God, minor : Zolreg, Dignity and Rightness in Almilir Malroetan Empire Era 19,758 A 20,358 | World Anvil
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God, minor : Zolreg, Dignity and Rightness

  Minor God
  Moon : Golden
  Portfolio : dignity, rightness
  Symbol : Le symbole de Zolreg est une paire de menotte brisé.
  Favored weapons : favored weapon
  Proverb : La guerre pour la liberté
  History : Zolreg fût le premier minotaures à devenir un Zelmir, il participa à mainte guerre entre les deux peuples, il était sanguinaire et imbattables sur le champ de bataille. Finalement lors de la dernière bataille contre les Cracorocus il fût blesser mortellement par Gaork, les deux perdant leur sang invoquèrent leurs dieux et un duel titanesque s’en suivi Gocht contre Gelmir. Durant le duel Zolreg et Gaork se nourrir du sang des combattants divin, ils survécurent à leurs blessures et furent proclamer demi-dieux par les deux puissances.
  Creation : Minor god no creation?
  Domains (Sphere?) : Zolreg est le seigneur des champs de bataille et le maître de ceux qui se battent pour la liberté. Il aide les peuples à vaincre l’oppresseur et à triompher lors de bataille qui semble perdu. dignity, rightness
  Worshippers : The followers ...
  Dogma : Dogma is ...
  Cleargy and temples : The cleargy of ...
  Rituals : The rituals are...
  Texts : The textes are...
  Traditions : The traditions are...
  Songs : The songs are...
  Verses : The verses are...
  Relations with other gods : The relations are...
  Involvements in mortal affairs : The involvement is...
  Holy guards : The holy guards are...
  Chosen / Champions : The chosen / champions are...
  Avatar : Minotaures Zelmir Sanguinaire niveau 80
  Zolreg Minotaur Politician
  Time Period : Stone Age
  Past : Worked all his life as a construction slave (Genre Rambo Gauthier), now a respected old man, can bargain with halflings, respected by his masters, he's almost free
  Relationships : Has a vast family (more than 150 children), Malrek his first son still near him, the others are sold to other masters. He had many breeding partners, his first love was sold to another master and died.
  Obligations : He's now the most influential politician of his people, he's too old to work, but his master keep him alive for old time sakes (like you keep an old bull that helped you). He's known to have the respect of his people and can calm them in time of needs.
  Motivations : He's old and now wants his people to be free, or at least not be considered slaves by the halflings. Want a better life for his people and his unknown family.
  Sensibilities : He doesn't like seeing others suffer, he doesn't like conflicts, but will stand for injustices. If he has no choice, he will fight, but won't kill.
  Exploits : He was the most popular breeding male in his youth, he was able to work the hardest and for the longest time. Seen as a wise and capable leader.
  The halfling witch doctor engineered the perfect working beast, the Minotaur. Capable of many strong feat, intelligent enough to do complex chore and with a sense of collectivity that rivaled those of the halflings themselves. But the Minotaurs were even more intelligent then the halfling realized. Zolreg, one of the influential leader of the Minotaurs tried to bargain with the halfling authority for his people to be treated as equals. He was met with disdain and contempt. The Minotaur leader had no other choice, his people were on the brink of revolution. In the hope to protect as many Minotaur life as possible, he devised a plan to escape his captors by boats. Some fighting occurred between the most fervent Minotaurs and the halfling army, but the majority of the bovine people could escape with rudimentary boats. They sailed for many weeks and they finally set foot on a new ground. Many had died in the travel, they were barely alive as a species. But they were free. The small tribe managed to establish a small fishing village on the coast. Lead by Zolreg they prospered a little while, until they were met by Fire Elves. They didn't want them on their territory, so the Minotaur settled to move again. But the elves were not evil, they provided some food and training for the new tribe.
