The Great War Military Conflict in Altaea | World Anvil
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The Great War

Altaea is a world that is recovering from a cataclysmic event that happened a long time ago. The event in question is known only by scholars and few other individuals as the "Great War" in which the young kingdom of humans allied with the great Elven Empire in order to save their world from a great threat*. The elves sacrificed themselves casting a god-level spell in order to save the world which caused the great mega-continent to sunder, as well as causing a global stasis in which the humans were teleported into the elven capital Nymriel and put to sleep for hundreads of thousands of years, making them forget what actually happened, and letting the world rebuild itself in order to provide the humans, as well as their half-elven offspring that came to be during the last age, a new and harmonious place to live.   *The threat in question was an invasion by an alien race of shapeshifters who scoured the multiverse in search of power to sustain themselves. The aliens have detected a ripple in the weave which was caused by the humans drawing magical power from Altaea's powerful core, emboldened by their recent indoctrination to magic, who they have the elves to thank for. The god-level spell took away most of the magic powers from the humans, leaving only some of their half-elven offspring with magical talents.   This great stasis caused many other animals and beings to evolve into intelligent species, some coming across ruins of the human and elven empires which greatly sped up their process of becoming a diverse cast of civilizations. Other notable races such as Dwarves, Halflings and Gnomes, have found different ways of avoiding the Sundering, be it trough magic or other means such as falling back into great cities underground. Gnomes are the only ones who have preserved their magic affinity, and are renowned wizards.   The sundering of the world, on the other hand, caused the worlds core (The Eye of Altaea) to implode, rupturing the planet from within and creating a great magical anomaly which we now call the World Within. It is a vast world on the other side of Altaea's crust, where many things happened before ending in what we know of currently.
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