Trenaja Geographic Location in Alphatia | World Anvil
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This small island located at the outer edge of the Alphatian isle and within sight of the huge continent of Thothia has been contested for many years. Most recently it was claimed by a young Thothian Lord. His plans to conquer the other islands was discovered in time and stopped by a grand armada of heroes. This caused the creation of the Blood Reef and the start of the Skaven horde. Population: 28,600 Varisans: 2,400 Dwarfs: 10,000 Hadozee: 6,000 Orhini 5,000 Shets'doma 1,000 Skaven 2,200 History: The Varisians ignored Trenaja when they began to settle the Alphatian Isles as it appeared to be covered in jungles that were home to dangerous and aggressive inhabitants. The first township was established well after the arrival of the Shets'doma as the Proconsolo consortium expanded its monopoly of the alchemist trade from Guney to Trenaja. The corner closest to Guney was explored and the largest river traversed. This soon resulted in the formation of Ohjavia, a small town setup to process the materials being collected from the jungle. As Ohjavia grew Mellila and Midelt were established to support the township with fish and aquan farming. As the Proconsolo expanded to the other end of the island and built the township of Argassi to further refine the miracles they were discovering in the jungle, a dark presence arrived on the island. The Lord Skavenus, a young Thothian Lord, arrived upon the island and established his palace within the Trenaja desert. Historians now know that Lord Skavenus spent his time in the desert experimenting on the inhabitants crafting a new sentinent race, the Skaven. These ratmen bred quickly and their inate curiousity allowed them to quickly learn to use tools. Skavenus warped his minions further allowing some of them to discover the weave and make use of the divine powers his kind possessed. Lord Skavenus planned to use his new army to subjugate the rest of the Isle, allowing him to return to Thothia triumphant and powerful. His plans were discovered by an party of heroes exploring from Nalvir into the desert. Understanding the danger the Lord represented they rallied heroes from across the archipelgo to resist this threat. The combined fleet of Alphatia meet with the rickshaw fleet of the Skaven between the isle of Trenaja and Guney. The resulting battle and death of the Thothian Lord created the Blood Reef. Many of the Alphatian vessels were lost and the remaining were emergency beached on the inner side of the island along the tiny strip of sand between sea and jungle. Here they discovered the Hadozee, and the start of the Ornhini resistance. Treaties were established and the inner jungle protected from further exploration by Varisians or Shets'doma without Hadozee approval. The Skaven retreated back to Trenaja, their huge numbers allowed them to first sack and then take control of Ohjavia and its villages. They have since begun to expand their influence beyond the island. The Proconsolo family suffered massive losses from the war and the Ovest Tuomi took the opportunity to take control of Argassi and its villages. Since the War of the Rats the Proconsolo have become a protectorate of the Guney Tuomi.


The long island of Trenaja is unique in the Alphatian archipelago. Once a giant volcano like its nearby neighbour Guney. A remnant of the crater remains near its center. This has become an inland desert ringed by parts of the old crater. The citadel at Yousoufia occupies the larges valley into the desert and was positioned to protect the new nation of the Thothian Lord as he established himself in the desert. To the clockwise and counter-clockwise of the desert arid well-irrigated land has been converted into farmlands to supply the towns of Argassi and Ohjavia respectively. Small villages have been established to provide for the larger towns and make use of the land. The inner side of the island is well protected from the oceanic weather conditions. It receives a large amount of rain from the inner sea weather allowing a vibrant and diverse rainforest to exist. Long ago this area was colonised by the Ornhini who discovered the Hadozee living in the canopy of the trees. This intelligent primate race have built a number of settlements throughout the jungle.

Fauna & Flora

The areas around Ohjavia and Argassi are predominantly farming land with small jungle forests holding on near the sources of their rivers. The desert once a prime example of dune ecosystem has been twisted and converted by the Thothian Lord. Strange warlike beasts move above and below the sands feeding off each other and the quick reproducing skaven. The jungle on the inner side is filled with gigantic trees, heavily buttressed at the base and reaching far into the sky. These trees create four distinct canopies through which move the Hadozee and other aerial creatures.

Natural Resources

Tirana: Alchemical supplies and Hadozee crew Argassi: Agriculture, Mining, and Alchemical supplies Nalvir: Nothing to the surface, Minerals, and supplies to the Boffik kingdom Ohjavia: The Skaven are considered pirates and thieves by the other races. They have supplied slaves and illegal materials to less reputable merchants


  • Trenaja


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