  Sitting in front of the fire at the center of his mud hut, the chief of the Minotaur was still in shock after the strange discussion he had with the emissary of the fire elves. He came just a month after the tribe finally settled on this new continent. The travel had been chaotic and full of perils, but it was better to flee towards freedom than stay slaves at the hands of the halflings. The revolt broke out way before Zolreg had anticipated, normally he could judge when his people were very angry and try to calm them. But this time, the halflings had tried to put all the females in chains and do public execution of the males that tried to help them. The revolt bursted like fire during the drought. Fortunately, Zolreg already had a plan, with a couple of his close friends he started secretly building rudimentary ships to sail along the coast and try to find a haven far from their previous masters. He heard rumors about the centaurs also revolting with them, but they had fled while the army was occupied in dealing with the Minotaurs. They managed to flee into those rudimentary boats, they got slauthered by hundreds on the coast trying to board the ships. The army fired flaming arrows onto them, some boats started flaming, the crew of those ship burned or drowned in the panic. Once they were far enough from the archers fire, they taught they were safe, but this is when the halfling witch doctor showed up. They started chanting on the beach, dark grey clouds started forming over the rest of the refuge, rain started pouring down on them. Thunder erupted from the clouds and struck close to the boats, this is when the waves started rolling and the boats were stuck in a dangerous water current pushing them farther away then the boats were designed to sail. They had no way of coming back but to hope the water current would bring them back on a coast. Of the more than 100 000 Minotaur revolting, only 10 000 managed to make it to this new coast. But they were free. And now a month after they settled here, an emissary came to see him. He had no idea what a fire elf was. At first they couldn't even speak to each other. The emissary was taller than an halfling, slimmer, with pointy ears and the skin like a burning fire. After a couple of hours, they could communicate with each other. The emissary was very clear, the Minotaurs couldn't stay here. Apparently there was a desert farther to the north and each year he was spreading towards the south. In two or three years he would reach the small village. He first taught about fighting those fire elves, but his population was too low and malnourished and then the elf told him about the centaurs roaming this new continent. The old centaur leader was a wise man, he probably had a good reason not to fight those elves. The emissary also offered them the knowledge of agriculture, something only the centaurs slaves could learn back on the old continent. With that knowledge, they could thrive and survive here. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door to exit his house and announce the news to his people.
  The news destroyed the small amount of moral the tribe had build up. But his people were relentless and proud, and above all thirsty for freedom. They wanted to thrive to honor the death of so many of their species. With a resolute attitude, they packed their things and began marching eastwards. At the beginning, it was a slow and painful process. They had to carry everything on their backs and they needed to regularly hunt and fish for their survival. Fortunately, the fire elves sent helps for them. At first it was with a new technology unknown on the old continent, the wheel. With it, the elves showed them how to build chariot and wagons to help them move their stuff. They also gave them work horses to facilitate the travel. Some joked about finally having a good to work half centaur, but it was painfully remembering them about their own dual nature. Finally, the elves left, wishing them safe travels, they didn't forget to teach a couple of the females the secrets of agriculture and with them a better chance to survive. Over the months, the tribe took a good pacing, between moving, fishing and doing basic agriculture earth jars. They also kept their boats, making sure they were not too far from the shore. The scouts noticed a small coastal village a few days ahead of them. Zolreg was informed that it was a village of humans and he decided to try and parlay with them. He was excited to meet with one of their ancestor, the minotaurs were created by the halflings by bioengineering a bull head on top of a human body. The humans "invaded" the halfling country a century ago and none were left alive, they were either transformed into Minotaurs or Centaurs. Anyway, Zolreg tought it would be a nice idea to meet with their ancestors.
