God, major : Gelmir, War evil, Vengeance and Destruction in Almilir Malroetan Empire Era 19,758 A 20,358 | World Anvil
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God, major : Gelmir, War evil, Vengeance and Destruction



Major God

    Moon : Stardust   Portfolio : War evil, Vengeance, Destruction   Symbol : The symbols of Gelmir are generally represented by torture equipments, also a knout is often used by the priesthood as an holy symbol.   Favored weapons : The Bloodblade: A fearsome and wickedly sharp longsword, often associated with the spilling of blood and the relentless pursuit of victory.   Proverb : I love seeing you suffer !      

History :

Gelmir was the fourth goddess created by Zoulinorian. She was tall and muscular, seeing how much Zoulinorian was suffering at the hands of Zimu and Zimhu, she vowed to make the world suffer as much as he had suffered, but she lost herself and she ended up just enjoying the suffering of others. She is opposed to Stratis and the other gods of good.    

Creation :

Gelmir created the Minotaure Cracorocus, she used them as executioner in her temples. She also transformed the centaurs into borvors to run after her enemies and victims.    

Domains :

Gelmir is the goddess of evil war, vengeance and destruction. She teaches her followers how to make their enemy suffer and how to conquer them.     Worshippers : Warrior, Mercenaries and other warmongers are all worshipping Gelmir. Almost all the conquest that happened in history were in some way influenced by Gelmir.       Dogma :
Embrace Conflict: Followers are encouraged to actively seek out and engage in conflicts, whether it be on the battlefield, in personal vendettas, or as agents of chaos. Conflict is seen as a natural and necessary part of life, and through it, strength and power are attained.   Seek Vengeance: Vengeance is a sacred duty to the followers of this god. They are taught to harbor and nurture their feelings of anger and seek retribution against those who have wronged them or their cause. Revenge is considered a powerful act of justice and a means to restore balance.   Embody Destruction: Destruction is celebrated as a force of change and renewal. Followers are urged to embrace the destructive aspects of life, tearing down old structures and paving the way for new beginnings. They believe that through destruction, strength and progress emerge.   Honor the Fallen: The fallen warriors and martyrs are revered as heroes who have sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of victory, vengeance, or the cause of destruction. Rituals and ceremonies are conducted to honor their memory and pay tribute to their sacrifices.   Conquer and Dominate: Followers are taught to conquer and dominate their foes, be it through physical might, strategic warfare, or manipulation. They believe in the pursuit of power and control, seeking to expand their influence and establish dominance over others.   Chaos and Discord: Chaos is embraced as a catalyst for change and a means to disrupt order. Followers are encouraged to sow discord, create upheaval, and challenge established norms and systems. They see chaos as a necessary force that fuels growth and evolution.   Strength through Adversity: Adversity is seen as a test and an opportunity for growth. Followers are taught to overcome challenges, hardships, and setbacks, as it is through these trials that they become stronger and more resilient.       Cleargy and temples :
The cleargy usually consist of battle-hardened warriors, seasoned commanders, and skilled strategists. They are individuals who have proven their strength and prowess in combat, embodying the ideals of the god they serve.
The temples serve as training grounds, where followers undergo rigorous physical and mental conditioning to hone their combat skills. Martial training, weapon mastery, and tactical education are essential components of their religious practice.
Temples feature altars dedicated to rituals of bloodshed and sacrifice. These solemn rituals involve offerings made in the form of captured enemies or symbolic representations of their foes. Blood is considered a potent offering to fuel the god's power and grant blessings to the faithful.
The clergy perform elaborate rituals that mimic the chaos and fury of battle. These rituals involve combat displays, martial dances, and recitations of war chants and incantations. Followers gather to witness and participate in these rites to invoke the favor of their deity.
Temples contain shrines dedicated to fallen warriors who have distinguished themselves in battle or served the cause of vengeance. These shrines honor their sacrifice and act as a focal point for remembrance and inspiration for the living.
Within the temples, there are secluded chambers or sanctuaries where followers can contemplate their thirst for vengeance and strategize their next moves. These spaces provide solace and guidance for those seeking retribution and offer a sense of community among like-minded individuals.       Rituals :
