God, major : Stratis, Creation, Servitude and Offering in Almilir Malroetan Empire Era 19,758 A 20,358 | World Anvil
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God, major : Stratis, Creation, Servitude and Offering



Major God

      Moon : Golden   Portfolio : Creation, Servitude, Offering   Symbol : Stratis symbol is an open book with a quill. Tomes and Books are sacred to the followers of Stratis.   Favored weapons : Scholar's Blade (A slender, elegantly crafted longsword with engravings of ancient scriptures along its blade.) and Quill Dagger (A unique weapon resembling a slender dagger with a quill-like design on its hilt. )   Proverb : History repeats itself      

History :

Stratis fut le neuvième dieu créé par Zoulinorian, il était fasciné par le vécu de ses autres frères et voulait tous savoir sur eux et ce qui s’était passer avant sa naissance. Il devint le dieu de l’histoire et du savoir. Il était le gardien des connaissances anciennes et des histoires perdues. Il est en bonne relation avec Zedara et Edelmar qui tout les deux ont soif de connaissance. Il déteste combattre, parce que le savoir se perd ainsi, il n’apprécie pas Chaid qui vend le savoir au plus offrant.    

Creation :

De tous les dieux qui créèrent, Stratis fût le plus près de la création de Zoulinorian. Il créât les nains capables de vivre longtemps, presque autant que les elfes. Il leurs apprit a conserver le savoir et a écrire l’histoire ainsi leurs savoir de forgeront ne se perdrait jamais.    

Domains :

