God, minor : Daerdir, Travel and Negociation in Almilir Malroetan Empire Era 19,758 A 20,358 | World Anvil
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God, minor : Daerdir, Travel and Negociation

  Moon : Green
  Portfolio : Travel, Negociation
  Symbol : Le symbole de Daerdir est un grand coffre plein de belle chose et un nain a l’air menacent est assis dessus
  Favored weapons : favored weapon
  Proverb : Les trésors sont faits pour être gardé
  History : Daerdir était un roi nain des montagnes, il aimait tant les trésors qu’il abdiqua et devint le gardien du trésor des nains pendant plus de 200 ans sans que personne ne puisse s’en approcher. Chaid le proclama dieu, gardien des trésors.
  Creation : Minor god no creation?
  Domains (Sphere?) : Daerdir est le dieu gardien des trésor il aide les gardes et ceux qui doivent veiller sur des choses précieuse, l’or et les matériaux précieux.
  Worshippers : The followers ...
  Dogma : Dogma is ...
  Cleargy and temples : The cleargy of ...
  Rituals : The rituals are...
  Texts : The textes are...
  Traditions : The traditions are...
  Songs : The songs are...
  Verses : The verses are...
  Relations with other gods : The relations are...
  Involvements in mortal affairs : The involvement is...
  Holy guards : The holy guards are...
  Chosen / Champions : The chosen / champions are...
  Avatar : Nain gardien des trésors niveau 80 Daerdir
  Glacier Dwarf Negotiator / Traveler
  Time Period :
  Past : seasoned negotiator and traveler, merchant
  Relationships : He has a lot of contacts all over the continent, comes from a large family.
  Obligations : He's the first negotiator of his people, merchant
  Motivations : See all the world, find a new home for his people
  Sensibilities : Can't stay in place,
  Exploits :
  Before the Dwarf migration because of the glaciation, Daerdir was already a prominent negotiator for his clan. He was always on the road and loved seeing other countries. He is one of the first messenger to report the advance of the glaciers through the continent. His clan was divided between the desire to stay through this ice age or move to new territories and adapt to the cold. Daerdir convinced his clan to go on the roads and try to find help with his contacts all over the north of the continent. The migration wasn't an easy task to undertake, but he managed to make it look simple with his many contacts and knowledge of the roads. He would negotiate safe travels in all towns and villages they crossed and manage to have short stays with food and drinks for his people.
  Intro to story : about travel and negotiation, they are already on the trip, he needs to negotiate the stays and prepare travel routes. Numbers ? Time on the road ?
  The sun was high over what was once a fertile plain. The cold was moving towards the south at a rapid pace, this is why the dwarf clan voted to move before their kingdom was overtaken by the eternal cold temperatures that were spreading all over the continent. Daerdir was looking towards the vast plains. He had seen the vast glaciers in the north slowly, but surely conquering the territories, but he was resolute to find a haven for his people. Like he told the council, there are still humans, half giants somehow living in the north. They could help them not only survive to the harsh weather, but also to adapt to it. No one really knew how the temperatures were suddenly so cold for the past decades and glaciers seemed to just appear during the night, but it seemed this was an inevitable event. Daerdir had traveled all his life as a merchant all over the continent. The humans had decided to stay in place and not let the nature conquer them. The half giants had made the same decision, thriving with their herd of mammoth. Some wanted to go south, but they were already very close to the ocean, what would they do when the cold reached them. With this reasoning and his many contacts among the other races, he had convinced the council to move towards the north.