Battle Invocation: Followers gather before the altar, raising their weapons high as they chant war cries and invoke the god's name. This ritual is performed to request the god's blessing and protection before heading into combat or engaging in acts of vengeance.   Blood Oath: Initiates or devout followers seeking the god's favor make a solemn blood oath, pricking their fingers and letting their blood mingle with a consecrated chalice. This act symbolizes their dedication and willingness to spill blood in the name of their deity.   Ritual Combat: Within the temple or designated arenas, followers engage in ritualistic combat to showcase their skills and prove their worth to the god. These contests are not battles to the death but rather exhibitions of martial prowess, allowing participants to demonstrate their devotion and seek recognition.   Offering of Captives: In acts of retribution and as offerings to the god, captives taken in battle or enemies captured by followers are brought before the altar. Their fate may vary, from sacrifice to imprisonment or enslavement, as dictated by the will of the god and the desires of the clergy.   Ancestral Remembrance: Rituals are held to honor fallen warriors and ancestors who have fought valiantly in the name of the god. Prayers, songs, and recitations recount the tales of their heroism and sacrifice, ensuring their memory lives on within the hearts of the faithful.   Destruction Ceremonies: Dedicated to harnessing the power of destruction, these rituals involve the symbolic destruction of objects or structures that represent enemies or obstacles. Followers may demolish effigies, break weapons, or burn representations of adversaries, infusing the act with the god's wrathful energy.   Vigil of Vengeance: A night-long vigil where followers meditate and reflect on the injustices they have suffered and their burning desire for vengeance. They invoke the god's strength and guidance, focusing their anger and resolve to carry out acts of retribution when the time is right.   Fire Cleansing: In purification rituals, followers walk through a path of roaring flames or pass their weapons through fire, symbolizing the burning away of weakness and impurity. It is believed that the flames imbue their bodies and weapons with the god's fiery essence, making them more potent in battle.       Texts :
Tenets of War: This section outlines the fundamental principles of warfare according to the god's teachings. It encompasses strategies, tactics, and the art of combat. It emphasizes the importance of strength, resilience, and ruthless determination on the battlefield.   Tales of Vengeance: Here, the Scrolls recount stories of heroic figures who sought vengeance against their enemies. These tales serve as inspiration for the followers, illustrating the god's favor and the rewards that await those who pursue their enemies with unwavering resolve.   Rituals of Destruction: This portion delves into the rites, ceremonies, and rituals performed to honor the god and channel their destructive power. It provides detailed instructions for conducting sacrificial offerings, destructive acts, and rites of purification through fire and destruction.   Prophecies of Doom: The Scrolls contain prophetic verses, foretelling great battles, cataclysmic events, and the ultimate triumph of destruction. These prophecies inspire the followers to believe in the god's inevitable victory and reinforce their commitment to fulfilling the apocalyptic destiny.   The Code of Retribution: This section establishes a code of conduct for the god's followers, outlining their obligations, rights, and responsibilities in seeking vengeance. It highlights the importance of honor, loyalty, and the pursuit of justice against those who have wronged them.
The Scrolls of Annihilation are revered as divine revelations, believed to have been handed down to the first prophet by the god itself. They are safeguarded within the temples and monasteries dedicated to the deity, where only the clergy and select disciples have access to their sacred words. The text is interpreted by the clergy, who provide guidance to the faithful, helping them navigate the complexities of war, vengeance, and destruction according to the god's will.       Traditions :
Martial Training: Followers of this god often engage in rigorous martial training as a means of honing their combat skills. They participate in intense physical exercises, weapon drills, and simulated battles to prepare themselves for war and acts of vengeance. These training sessions are seen as a form of devotion and a way to embody the god's essence.   Feast of Conquest: The Feast of Conquest is an annual celebration held in honor of the god's triumphs in battles and wars. It is marked by grand feasts, where warriors gather to share stories of their victories, boast about their deeds, and revel in the spoils of war. The feast serves as a reminder of the god's power and the rewards bestowed upon those who serve them faithfully.   Rite of Retribution: This solemn ritual is performed by followers seeking vengeance against their enemies. It involves invoking the god's name, reciting prayers of retribution, and making offerings to gain divine favor and strength in their pursuit. The rite often culminates in an oath of vengeance, where the follower vows to carry out the god's will and seek justice through destructive means.   Trial by Combat: In matters of dispute or perceived injustice, followers of this god may partake in trial by combat as a means of resolving conflicts. This tradition involves two parties engaging in a sanctioned duel, where the victor is deemed righteous and justified by the god. Trial by combat is seen as an opportunity to demonstrate one's devotion, skill, and worthiness in the eyes of the deity.   Sacrificial Offerings: To appease the god and invoke their favor, followers may perform sacrificial offerings. These offerings can range from symbolic representations of enemies or captured weapons to more significant sacrifices, such as livestock or prisoners of war. The act of sacrificing serves as an act of devotion and dedication to the god's cause.   These traditions are deeply ingrained in the culture of the god's followers and serve as expressions of their faith, commitment, and desire for war, vengeance, and destruction. They provide a framework for adherents to channel their devotion, align their actions with the god's will, and find solace in the pursuit of their chosen path.   Verses :
Invocation of Destruction

