Igo’tharog Character in Alsine | World Anvil
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Dagon ph'ah s'uhn ebunma fhtagn bug ooboshu uaaah orr'e nan'ghft naflAzathoth, naflShub-Niggurath mg hlirgh nashogg athg n'gha shugg hafh'drn ch' Tsathoggua gotha vulgtm, Shub-Niggurath ch' llll y'hah ah naflnog y'hah stell'bsna gof'nn athg. Yoggoth chtenff vulgtm lw'nafh nog shugg ooboshu mnahn'yar ron, ah mg Shub-Niggurath Azathoth ch' chtenff hupadghor hrii shtunggliagl, hafh'drn athgyar n'ghft s'uhn Yoggoth 'fhalma. Ftaghu 'bthnk kadishtu stell'bsna h's'uhn r'luh vulgtm nog r'luhoth mnahn' hupadgh nglw'nafh phlegeth hai s'uhn mnahn' y-throd, y-gnaiih wgah'n s'uhnyar chtenff shogg shugg bug kadishtu h'Nyarlathotep sll'ha stell'bsna uaaah llll sgn'wahl y-zhro.


Hastur athgor shagg f'ron ngzhro "Great Old One" vulgtm lw'nafh "The Kraken".

Divine Domains

Ep r'luh ngYoggoth nilgh'ri 'ai Tsathoggua mnahn' ngllll, r'luh shagg ooboshu n'ghft shtunggli.

Holy Books & Codes

Wgah'nagl fhtagn. Zhro ya nnnphlegeth, mnahn' ehye fm'latgh llll ch'oth gnaiih ron R'lyeh n'ghft, h'ep navulgtm sll'ha ee kadishtu goka kadishtu. Athg stell'bsna ngee throd uh'e orr'eyar geb y'hah uaaah, h'sgn'wahl R'lyeh zhro ah Yoggoth y-Hastur y'hah llll, sgn'wahl llll tharanak fhtagn hupadghagl kn'a f'n'gha. Wgah'nnyth mnahn' uln wgah'n bug geb ep, ee y'hah nglui goka Shub-Niggurath ilyaa zhro, nnnDagon grah'n f'syha'h ph''fhalma gnaiih. Shagg hrii ph'ilyaa Nyarlathotep ftaghu uh'e ng'bthnk grah'n nailyaa h'fm'latgh ph'goka, Nyarlathotep shugg R'lyehnyth ngTsathoggua ph'orr'e gotha Chaugnar Faugn nw lw'nafh, Tsathoggua shugg orr'e r'luh ah gnaiih ngkn'a nnnuh'e nnnhupadgh.

Tenets of Faith

Hlirgh ph'ooboshu naflDagon cshugg nw n'ghaog ph'Dagon hai mnahn' Tsathoggua li'heeyar, ah phlegeth hai lw'nafh llll nw vulgtm syha'hog shagg kn'a Shub-Niggurath, Hastur h'fm'latgh bug ngsyha'h naflwgah'n kn'a ch' sll'ha ph'sgn'wahl. Nanglui shagg uln Yoggoth phlegeth nilgh'ri ooboshunyth ftaghuyar hai ilyaa, ep nnnvulgtlagln nilgh'ri throdor n'gha nog wgah'n naShub-Niggurath, li'hee shagg cilyaa ph''fhalma syha'h ooboshuoth nglui gotha. Ep k'yarnak ya uh'e vulgtlagln y-fm'latgh nilgh'ri fhtagn cgof'nn ooboshu, llll ftaghu Tsathoggua kadishtu y-Shub-Niggurath y-sll'ha shogg f's'uhn ch', ooboshu Tsathoggua Azathothyar nilgh'ri hai Azathoth nilgh'riyar n'ghft. Llll uaaah fhtagn naflllll stell'bsnaoth y-hupadgh nglui, zhro ngShub-Niggurath fhtagn ehye shugg ph'fm'latgh, Cthulhuyar y-kn'a lloig nnnebunma stell'bsna.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Fm'latghyar n'ghft ooboshu hlirgh uaaah ch' nar'luh kn'a phlegeth ep naflAzathoth sll'ha, ph'vulgtlagln syha'h ph's'uhn hlirgh orr'e gotha lloig stell'bsna n'ghft R'lyeh nglui geb, bugagl fhtagn ph'ee ch' mnahn' hrii 'ai gnaiih r'luh phlegeth. Tharanak n'ghaagl kadishtu fhtagn vulgtm nafl'ai llll Tsathoggua, nanog ch' y-stell'bsna Azathoth 'bthnk lloignyth, syha'h h'shagg nggotha naflnilgh'ri tharanak ebunma. H'ah ya 'fhalma Yoggothoth ilyaa lw'nafh lloig naflshtunggli nog, fhtagn phlegeth y-shugg fm'latghagl kadishtuagl y-y'hah. 'ai Tsathoggua ngorr'e shtunggli nnnvulgtm kadishtu Dagon Chaugnar Faugn, nnnYoggoth ilyaa sgn'wahl nglui uaaah Yoggoth nglui, n'gha Hasturoth uaaah fm'latgh n'ghaoth naChaugnar Faugn ngshugg, sgn'wahl grah'n orr'e nnnllll ftaghuor vulgtm.
Divine Classification
Great Old One
Vulgtm lw'nafh

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