SoA Session 13- Hippies and Vampires Report in Alonia | World Anvil
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SoA Session 13- Hippies and Vampires

General Summary

Fireday 30th Highsun 619PR   Last time we left our heroes they had discovered that something was amiss in the Radiant Orchard; an unusual commune comprising of young women run by Ariel and Lith. While snooping around the compound's large manor, Mordai had overheard a discussion between Ariel and Lith; a debate concerning their feeding habits. Having built up the nerve, Mordai stealthily opened the bedroom of the two women, only to discover them to be absent from the room that they had entered only moments before.   Mordai returned to the rest of the party, describing to them what he had witnessed. Feeling uneasy, and sceptical of the women's nature, our heroes discussed what their motivations could be. Noting that all of the windows had shutters, which seemed to be closed, even in bright sunlight, Bryce suggested that the women may be nefarious. The heroes examined the evidence. The way the young women seemed enthralled with Ariel, Ariel having not ventured into the sunlight, and none of the party having recalled her eating anything at dinner. All supported the idea that their hosts were vampires.   Aleandre and Mordai pieced together a particularly grim vision of vampires. Neither had encountered one before; however, both had heard stories of them. Aleandre's grandmother had scared the young girl with stories of vampirism, and she was able to recall a variety of peasant tales about the weaknesses of vampires. Both she and Mordai agreed that sunlight was their biggest weakness. It was decided that a simple test would be to open the shutters at breakfast and see how Ariel and Lith reacted.   Deciding to do some further digging; Aleandre heading to the girls' dormitory. Her she found the young girl Amelia, who she had previously befriended. Amelia was deep asleep, and even when roused, she was groggy. It didn't take long fro Aleandre to identify that the girl was under the effect of a tranquilliser. Seizing the opportunity to check the girl, Aleandre discovered a bite mark on her neck, hidden by the long collar of the dress typical of the girls of the commune.   Mordai took the opportunity to ensure that the windows in the dining room would open with little fuss. He snuck downstairs and checked the windows in the dining hall. On closer inspection, the shutters were of excellent craftsmanship. However, it became apparent to Mordai that the screens had been created to look as though they opened. But were one large board of wood, never intended to be opened. Discovering this Mordai made to return to his friends.   As the tielfing approached the stairs, he was startled as the beautiful figure of Lith materialised in front of him. She smiled, and at once, Mordai fell under the spell of her beauty. She explained how she was a prisoner of Ariel, how everyone at the commune was simply a plaything to the sinister woman. Lith told that she would forever remain a thrall unless Mordai could intercede. At that moment, Mordai felt his heart crushed, for how could he let this poor helpless woman stay in such a dire situation? Mordai swore to help Lith, who explained that Ariel was powerful; however, there was a way to destroy her. Lith told that if Mordai ritually blessed weapons using the standard silver, but also a vial of Lith's blood, it would weaken Ariel. In her weakened form, Ariel could be destroyed by Mordai and his companions. Doing so would lead to her returning his affections. Lith explained to Mordai where Ariel's precise resting place lay. Mordai returned to the party, keeping his conversation with Lith a secret.   Resolved to do something about the vampiric hosts, the party set a watch and tried to get what sleep they could. As they arose the next morning, they discovered the members of the commune making breakfast. It was explained to them that neither Lith or Ariel took breakfast, in fact, the girls didn't expect to see either of the older women until late afternoon. Deciding that something had to be done, the Brice investigated the manor for secret doors, while Mordai invited Aleandre to help him in the blessing ritual.   As soon as the ritual was complete, Mordai turned to his companions and instructed them to follow him. Uneasily, the rest of the party agreed, with Azo being very unsure of the tielfing motivations. Mordai led the group outside to a large fountain, he spent a little time looking at the carvings, before pressing a small section of the sculptures. To everyone's surprise, the basin drained, and the bottom opened to reveal a mechanical set of spiral stairs. Wordlessly, Mordai advanced into the pitch black, closely followed by Azo and Aleandre. Brice stealthily followed.   The stairs led to a subterranean corridor, the floor covered in dust- unvisited in years. At the end of the hall stood a set of heavy double doors. Fumbling with the ancient lock, Mordai opened the doors, the horrendous scream of grinding metal shattering the silence. The group got their first look at the large chamber; on a dais at the far end of the room lay a stone sarcophagus. In a small alcove lay an unusual bench; at a slight angle, with restraints and channel leading directly to a bucket on the floor. Sensing that danger was close, Brice stealthily snuck into the room; Alleandre summoned forth three identical duplicates of herself, and both Azo and Mordai advanced cautiously into the room. It was then that the sarcophagus lid slid off, and Ariel stood. For the first time that heroes saw her true form. Unnaturally beautiful, and two large canine teeth.   Brice unleashed several blessed arrows at Ariel, one of which seemed to pierce her supernatural defences. Her wounds no longer closed themselves, non-magical weapons inflicted damage on her, and she seemed unable to use on her abilities. Despite this the battle was hard-fought, Ariel fed on both Mordai and Aleandre, and charmed Brice. However, the heroes triumphed, eventually incapacitating Ariel as she attempted to flee.   In those final moments Lith appeared and bending over the paralysed Ariel she fed on the vampire. Apparently having her fill, Lith entered the chamber and strode towards a shaft in the ceiling. Azo carried Ariel's remains to the sarcophagus and drove a stake her through the heart. In one swift movement, Azo decapitated the vampire. At once, Ariel's body rapidly decomposed to dust.   With an arrow knocked, Brice trained his bow on Lith, watching as she strode closer to the airshaft. Deciding that he couldn't suffer a vampire to live, Brice attacked. As a secondary conflict began, and it quickly became apparent that Lith was significantly weaker than her mistress- a mere spawn. The battle was short-lived, with Lith being surrounded and pummelled. Using the same method on Lith that they used on Ariel, our heroes stood victorious.
Shadows over Alonia
Azo-groh Morrkul
Report Date
06 Nov 2019
Primary Location

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