Mighty Gelmir, Goddess of War, With hearts aflame and spirits strong, We invoke your name, we sing your praise, In battle's dance, we shall belong.   Grant us the strength of a thousand warriors, The fury of a raging storm, In your honor, we march forward, To unleash chaos and conquer all norms.   We seek vengeance for our fallen kin, Those who've suffered, those who've bled, With every strike, with every blow, We shall avenge, till justice is spread.   In the tempest of destruction, we find purpose, Unleashing fury upon our foes, Grant us victory in the face of adversity, As your divine power within us grows.   We offer our lives upon the altar of war, Bound by loyalty, bound by might, For you, O Goddess of Vengeance and Destruction, We wage this eternal fight.   May our blades strike true and fierce, May our battles resound across the land, In your name, we bring forth chaos, With unwavering devotion, we take a stand.   Oh, Goddess of War, our patron divine, Bestow upon us your fiery wrath, Lead us into glorious battles, And pave our way on the warpath.   In your name, we pray, With unwavering loyalty, we say, Grant us strength, grant us victory, In the pursuit of war, vengeance, and decay.
  Holy guards :
The holy guards entrusted with protecting the temples and other sacred sites of the god of War, Vengeance, and Destruction are known as the "Iron Legion." These elite warriors are fiercely loyal to the deity and are chosen for their exceptional combat skills, unwavering devotion, and unyielding determination.   The Iron Legion is renowned for their formidable presence and disciplined approach to warfare. Clad in heavy armor adorned with symbols of their god, they are an intimidating sight to behold. They wield a variety of weapons, ranging from massive two-handed swords and battle axes to wickedly sharp spears and maces. Each weapon is masterfully crafted and often bears the marks and emblems associated with the god's domain.   These holy guards undergo rigorous training in both martial combat and the specific doctrines of their faith. They are taught to be fearless in battle, showing no mercy to their enemies and embodying the relentless fury of the god they serve. The Iron Legion is skilled in various combat tactics, including defensive formations to protect sacred sites and offensive maneuvers to unleash devastating assaults when necessary.   Apart from their combat prowess, the Iron Legion is also responsible for maintaining the sanctity of the temples and upholding the rituals and traditions associated with the god. They ensure that the sacred sites are guarded day and night, allowing only the faithful and authorized individuals to enter. Their presence alone serves as a powerful deterrent to those who would dare defile or disrespect the holy places.   The Iron Legion is led by high-ranking officers known as Iron Wardens, chosen for their exceptional leadership skills and unwavering devotion to the god. These Wardens oversee the training and deployment of the holy guards, ensuring the temples and sacred sites are protected at all costs. They are responsible for upholding the god's teachings and enforcing the dogma of war, vengeance, and destruction within the ranks of the Iron Legion.   In times of great conflict or when the temples face significant threats, the Iron Legion may be called upon to march alongside the god's followers on the battlefield. Their presence inspires awe and fear in equal measure, as they fight with unmatched skill and unwavering loyalty to ensure victory in the name of their god.   Overall, the Iron Legion is a formidable force, entrusted with the sacred duty of safeguarding the temples and upholding the principles of war, vengeance, and destruction in the name of their deity.       Chosen / Champions :   The god of War, Vengeance, and Destruction bestows his favor upon a select group of individuals known as the "Chosen Ones." These chosen ones are individuals who have caught the attention of the god through their exceptional martial prowess, unwavering devotion, or significant acts of vengeance and destruction in his name.   The Chosen Ones are marked by the god, bearing a distinct and visible symbol of their divine favor. This mark serves as both a badge of honor and a sign of their connection to the deity. It may appear as a fiery brand, a blood-red tattoo, or an intricate scar, depending on the god's preference.   The Chosen Ones are granted enhanced physical abilities, surpassing the limits of ordinary mortals. They possess extraordinary strength, agility, and endurance, making them formidable warriors on the battlefield. Their reflexes are heightened, enabling them to react swiftly and decisively in combat situations.   