SoA Session 22- The worming evil Report Report in Alonia | World Anvil
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SoA Session 22- The worming evil Report

General Summary

Wineday 19th Firemoot 619PR   Last we left our heroes; they had rescued two elves, Lilwelyn and Dorian from a kidnapping attempt in the village of Briarglen . The party has also managed to take to suspects prisoner; abducting them from their beds.   Waking the first of the captives- a tall hawkish man, they found that he roused very slowly. When he was awake enough for Brice the Twain to question, the man still seemed very groggy and unable to answer any questions. Eventually, he was able to tell the party that his name was Derek and he was a travelling merchant from Freetown. He claimed to be travelling the road with the parties other captive; Iggy. His goods consisted of salted fish and cider. Waking the second captive, a short heavyset man, he corroborated the story.   During this time Azo was resting, and had a dream;  
As you drift off to sleep, you realise that you are dreaming. You are on the hills surrounding your home, you'd recognise them anywhere. A large full moon illuminates the group around you. You look towards your hometown, expecting twinkling bright lights- instead you see the buildings shrouded in darkness.
Knowing that something is wrong, you run toward the town, the wind lapping your hair, as your legs bound over tufts of grass. Running through the gates, you notice the bodies lying askew. You see the piles of sick lying at their heads, once living, now bend over in agony, clutching their stomachs. You run toward your mother and father home, your family home. As you approach, you can hear screaming, and a low evil chuckling. You hear the sound of claw scraping against wood. You ready your axe in one hand, the other reaches out for the door handle. It's wet to touch. A thick trail of mucus disappears underneath the door, you're instantly reminded of a slug. Taking one final breath, you turn the door handle and step into…
"Not yet. He cannot see you. I won't let him."
You awake with a dull ache in your stomach.
After waking, Azo felt that she had recognised the voice; it sounded like the strange whispering voice which emanated from the box she'd found in Cinar's Crypt. She took a bit of time conversing with the unusual object wrapped in chains; attempting to find out what it was and knew.     The entity was aware of a fiendish presence in the village. However, it could not discern the fiend's identity or location. The entity claimed to become cognizant of the fiend when it had entered Azo's dream. It had tried to protect Azo by waking her. It was also able to identify that Azo had encountered this fiend before. Azo immediately recognised it as the Tanar'ri they had met in Draughmere Village; the aspect of the gluttony demon. Armed with this new knowledge, she took the information to the rest of the group.   Aleandre shed more light on the nature of fiends. There are many different types; the two significant factions being the destructive Tanar'ri and manipulating Baatezu. Both of these factions being locked in an eternal battle with each other. Aleandre identified the creature as wishing for destruction and chaos.   Azo and Lilly decided to explore the village. Aleandre turned them both invisible, and Lilly used a spell which allowed her to determine and fiendish influence. Moving around the hamlet, they detected a presence both in and under the Golden Grain Inn. The owners of the village store also seemed to be under the influence of the fiend. Circling around the Inn, they checked that the trade goods the prisoners spoke off; thus exonerating them in the kidnapping attempt of the elves.   Returning to the group, they immediately set Derek and Iggy free warning them that they were in danger and to collect their trade goods and leave the town immediately. After the two merchants fled the village; the group discussed what their next actions would it. The heroes remembered that the last time they fought this particular fiend in the past, infect its followers. This process used tiny fiendish maggots which bent the host to the Tanari'ri's will. The consensus was that efforts should be made to save these unfortunates. They realised, one attempt to kidnap the elves had been made, by now the perpetrators must have learned that this had failed. Surely a second one would be imminent. It was clear that this small dwelling was not safe. Waiting for the cover of darkness, the heroes and elves made their way to their original campsite.   On this journey, Mordi spotted a lone figure clearly intent on the dwelling. It seems that they were being watched; although they had managed to elude them.

Rewards Granted

  • Azo (Discussion with B)
  • Brice (Character development- showing restraint)
Shadows over Alonia
Azo-groh Morrkul
Brice the Twain
Report Date
06 May 2020
Primary Location

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