some songs mentioning Andrivious, And many different designs of him. This is due to the fact Andrivious adjusts his form to differentiate each person's fear.
Date of First Recording
Early 1800's

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