Castra Martis in Almilir Malroetan Empire Era 19,758 A 20,358 | World Anvil
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Castra Martis

Castra Martis is the biggest city of the province of Oppius. About a 200 years ago it was an independant city, untill it got conquered by Malroet and they joined the republic (now Empire). Castra Martis has a Malroetan architecture in their buildings and infracstructure witch has a lot of right angle and many decoration depicting Malroetan Heroes and Deitic figures. Castra Martis is first an agricultural city with the production of flax and other cereal. The mineral production of Iron is also very important, second only to the Capital. Castra Martis also boast itself to having the biggest Bard College outside of the Capital.


Market Place :


Alchemist Shop

Abracapothecary is owned by Secundus Rufius Avienus, an old but very experienced alchemist. You can find all sorts of basic and some advanced potions potions. The prices are a bit high, but the quality is there. No unnessary chatting.  

Wizard's Librarium

Scrolls & Wands is owned by Gaius Lucceius Arpagius an apprentice wizard. You can find all sorts of basic scrolls and wands at a good price.  


Smelting Pot is owned by Drusus Laetorius Tertullianus a veteran weapon smith. He does mainly weapons, but will take contract for armors or other equipment from time to time.  


A Temple dedicated to the golden moon and the gods of good and justice. On the Saturday they are open to anyone that can request healing of any kind for a donation.  

Collegium Bardianum

One of the pride of the city, it was built 10 years ago by Maestro Lucius, the college is closed to visitors normally, but there are student spectacles once a week to show off their progress.

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