The Silent Scream Organization in Alvalon | World Anvil
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The Silent Scream

Since mortals have learned to harness the power of magic, other mortals have been wary of so much power resting in hands they know to be frail. Though the Silent Scream doesn’t believe in a world free of magic- they are wise enough to understand that this is impossible, and also that mortals benefit from low level magic daily- they absolutely seek to curb its excesses. The boogeyman of many arcane lecture halls, enough archmages mysteriously die to keep the powerful on their toes. Though the Silent Scream accepts assassination commissions, they only accept it for targets with magical potential, and often earmark the person who hired them for observation.   Contrary to what some might think, the Silent Scream welcomes mages into their ranks, finding a wizard capable of counterspelling to be an excellent asset. Certain spells are completely banned within the organization of course, but the promise of magical weaponry aiding their mission and protecting their redoubts is too important to ignore. Monks are by far the favored class, capable of mimicking magical effects through rigorous discipline; the Umbral Monastery serves as the headquarters of the organization as a result.   Though many organizations offer additional spells, given this organization's purpose, there is no added spell list. Instead, anyone who achieves Rank 2 has trained sufficiently to earn the Mage Killer feat (those who have the feat already may add 3 to their Renown).


The Silence Supreme - Head of the Umbral Monastery, overseer of the organization as a whole. Roar - (50 Renown, Rank 3 min.) The authority in charge of whole regions or the largest cities. Directs individual agents, and may call upon them in time of need. Growl - (25 Renown, Rank 2 min.) Specialized assassins who may direct others, or work alone. Growls may select their marks, allowing for those of a moral bent to only target those they deem evil. Growls have access to the organization's cache of magical items. Whisper - (10 Renown, Rank 1 min.) Often viewed as apprentice assassins, Whispers maintain their roles as spies and informants while shadowing Growls or taking out weaker marks (those deemed potential threats in the near future). Thought - (3 Renown) Entry-level guild members strictly gather information, observe potential targets, and train in how to carry out the order's objectives.

Public Agenda

The Silent Scream seeks to reign in the most powerful magic users, often by eliminating them. Powerful archmages or warlocks avoid their gave by either maintaining a reserved public facade or leaving their areas of influence; these assassins assume that if a mage can wipe out a handful of their agents, that more effort is needed.


Two thousand years ago, shortly before the Empire rose from the ashes formed in the wake of elven conquest, those same elves carved out a massive territory for themselves on the Imperial continent. Wielding magics the like of which hasn't been seen since, a lone wizard could cow entire armies, and the elves had spent far too long training for the humans to stand a chance. A group of humble monks simultaneously had an epiphany, and began training to discreetly take down the most powerful wizards subjugating their people. Stealth succeeded where brute force failed, and when the blood of seven potent archmages stained the hills of conquered territory, the elves grew more cautious and were eventually driven back. The Silent Scream persisted, resolved to ensure that no small group could ever again wield magic to subjugate others.

"Power demands discipline, from within or without."

Guild, Assassins

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