Druids in Alvalon | World Anvil
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Though they guide some rural or nomadic communities, druids are far more likely to be reclusive than their Nature cleric cousins. Each circle below is attuned to one of the great strands of energy tying the world together and often referred to as ‘mana’.   Dream circle druids gravitate to areas where planar influence is strongest in the wild, particularly the Feywild. As close as they are to Feywild energies, they also protect the wilds and the world from too much influence. The Fey are fickle creatures, after all, and most mortals would quickly fall under their spells. Dream druids are most closely tied to blue mana.   Land druids are found the world over, guarding over the tracts of landscape to which they’ve dedicated themselves. Possibly the most iconoclastic of the druid circles, many of these druids go months without seeing another mortal, convening only at great holidays to share news. These druids are tied to green mana.   Moon druids guard the beasts of the world, and so tend to gravitate to forests and jungles most often. Their connection to the moon and beasts makes them well regarded among shifters, and most shifters who become druids select this path. Moon druids are tied to red mana.   Shepherd druids are the only type of druid which frequently guides a community. Borderlands areas often lack structured clerical services or churches, and these druids provide protection, healing, advice, and religious services to these far-flung areas. Shepherd druids are tied to white mana.   Spore druids are off-putting to most, but resolutely take on a necessary function of nature. More attuned to death and rebirth than nearly any other circle (certainly as far as they’re concerned), spore druids are most commonly found in subterranean societies where fungus occupies a critical niche. Despite their somewhat creepy affect, spore druids are the most common variety among dwarves, for whom their services are a blessing. Spore druids are tied to black mana.

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