God, minor: Mirielle, Humour and Dance in Almilir Malroetan Empire Era 19,758 A 20,358 | World Anvil
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God, minor: Mirielle, Humour and Dance

  Minor God
  Moon : Golden
  Portfolio : Humor, dance
  Symbol : Le symbole de Mirielle est un homme en tunique blanche portant une épée et un marteau.
  Favored weapons : favored weapon
  Proverb : La justice doit prédominer
  History : Hral était un paladin au service de Palash, il avait un frère nommer Rode. Son frère était un voleur de grand chemin et un jour il fût arrêter par Hral qui le jugeât et le condamna a des travaux forcer pour réparer les tords qu’il avait causer. Palash le pris sous son aile et le proclama dieu de la justice car il était capable d’être juste et impartiale.
  Creation : Minor god no creation?
  Domains (Sphere?) : Hral est le dieu de la justice et de la paix, il aide les juge a rendre leur verdict et les paladin a voir ce qui est vrai ou faux. Il aide les gens qui veulent éviter un conflit armé. Humor, dance
  Worshippers : The followers ...
  Dogma : Dogma is ...
  Cleargy and temples : The cleargy of ...
  Rituals : The rituals are...
  Texts : The textes are...
  Traditions : The traditions are...
  Songs : The songs are...
  Verses : The verses are...
  Relations with other gods : The relations are...
  Involvements in mortal affairs : The involvement is...
  Holy guards : The holy guards are...
  Chosen / Champions : The chosen / champions are...
  Avatar : Humain de l’ouest justicier niveau 80
  Human Keolian Soldier
  Time Period :
  Past : Born in the new Keolian territories. Daughter of two soldiers / officers parent in the recent peace after the foundation of the city. Always was the buffon of class, liked fame and attention.
  Relationships : Her two parents, she has 7 brothers and 6 sisters. She is making lots of friends, but has few true friends.
  Obligations : Not married yet, in the army as a junior officer.
  Motivations : Wants to be a successful officer, aim to be a war hero, doesn't think she can become a comedian
  Sensibilities : Doesn't like to be alone,
  Exploits : Makes troops laugh (increase moral), first comedian, first theater.
  Introduction :
  Born from an honorable army officers family, she is the last of fourteen children. Even though the life in the new colonies was harsh, as the last one of the family she had plenty of free time and liberty her siblings didn't have. Often feeling lonely, she discovered very young that people loved to see her when she was making them laugh. That's why she loves making people laugh and try to find friends by being the class clown. She goes to school in one of the best school of the capital, army school. Very soon, she is destined to become a talented officer.
  One day during a training exercise with her platoon, she was sent to an outpost to the north. It was supposed to be an easier reconnaissance mission, the garrison was under the control of an experienced officer. The hot summer night was reaching it's end. Mirielle didn't sleep much, she was reviewing for the hundredth times her patrol plans to scout the outpost and bring back her report without being detected. She was looking over the three documents she had written detailing her plans for the mission. Her hands were shaking so much, she had to put down the papers. Taking a couple deep breath, she stood up. "It's only a small reconnaissance mission" she told herself reassuringly. Sounds coming from the outside of her tent distracted her from her own head. The small troops of twelve was slowly waking up. "Time to be a real officer", she said leaving her tent.
  The birds were singing in the forest, where Mirielle and her company were walking, was slowly waking up. The mission was simple Mirielle tough, get in sight of the outpost, dispose the soldiers around it and observe everything they could during a day or two to get the most information for a future hypothetical raid. In the far distance, the clearing were the outpost was standing slowly appeared, she gave the order to stop. The garrison maybe had a few spellcasters that could detect movement or traps that could reveal their position. She gave the order to split up into three groups and they circled the outpost while staying at a good distance of it. She was with the group that wasn't moving. They set up a small command center away from the roads, hidden from sights. As the scouts in her group were spying on the outpost, the atmosphere changed, the birds stopped singing, the clouds rolled over them in the sky. During all the morning, the outpost was silent and no movement could be seen outside. Something was wrong, normally outpost have patrols going in and out of it, but there was nothing. Gentle little rain started falling from the sky. "Did the commander of the outpost knows we are here and tries to sabotage our mission" Mirielle though when mid day came and there was still nothing going on. They were too far away to see or hear anything worthwhile. She decided to risk it all and take a closer look at the outpost. She came out in the clearing with an uneasy pace, soon she would hear the sound of sentries spotting her and her mission would fail. But nothing could be heard. She started going further. She could better detail the wooden walls and the half open door. Wait the door is no supposed to be open. She turned around quickly and signaled her team to join her. They had to investigate the situation. They slowly approached the front door, the smells of rot and decay assaulted their nostrils. Blood splatter on the walls and on the dirt signaled there was something wrong with the outpost. Mirielle put her hand on the massive wooden logs of the door and slowly pushed it to see inside. The small shriek gave way to a macabre scene. All the soldiers from the outpost had been massacred and put in a pile in the middle of it. Everything was out of place, it had been looted and the perpetrators left their signature, a hatchet into a log right in front of the pile of corpse. The barbarians were attacking the country!