In addition to their physical prowess, the Chosen Ones are blessed with an innate understanding of warfare, strategy, and tactics. They possess a keen tactical mind, capable of formulating effective battle plans and exploiting their opponents' weaknesses. This divine insight allows them to make split-second decisions that can turn the tide of a battle.   As devoted servants of the god, the Chosen Ones are driven by a relentless thirst for vengeance and destruction. They channel their fury and righteous anger into their actions, seeking retribution against those who have wronged their deity or committed acts that go against the principles of war and justice. They are the god's avatars of vengeance, executing his wrath upon those deemed deserving of punishment.   The Chosen Ones often lead armies into battle, inspiring their fellow warriors with their presence and rallying them to victory. They are respected and revered by the god's followers, serving as living embodiments of his power and will. Their exploits and achievements become legendary tales, inspiring fear in their enemies and awe in their allies.   While the Chosen Ones are granted extraordinary abilities, they are also burdened with great responsibilities. They are expected to act as champions of their god's cause, upholding his principles of war, vengeance, and destruction. They are bound to follow the god's guidance and carry out his divine will, even at great personal sacrifice.   Overall, the Chosen Ones are a fearsome and revered group, bestowed with divine gifts and entrusted with the task of carrying out the god's will in the mortal realm. Their actions shape the course of wars, bring about vengeance upon the wicked, and unleash destruction upon those who stand in the way of their deity's desires.   The god of War, Vengeance, and Destruction calls forth champions who embody the essence of his divine attributes. These champions are exceptional warriors and leaders, chosen by the god to carry out his will on the battlefield and beyond.   The champions of this god possess unmatched martial skills, wielding weapons with deadly precision and displaying incredible strength and agility. They are trained in various forms of combat, mastering a wide range of weaponry and fighting styles. Their combat prowess is further augmented by their divine connection, granting them enhanced physical abilities and resilience in battle.   These champions are not only skilled warriors but also charismatic leaders. They possess a natural aura of authority and inspire fear and respect in their followers. Their commanding presence and tactical brilliance make them formidable on the battlefield, rallying troops and coordinating strategic maneuvers with ease.   In addition to their martial prowess, the champions of this god embody the spirit of vengeance and destruction. They harbor an unyielding thirst for retribution against those who have wronged their deity or transgressed against the principles of war and justice. Their burning desire for vengeance fuels their every action, driving them to seek out and punish those deemed deserving of their wrath.   The champions often lead armies into battle, standing at the forefront as living symbols of the god's might and fury. They inspire their fellow soldiers with their unwavering determination, pushing them to fight with unparalleled ferocity. In times of great conflict, their presence alone can turn the tide of battle and instill fear in the hearts of their enemies.   Beyond the battlefield, the champions serve as enforcers of their god's will. They may be tasked with rooting out corruption, eliminating enemies of the faith, or executing divine justice upon those who have committed heinous acts. They are relentless in their pursuit of their god's goals, unafraid to unleash destruction upon those who stand in their way.   The champions of this god are revered among the faithful, regarded as living embodiments of their deity's power and wrath. Their names become legendary, whispered in tales of epic battles and righteous vengeance. Their exploits are celebrated and their victories sung in hymns and sagas, inspiring future generations to follow in their footsteps.   Overall, the champions of this god are formidable warriors, leaders, and agents of divine retribution. They embody the essence of war, vengeance, and destruction, wielding their skills and power to further their god's cause and bring about the downfall of his enemies.

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