Raven's Gate City Settlement in Altheia | World Anvil
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Raven's Gate City

Raven's Gate is the capital city of the state that's coincidentally named Raven's Gate. It is snowy, and is situated on the north-eastern side of the state. It is home to many honey-sellers and the University of Magical Learning.


30% of the citizens are magic-users, due to the city's reputation for magic. Most of the citizens live comfortably, with only 1% not able to get by. (These make up the beggars and slummers of the city)


The Mage-Duke runs Raven's Gate City, but the laws are set down by the King and Queen, and the Council of Nobles, of which the Mage-Duke is one.


A large wall encircles the city, with archers watching from towers dotted around the city.

Industry & Trade

They export honey, lumber, and metals. They recieve rice and wheat from Morton's Keep, and rare herbs from Lord's Heart and Halcoth.


The main courtyard is Heart Square, which is in the middle of the city. There is also Market Square, which is where the famous Honey Market happens on the first day of every month.


Magic, money from honey and metal exports, ships.

Guilds and Factions

The University of Magical Learning is the largest guild in the area. The Shipmaker's Association comes a far second.


The position Mage-Duke was created by Jian Xui, the Duke of the time, in 100 AWC. The Mage's Rebellion started in 478 AWC and is still ongoing.


They have brightly coloured houses and trawling backyards filled with exotic plants. They use elm and oak wood to build the structures, as well as marble. The Palace of the Mage-Duke has many bright banners flying from it.


Set in the snowy plains just above some snowy hills. Not quite on the coast but very close to it.

Natural Resources

Wood, metal, stone, gemstones, and honey.
Alternative Name(s)
Raven's Gate
Large city
10, 000 people
Inhabitant Demonym

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Apr 21, 2020 02:10

I would have expected a dark and gloomy city from its name

Apr 21, 2020 02:12 by Iza S

It might've been dark and gloomy when it was founded but the UML changed it for the better, with better healthcare and education.

Apr 21, 2020 02:16

they still could of had good healthcare and education when they were dark and gloomy

Apr 21, 2020 02:29 by Iza S

What exactly would make a city 'dark and gloomy?'