Stratis est le dieu du savoir ancien et de l’histoire, il aide les historiens et les sages à acquérir du savoir pour le bien des autres, il n’apprécie pas les gens qui gardent le savoir pour eux-mêmes. Creation, Servitude, Offering     Worshippers : Artisans, craftmans, sholars and sages worship Stratis.       Dogma :
Embrace the Power of Creation: Followers are encouraged to recognize and harness the power of creation within themselves and the world around them. They believe that through acts of creation, whether artistic, innovative, or generative, they honor the divine and contribute to the ongoing process of shaping and improving existence.   Serve Others with Humility: Service and servitude are highly valued by this god's followers. They are called to approach their interactions with humility, putting the needs of others before their own. Service is seen as a noble and sacred act, a means of expressing devotion and compassion, and a way to foster a sense of interconnectedness among all beings.   Offerings as Expressions of Devotion: Making offerings and sacrifices is a central practice in the worship of this god. Followers are encouraged to give of themselves and their resources, whether material or intangible, as a demonstration of their dedication and gratitude. They believe that offerings create a reciprocal relationship between mortals and the divine, inviting blessings and fostering spiritual growth.   Seek Harmony and Balance: The god's followers strive to find harmony and balance in all aspects of life. They recognize the interconnected nature of creation, servitude, and offering, and seek to maintain equilibrium among these elements. They believe that a balanced existence leads to fulfillment, personal growth, and a harmonious relationship with the divine.   Foster Unity and Cooperation: Cooperation and collaboration are emphasized as ways to manifest the god's teachings in the world. Followers are encouraged to work together, supporting and uplifting one another in shared endeavors. They value community, recognizing that collective efforts can lead to greater achievements and positive change.   Cultivate Gratitude and Appreciation: Gratitude is seen as a virtue and an essential part of the follower's spiritual practice. They are encouraged to cultivate a deep sense of appreciation for the blessings and gifts bestowed upon them by the divine. Expressing gratitude through prayers, rituals, and acts of kindness is believed to strengthen the bond between mortals and their god.   Honor the Sanctity of Creation: The followers hold a deep reverence for the sanctity of all creation. They strive to be responsible stewards of the natural world, treating it with care, respect, and gratitude. They see the inherent divinity in nature and seek to live in harmony with it, minimizing harm and promoting sustainability.       Cleargy and temples :
Temples of Creation: The temples are often grand structures with impressive architecture and design, symbolizing the creative potential and beauty of the world. They may incorporate elements of nature, such as gardens or flowing water, to represent the divine presence within the natural world. The interiors might feature intricate artwork, sculptures, and murals depicting scenes of creation and acts of service.   Halls of Servitude: Within the temples, there are dedicated spaces known as Halls of Servitude. These areas are where followers engage in acts of service and selflessness. They may provide various services to the community, such as shelters, soup kitchens, or educational programs, reflecting the god's emphasis on servitude and support for those in need.   Altars of Offering: Prominent altars are found in the temples, serving as focal points for offerings and sacrifices. These altars are adorned with symbols of creation, servitude, and abundance. Followers bring various offerings, such as food, art, or symbolic objects, as a way to demonstrate their devotion and gratitude to the deity.   Rituals and Ceremonies: The clergy performs rituals and ceremonies that celebrate creation, servitude, and offering. These rituals may include prayers, chants, music, and dances that evoke a sense of joy, gratitude, and connection with the divine. The ceremonies often involve communal participation, symbolizing the unity and collective effort embraced by the followers.   Robes and Symbols: Clergy members may wear robes or garments in colors associated with creation and abundance, such as earthy tones or vibrant hues representing the diversity of life. They may also bear symbols and sigils representing creation, servitude, and offering, which can be embroidered on their attire or displayed in the temples.   Libraries and Archives: Temples dedicated to the god of Knowledge often have extensive libraries and archives. These repositories house ancient texts, scriptures, and knowledge spanning various fields, promoting intellectual pursuits and the preservation of wisdom. Followers and scholars can access these resources for research, study, and spiritual guidance.   Teaching and Guidance: The clergy takes on the role of teachers and guides, offering wisdom, counsel, and spiritual instruction to the followers. They may conduct classes, workshops, or individual mentoring sessions to assist individuals in their journey of self-discovery, service, and personal growth.   The overall ambiance of the temples and the conduct of the clergy reflect a sense of reverence, creativity, and dedication to the principles of creation, servitude, and offering. The spaces inspire awe and foster a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, inviting all who seek the divine presence to explore and engage in acts of service and devotion.       Rituals :
  Rite of Creation: This ritual honors the act of creation and acknowledges the god's role as the source of all existence. It may involve the crafting or sculpting of symbolic representations of life and beauty, such as artwork or intricate patterns. Participants engage in acts of artistic expression, channeling their creativity to honor the divine gift of creation.   Service Communion: This ritual focuses on acts of service and selflessness. Followers gather to perform acts of charity and offer their time and skills to help others in need. It can involve volunteering at community centers, engaging in environmental stewardship, or providing assistance to the less fortunate. Through these acts of service, participants seek to embody the god's teachings of servitude and compassion.   Offering Ceremony: This ritual centers around the act of giving and gratitude. Followers bring forth offerings that represent abundance and generosity, such as food, crafted items, or symbolic tokens. These offerings are presented at altars or designated sacred spaces within the temples. Through this ceremony, participants express their gratitude for the blessings received and acknowledge their commitment to a life of giving.   