  Daerdir coughed a few times. He was never at ease in those great tents of the human of the plains. The ambient smoke to keep the tent warm was not helping him breath normally. Each time a gust of wind or someone entered the tent, smoke filled the room and assaulted the eyes of those inside. But at least they were warm compared to the stone houses the dwarf built. He looked at his guest placing a small cauldron on the fire. The smooth aroma of the liquid was slowly reaching his nostrils. His host was preparing the traditional spicy mulled wine the plainsmen affectionate particularly before negotiations. "How is your family doing ?" Daerdir asked."They are doing fine, despite the cold." the human replied with a smile. "Yes the cold," Daerdir said. "It's affecting all of us. Maybe the dwarfs more than any other races, we are not used to feel the cold in our mountains," the dwarf said. "Are your people moving to the south like you told me the last time you were here ? " The man took two cups, filled them with some wine and gave one to his host. " Actually, I convinced them to move North," Daerdir said. The man made a surprised face, but let the dwarf continued. " It's a long story, but if the cold won't stop going south, we will be stuck near the ocean, it's not a nice place for a dwarf to be," Daerdir continued. The human pondered the answer of his friend for a moment. "So you want my people to welcome your people on your travel ? " the plainsman inquired. "You know me too well, my friend. I hope we can learn to live in the cold weather, like you humans can do it." Daerdir said. "I'm afraid the cold weather is affecting us a lot more than you think. The crops weren't good this year. But for our friendship, We can probably accomodate you for a couple of days," the human said. "Days ? I was hoping for weeks at least," Daerdir said. "This is all I can do without risking the life of my people. But I heard the half giants farther to the north might be doing better than we are, maybe you should try your luck there," the man said. "Thank you, my friend, we will try with the half giants after we depart from here. I cannot wait for my people to arrive. I need to go secure our passage with those half giants. Will you take care of them for me ?" Daerdir said. "Of course, my friend," the man said.
  A herd of deer was running in the valley despite the very cold weather. In fact, Daedir never had this cold before, he thought moving away from the window. The only time he was going this far to the north was during the summer, it was the only time the weather was enjoyable. But he had no choice, his people needed a shelter to survive the winter nights that where coming in the following months. Normally, the travel wouldn't have been so harsh during this time of the year, but with the glaciation, snow started falling even now. He looked at the big fire in the mantle of the chimney. He felt disproportionately small in the big half giant home. Even though he was used to it when he was visiting his human friends, in the companies of those giants, he truly felt small. He looked at his host, comfortably sitting on a chair bigger than Daerdir, writing a letter. Even then he was more than twice the height of the dwarf and almost three times the size. The half giant rose his eyes from the piece of paper. " I am sorry I can't accommodate you better, my friend. If I had known you were coming during the winter, I wouldn't have put the small chairs away in the shed," the host said. " That's not a big deal," Daerdir said, leaping down from the stand besides the window,"So me and my people can spend the winter here and learn how to survive in the cold?" Daerdir asked. " Yes, of course. You won't take much room in our town. But I must warn you, you won't be allowed to stay for another winter," the half giant said. The dwarf looked at the pale blue skin of his host, his dark blue hair cascading down his broad shoulders. "We wouldn't want to impose ourselves here," Daerdir finally said. " We heard the humans in the north are adapting pretty well to the sudden changes in the temperature, they can probably help you better than us in your quest." the half giant said. "Yes, I have heard of it, we will try to reach them during the summer, if we have any summer this year," replied the dwarf.
  The old dwarf was removing the frost from his beard with one hand and with the other he was eating the strange blue mushroom that his host prepared. " So this is what your people are eating to survive to the cold?" asked Daerdir while trying to swallow. "Yes, we eat these when the hunt is not good," replied the human. "The best part about those mushrooms is that they grow on ice, so they are the ideal with the cold," said the human. "We could get used to this," said the dwarf. The human raised his head and waited for the dwarf to meet his gaze. "However, you will have to travel even further to the north to find a new home for your people," said the human with a calm smile. "I see the news travel fast, even in this unending cold," replied the dwarf. "Ha ha ha, yes indeed. We don't have many contacts with the others from our frozen tundra, but we have heard the rumors." Daerdir calmly took another mushroom, " what are we going to find north from here?" asked Daerdir. The human slowly breathed for a time, looking out the window. "Only cold and death, I am afraid, my friend," said the host. "I'm afraid we'll have to choose death, then. The cold now covers the whole continent, there is no going back," said Daerdir. He too turned his gaze through the window shivering. " I don't think I have the strength to tell them," said Daerdir. " I understand, if this can be of any use, we have an old tale of elves living deep into the cold and striving. It has been decades we haven't see any of them, maybe this can be your last resort," said the human. " Maybe we'll do that," said Daerdir still looking through the window.
  As the travel went on, they learned to cultivate mushrooms that feed on ice and to really acclimate themselves to the cold. It was only when they reached the far north that they finally met with the ice elves, who taught them to live in the glaciers of the mountains. The decision to go north was always severely criticized during the clan politics, but in the end if the glaciation wasn't stopped by the magma elves, no races would have survived. When his people were settled comfortably he ascended as the minor god of Travel and Negotiation.

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