  He was standing at a safe distance from the village, waiting for the inhabitants to notice him and his personal guards. They were mostly unharmed to show they wanted peace, as the messenger of the fire elves did. A cry was heard coming from the village, they had noticed the minotaurs. A small militia formed at the village entrance, the mens were trying to hold their crudely made wooden spears, but most of them were shaking too much from the fear the minotaurs were instilling into them. Zolreg came forward, holding his hands in sign of peace. Some men started retreating and screaming in a language Zolreg couldn't understand. One woman was brave enough to face the minotaur chieftain. As Zolreg did no sudden move, she gained in confidence, she calmed the others and invited Zolreg and his man inside a small wooden structure. Inside there was a table and a couple of chairs. Zolreg commanded his guards to stary outside, but the woman insisted they all enter inside. A mob of a hundred men and women had gathered close to the structure, everyone was uneasy, they could feel the tention. When all the minotaurs entered the wooden structure, the women rushed out of the structure and closed the door. All the humans started screaming and chanting in their gutural language. Some minotaure tried to break down the door, but it was maintained shut by the mob. Smoke started filling the structure and then the heat came. Zolreg bursted a battle cry that could be heard for miles. He charged at the door with his horns, the door broke down like it was nothing. He impaled two men that were unfortunate enough to be holding the door. The minotaurs rallied behind their leader, desperate to kill any humans that threatened them. The battle was short and bloody, the humans were no match for the small troop of minotaurs, althouth most of the humans fled when the combat erupted, they were almost all caught by the rest of the tribe of minotaurs rushing to the aid of their leader. The village burned down, but the minotaurs could retrieve some goods in a storage. They also found a crude map detailing a series of isles to the east. Zolreg decided the isles would be a good place to hide in case there were other tribes of humans wanting retribution from this battle. They took the fishing boats along with their own boats and set of for the isles.
  The crossing of the sea went without a hurdle, the minotaurs on the boats noticed an island very far to the east. When they approached the island, they discovered a series of islands so vast they couldn't see the end of it. They settled on the first island that was big enough for them. It was a lush place with plenty of vegetation, clean water and it seemed to have small animals they could hunt. After a few days, they understood why these islands were inhabited, there was a huge population of terrible creatures the minotaurs had never seen before. Reptiles bigger then them, living in the water but that could very well hunt on earth. Giant sharks patrolling the coast and many more terrible monsters. But the ressources were abundant for the small tribe. It was a hard to find a good place to settle the whole tribe, because of the strong tides. It could take them a decade to find the perfect island, but the majority was set to stay on these islands and finally thrive. Zolreg had the feeling there would be retaliation for the village attack that happened some weeks ago, so he decided to charge his first son to go out with a small troop to look for a suitable island for them to settle permanently and start to map the surrounding islands. The chief of the minotaurs would prepare the rest of the tribe to sustain the coming attacks and try as best they could to survive. Zolreg wasn't wrong, soon enough boats of humans started to be sighted at large, but he was prepared. The camp was well hidden from sight and he had dispatched scouts to other nearby islands to try and lure the humans into attacking those places. His tactics were working very well, but the humans were more resolute than he taught. They settled a small camp on an island were they could launch more patrol and try to find the minotaur camp. "They wouldn't leave until they tasted defeat," Zolreg taught. He changed his tactics. He launched a series of small attacks on the human camp, first they burned a couple of boats. The humans remained there still looking for him. He created ambushes for the hunters to fall in, at first it was painful traps that would let them live. But as the humans stubbornly stayed on the island, he decided to slaughter a small party exploring the island. It's only then that the humans started to flee, only a handful of ships at the beginning, but over the course of the week they had all left.
  Over the course of the next decade, Malrek and his small band finally found the perfect islands to settle on, they were almost in the middle of the series of islands. At first the tribe called it home, but over the course of a couple year and with the creation of new villages they started to name this village Malrekar. It would become one of the most prosperous village of the minotaurs. They settled trade route with the human tribes nearby, the Draconnians and the ash elves. In his later years, Zolreg was still seen as a symbol of dignity and rightness. He would later ascend as the minor god of theses aspects.
  As for the minotaur tribe, they prospered for a time, there was some wars with Raexinar tribes, but the humans deemed them too much trouble for what it was worth. The minotaurs decided to let most of the monsters live on the outer edge of their cities, they were a layer of defense against the humans and other unwanted visits. Over the years conflict would arise and the tribes would split into two clans, those that didn't want to settle all their life on these islands would leave the island and roam the lands and sea to do pillage and raids on all the southern part of the bay. They eventually met with the Borvors, who they traded a couple of Halfling slaves and try and improve their bovine appearance to appear more fearsome. They would finally settle a small village near were the Humans would build Norham(temp name).

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