Blessing of New Ventures: This ritual is performed when individuals embark on new endeavors, be it a business venture, a creative project, or a personal journey. Participants seek the god's blessings and guidance, asking for inspiration, success, and divine favor in their undertaking. It may involve reciting prayers, lighting candles, or offering symbolic items that represent the specific venture.   Rituals of Unity: These ceremonies focus on fostering unity, harmony, and cooperation among the community. They may involve communal meals, where everyone shares food and engages in conversations to strengthen bonds. Ritual dances, songs, or meditative practices can be incorporated to enhance the sense of togetherness and shared purpose.   Seasonal Celebrations: Followers of this god often observe rituals and festivals that coincide with significant seasons or natural cycles. These celebrations honor the changing of seasons, agricultural cycles, or celestial events. They can involve processions, communal feasts, music, and dance, symbolizing the continuous cycle of creation, service, and offering within the natural world.   Rituals of Personal Dedication: Individuals who wish to deepen their devotion to the god may partake in personal dedication rituals. These rituals involve making vows or commitments to embody the principles of creation, servitude, and offering in their daily lives. It may include rituals of purification, meditation, or reciting affirmations to reinforce their spiritual connection and commitment to the god's teachings.   These rituals serve as transformative experiences, allowing followers to connect with the divine essence of creation, servitude, and offering. They foster a sense of communal unity, gratitude, and reverence for the gifts of existence and inspire individuals to live in alignment with the principles of this god.     Texts :
  "The Book of Genesis": This foundational text recounts the mythical and symbolic creation of the world, describing the god's act of bringing forth existence, shaping landscapes, and imbuing life with purpose and beauty. It explores the themes of creation, the interplay between order and chaos, and the inherent value of all things in the divine design.   "The Code of Servitude": This text outlines the principles and ethical guidelines for living a life of service and selflessness. It emphasizes the importance of humility, compassion, and dedication to helping others. It contains narratives, parables, and teachings that inspire individuals to embrace the path of servitude and find fulfillment through acts of kindness and generosity.   "The Book of Offerings": This text provides insights into the significance of offerings and rituals of gratitude. It explores the symbolism behind various types of offerings, their spiritual significance, and the ways in which they foster a deeper connection with the divine. The text also delves into the concept of self-offering, encouraging individuals to offer their talents, skills, and time for the betterment of others.   "The Book of Creations": This text delves into the creative potential within every individual and offers guidance on harnessing one's creative energy. It explores various forms of artistic expression, craftsmanship, and innovation, highlighting their role in honoring the god's act of creation. The text encourages followers to cultivate their creative abilities and use them as a means of self-discovery and contributing to the world.   "The Chronicles of Service": This collection of stories and anecdotes depicts individuals who have exemplified the ideals of servitude and self-sacrifice. It narrates tales of heroic deeds, acts of kindness, and selfless service rendered to both fellow beings and the natural world. The stories serve as moral lessons, inspiring readers to embody the virtues of service in their own lives.   "The Book of Sacred Offerings": This text provides detailed instructions and explanations of various rituals and offerings performed in honor of the god. It includes descriptions of ceremonial practices, prayers, and symbolic gestures associated with different occasions and intentions. The text serves as a practical guide for followers to engage in meaningful offerings and connect with the divine through their acts of devotion.   These holy texts serve as sources of inspiration, moral guidance, and spiritual wisdom for the followers of the god of Creation, Servitude, and Offering. They provide a framework for understanding the deity's teachings, fostering personal growth, and nurturing a deep spiritual connection with the divine principles represented by this god.     Traditions :
  Rituals of Creation: Followers of this god engage in rituals and ceremonies that celebrate and honor the act of creation. These rituals often involve artistic expressions, such as painting, sculpting, writing, or composing music, as a means of channeling creativity and acknowledging the divine spark within each individual.   Acts of Servitude: A prominent tradition revolves around acts of servitude and selflessness. Followers are encouraged to engage in charitable deeds, volunteering, and offering assistance to those in need. Serving others is considered a sacred duty and a way to express devotion to the god.   Offerings and Sacrifices: The tradition of offering and sacrificing plays a significant role in the worship of this god. Followers make symbolic offerings, such as food, flowers, or handmade items, as an expression of gratitude and devotion. Sacrifices may include personal sacrifices of time, effort, or resources to honor the god's principles.   Communal Gatherings: Followers of this god often come together in communal gatherings and festivals to celebrate their shared values and foster a sense of unity. These gatherings provide opportunities for reflection, sharing of experiences, and engaging in collective acts of service.   Sacred Artifacts and Symbols: The tradition of using sacred artifacts and symbols is prevalent among the followers. These artifacts, such as talismans or amulets, serve as reminders of the deity's presence and principles. Symbols associated with creation, servitude, and offering are often displayed in temples, homes, and personal belongings.   Ceremonial Offerings: Special ceremonies are held to mark significant occasions or milestones, such as births, weddings, or harvests. These ceremonies involve elaborate offerings and rituals to seek the god's blessings and express gratitude for the blessings received.   Oral Tradition and Teaching: A tradition of passing down wisdom and teachings through oral tradition is valued among the followers. Elders and clergy members share stories, parables, and teachings to impart knowledge and inspire the next generation in the ways of creation, servitude, and offering.   These traditions create a sense of identity, foster community bonds, and provide a framework for followers to embody the values and teachings of the god of Creation, Servitude, and Offering. They serve as a pathway for personal growth, spiritual connection, and living a life in alignment with the divine principles represented by this god.   Verses :
Invocation of Creation