  She quickly gathered her troops inside the empty fortress. "We have to hold this until reinforcements comes," she said. She instructed two of her most trusted soldiers to report back to the capital and bring back help. They were to use two different routes, in case they met with enemy patrols. The group looked at their two friends leave, thinking they would never see them again. "We have to make sure the outpost can't be taken again, then we will bury the dead," she said trying to look in control. She instructed three men to stand watch on the walls as the others started to repair and prepare the defense of the outpost as best as they can. When the night came, they buried the dead just outside the camp. They did a little ceremony officiated by the unit military chaplain. Then the real test began, they barricaded inside the outpost and made watch for the night. They could hear the drums echoing in the North, the rain was still falling. The night was cold and wet, but no attacks came. In the morning, none had a good sleep and the moral was low. Mirielle knew she had to do something to reduce the tension in her troops. She always had been jolly and joking around, she started doing that. In the beginning the men were not prone to laughing, but soon enough they slowly forgot about the dire situation they were in and started to relax. The night watch slowly fell asleep to regain energy, the ones working during the day were putting more energy into it, despite the rainy day. Although exhausted from all the stress of the past days, they had restored most of the structure and they could probably sustain a siege from a small force until the reinforcements arrived. The day went by without any incident, maybe this was not a full scale invasion, Mirielle thought. But without any scouts they were isolated with no information, on what was coming. It was risky, they were already stretched thin to operate the outpost, but sending a patrol would help them in the long run. Besides, the reinforcements were not going to show up for another three days.
  Even tough Mirielle wanted to go on the patrol and see for herself the dangers to come, she decided it would be better if her second in command accomplished this job. He was to go alone, they were too tight on manpower. Again Mirielle stayed with the man, talking to them, joking around, making sure the moral was high. The day went by without any incidents, but when the sun was going down for the night, a cry could be herd in the forest in the direction the scout had taken. The men gathered at the wall trying to see what was happening. The cry was getting closer and closer. Drums started in the distances, guttural cries echoing them. At the edge of the clearing, the second in command could be seen running towards the outpost. Behind him the sounds of drums and barbaric chants followed him. Spears and arrows started flying towards the desperate man. An arrow hit him in the shoulder, he screamed, but continued running. The men opened the door to let their friends coming in. The drums stopped, nothing was moving at the edge of the clearing. The second in command entered the outpost, the door was shut quickly and reinforced for the attack to come, but no one was coming from the edge of the clearing. Mirielle commanded everyone should be on sentry right now and prepare for an attack. She took hold of her second in command. He gave her his report. " These are only the forefront of the army,". Good. Maybe we have a chance to hold thought Mirielle. They won't be too eager to attack, they don't know anything about the outpost or if we are the reinforcements. She looked at the men, they were nervously holding their weapons, staring at the darkness. The attack wouldn't come until the day, tonight would be their last night they could sleep well. She did as she always did when the stress was too high, she joked around with her men, told them to go to sleep. Even though they were all on high alert, then men slept well, the moral was high enough. Mirielle discussed strategy with her second in command. Despite his injured arm, he was still eager to be useful. Before the sun came up, the sounds of drums started to be heard from the forest. As the sun light was illuminating the outpost, they could see shadows move in the forest. They seemed to be surrounding them. The sound of the drums were overwhelming. With a barbaric shout, the attack began. They could see dozens of barbarians charge at them with their rudimentary copper swords. Mirielle commanded her man with efficiency. Encouraging a nice blow from her men and joking about the tactics used by the enemy. At mid day, drums changed the tempo, the barbarians retreated, not able to breach the walls defended by Mirielle and her men. Dozens of barbarian bodies lied on the outside of the outpost. Inside, the men were injured, but the moral was very high. They managed to repel an assault of more than triple their numbers.
  Fortunately, it was going to be the last assault they sustained, coming during the night, the reinforcement arrived to reinforce the garrison. Mirielle and her men, went back to the capital, as they were not supposed to be on the field of battle before the end of their training. But the war was on the horizon and they knew they would be called to defend their homes, once again.
  Soon after the foundation of the Keolian capital, the frequent ambushes of the barbarians of the North began. Mirelle was an officer in the army and she needed to help protect her country. She was a good competent soldier and leader, but what was really distinguishing her from the rest was her sense of humor. Every troop she met, she would joke around with the soldiers and lighten their days. The moral of her troops was always very high, even in times of stress. It wasn't long before she caught the attention of her superior and soon she was promoted to the role of special messenger and sent to see every troops she could. She wasn't very happy about being stripped away from her units, but she loved making others laugh and she felt this was really benefiting the troops. For many months she went from army camp to army camp, with her help the army campaign against the barbarians was progressing everyday. The soldier could forget the horror of the day and be galvanized for the next day. With her help, and the courage of the soldiers, the campaign was a huge success.
  After the war, she was famous all around the Keolian Kingdom. She started the town first theater for comedies and soon she started adding dance shows to diversify her activities. Eventually she started to make a troop of dancer and comedians to roam the world and make shows all over the continent. She was even invited to perform in the different elven cities. When she retired, she was ascended to minor god of Humor and Dance.

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