Cyric Character in Alsine | World Anvil
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A relatively new faith in Alsine, Cyric is proclaimed by his followers to be the only deity who delivers on his promises. He promises power, by any means - trickery, deception, murder. Absolved of the pesky moral strictures of other faiths, warlocks of Cyric go out into the world to make it their own. Perhaps literally...  


Cyric's faithful are generally hexblade warlocks, rogues or assassins.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

Rather than priests and holy texts, Cyric has scattered weapons - often daggers and shortswords - throughout Alsine.  These weapons convey his will to his followers, but appear to anyone else as simple - though well-made - blades.

Tenets of Faith

Death to all who oppose Cyric. Bow down before his supreme power, and yield to him the book of those that do not believe in his supremacy. Fear and obey those in authority, but slay those that are weak, of good persuasion, or false prophets.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil

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