O Divine Creator,   We beseech your divine presence,   In this sacred space we gather,   To offer our humble reverence.       With hands open and hearts devoted,   We surrender to your boundless might,   Grant us the wisdom to serve your purpose,   To create, to honor, to bring forth light.       In your realm of eternal creation,   We find solace and divine inspiration,   We strive to be vessels of your grace,   To manifest your divine manifestation.       Guide us in acts of selfless service,   In offering ourselves with unwavering devotion,   May our every action be a testament,   To the beauty of creation and its eternal motion.       With hearts filled with gratitude,   We bow before your radiant presence,   Grant us strength to fulfill our purpose,   And embrace the path of divine essence.       O Stratis, God of Creation, Servitude, and Offering,   We humbly offer ourselves as conduits,   To manifest your divine will and beauty,   In this world, as it forever renews.       In your name, we pray,   With gratitude and reverence, we say,   May your blessings be upon us,   Today, tomorrow, and every day.
    Holy guards :
Shieldbearers: Holy guards are skilled in the art of defense and protection. They are trained in the use of shields and other defensive techniques, symbolizing their role as guardians of the divine presence. They stand as an impenetrable barrier, shielding the sacred spaces from any harm or profanity.   Sentinel Watchers: Holy guards maintain a constant vigil over the temples and sacred sites, ensuring their security day and night. They are stationed at strategic points, carefully observing and monitoring all who enter and exit. Their keen senses and unwavering focus allow them to detect any potential threats or disruptions.   Ritual Protectors: During important religious ceremonies and rituals, holy guards play a crucial role in maintaining order and sanctity. They form ceremonial processions, create protective circles, and stand as a formidable presence to ward off any negative energies or malicious forces that may seek to interfere.   Divine Enforcers: Holy guards are entrusted with upholding the laws and customs associated with the worship of the god. They ensure that visitors and worshipers adhere to the prescribed protocols and conduct themselves with reverence and respect. They have the authority to enforce discipline and remove anyone who acts contrary to the sanctity of the sacred space.   Guardians of Relics: Temples often house sacred relics or artifacts of great significance. Holy guards are responsible for safeguarding these precious objects, ensuring their protection from theft or misuse. They are trained in artifact preservation and may possess specialized knowledge of the relics' history and significance.   Spiritual Guides: Holy guards may also serve as spiritual guides, offering guidance and wisdom to those seeking a deeper understanding of the god's teachings. They can provide counsel, interpretation of religious texts, and assistance in spiritual matters. Their presence inspires awe and reverence, reminding worshipers of the god's power and benevolence.   Elite Warriors: Holy guards are skilled warriors, trained in both armed and unarmed combat. They are proficient in various weapons, such as spears, halberds, or ceremonial blades, chosen for their symbolic connection to the god's domains. Their combat prowess ensures the protection of the sacred sites against any physical threats.   These holy guards embody the god's attributes of protection, devotion, and service. They stand as stalwart defenders, ensuring that the temples and sacred sites remain sanctified and free from harm. Their commitment to their duty and their connection to the divine make them formidable and respected guardians of the faith.       Chosen / Champions :
Divine Inspiration: The Chosen are gifted with a profound connection to the god, receiving direct divine inspiration and guidance. They possess deep spiritual insight and are often vessels for divine messages, visions, or prophecies. This connection empowers them to understand the god's will and carry out their sacred duties.   Agents of Creation: The Chosen are granted special abilities related to creation, reflecting the god's domain. They may have the power to bring forth life, manipulate elements, or shape matter according to their will. Through their talents, they become conduits of the god's creative force, using their abilities to bring about positive change and growth.   Servants of the Divine Plan: The Chosen dedicate themselves to serving the divine plan of the god. They act as beacons of servitude, embodying the ideals of selflessness, compassion, and sacrifice. They strive to alleviate suffering, bring comfort to the needy, and spread the teachings of the god through their actions and deeds.   