Xalneath Character in Altaria | World Anvil
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Xalneath, or "Xalneath the Lich", or "The Lich King" is the head of the Black Order, an order of fundamentalist fanatic necromancers.
  Xalneath spent his entire life as a loyal Sorceror to the court in Aurora. He studied the arts of conjuration and transmutation, learning the arts of healing to serve the court. He was obsessed with the effect of everlasting life, and spent many hours attempting to create life from nothing to echo the gods. He was disappointed, but after meeting with Kelthrai, who in time would become known as the Dark Lord, he learned that the true way to create everlasting life, according to the visions he saw, is Necromancy.
  Over the course of the next several years the pair ammassed allies, and formed a guild known as the Black Order. After Kelthrai assumed the mantle of the Dark Lord, or "The God of Life in Death" according to his followers, Xalneath was assigned as the head of the Black Order, and managed all affairs while Kelthrai amassed more power and perfected his work. He used necrotic magic and arcane worship to extend his life, and
  Xalneath fought and killed the Circle of Five along with Kelthrai, but after the emergence of the "New Gods" he was defeated, and rumored to have gone into hiding.

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