Ritual Leaders: The Chosen often take on leadership roles in religious ceremonies and rituals. They are entrusted with performing sacred rites, leading congregations in worship, and offering prayers and blessings on behalf of the god. Their presence enhances the spiritual experience of the worshipers and deepens their connection to the divine.   Ambassadors of Offering: As representatives of the god, the Chosen promote the concept of offering and sacrifice. They inspire others to give selflessly, whether it be material possessions, time, or talents, for the betterment of individuals and society as a whole. Their own lives serve as examples of devotion and dedication to the god's teachings.   Guardians of Balance: The Chosen understand the delicate balance between creation and destruction, servitude and freedom. They seek to maintain harmony and equilibrium in all aspects of life. They strive to reconcile conflicts, mediate disputes, and foster cooperation among different factions, recognizing that unity and cooperation are essential for collective progress.   Healers and Nurturers: Some Chosen possess inherent healing abilities, capable of mending wounds, curing ailments, and bringing solace to the suffering. They act as caregivers and nurturers, embodying the god's compassionate nature. Their presence brings hope and restoration to those in need, spreading the god's healing influence.   The Chosen are seen as chosen instruments of the god's will, entrusted with important tasks and responsibilities. They inspire others through their actions, words, and abilities, serving as beacons of the god's power and wisdom. Their presence in the world reinforces the values and principles associated with the god of Creation, Servitude, and Offering.
  Divine Empowerment: Champions are infused with the god's divine energy, granting them extraordinary abilities and strength. They become vessels of the god's power, channeling it through their weapons, spells, or physical prowess. This divine empowerment sets them apart from ordinary mortals and allows them to undertake great feats.   Guardians of Faith: Champions serve as defenders and protectors of the god's faith and followers. They stand at the forefront of battles against those who threaten the sanctity of the religion. Their skills in combat, strategy, and leadership inspire confidence and rally the faithful to resist adversity and challenges.   Envoys of Change: Champions are catalysts for transformation and progress. They champion causes that align with the god's teachings, striving to bring about positive change in society. They challenge oppressive systems, fight injustice, and advocate for equality and servitude. Their actions inspire others to embrace the god's values and work towards a better world.   Ambassadors of Offering: Champions embody the spirit of offering and selfless service. They use their skills and abilities to aid those in need, offering their assistance, guidance, or protection. Through their actions, they exemplify the god's teachings of servitude and inspire others to follow suit, promoting acts of kindness, generosity, and support.   Proponents of Creation: Champions are often skilled artisans, architects, inventors, or creators. They use their talents to bring beauty, innovation, and progress to the world. Whether it be through crafting magnificent works of art, constructing grand structures, or developing groundbreaking technologies, they honor the god's domain of creation and inspire others to explore their own creative potential.   Seekers of Balance: Champions understand the delicate equilibrium between creation and destruction, servitude and freedom. They strive to maintain balance in the face of chaos and conflict. They mediate disputes, negotiate peace treaties, and work towards harmony among conflicting factions, fostering understanding and unity.   Inspirational Figures: Champions serve as role models and sources of inspiration for the faithful. Their heroic deeds, unwavering dedication, and embodiment of the god's principles instill hope and fortitude in others. Their tales and legends become part of the religious lore, motivating generations to follow the god's path.   Champions are chosen by the god for their exceptional qualities, skills, and unwavering devotion. They become living symbols of the god's power, influencing the world around them through their actions and serving as conduits for the divine will. Their presence serves to strengthen the faith, inspire the faithful, and manifest the values associated with the god of Creation, Servitude, and Offering.

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