Augustus Pupius Gracilis in Almilir Malroetan Empire Era 19,758 A 20,358 | World Anvil
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Augustus Pupius Gracilis

Augustus Pupius Gracilis, paladin of ancient oaths



Augustus presents himself as a paladin of the ancient oaths, a defender of our realm from anyone who would invade it. He wanders the world in search of portals that allow these creatures to cross between the realms, secures them and make sure those portals eventually closes. He says he's part of an organisation with the same goal has his and the Captain Marcellus of the white stag company was or is also a member of this organization.    


  The interesting part of my story begins during the last war, I was a messenger for the army and probably the worst. In fact, I'm not too proud to admit it, but I would also be considered a spy since my messages would be captured by enemy forces. I would have been put in prison if the Captain Marcellus didn't request me into his service. He was already a war hero at the time, the Mountain Stag he was called, because his unit would cover great distance across mountains and flank the enemy army where it was tough impossible.   For the little story, your sergeant Kartus was called the white dwarf during this war. We did a mission where there would be snow and we had to put white paint to surprise the enemies, but we gave Kartus permanent white paint, so he was stuck for the rest of the war painted white. This is where the name White Stag comes from.   When I met the captain Marcellus I was very impressed by his leadership and his character, he was even a greater hero than the battlefield gossips where saying and soon I was stuck following every orders he was giving. He changed my life, from a borderline criminal to a respected soldier and even more when I took my oaths as a paladin.   After the war, the Captain Marcellus was decorated as a war hero. This is when I met with Clodia. She had this idea to form a mercenary company and help the people after the war. She said with him as the poster boy and her organization talents, this company would prosper in no time. I had no idea at the time how much she was downplaying her genius. Because in less than six months, we became one of the most renowned company in the empire  

The Portal of Dreams

  Our first big contract was to go and find the Portal of Dreams, as paladins that swore to protect our world, this was the perfect big job. We found an old legend about it being in the mountain at the center of the empire. So we set out, the two captains, the three lieutenants and a handfull of soldiers. We reached the mountains alright, but soon a thick fog envelopped us, we marched for days without seeing anything but the ground right infront of us. We climbed up slopes higher than it should be possible and we went down slopes so long that we should have been able to reach the bottom of the ocean. Until one day, Captain Marcellus was at the rear of the company when he spotted something, there was a small cavern, impossible to see with the fog. Inside this little cavern, we found it, the Portal of Dreams.  

  The job was only to find it, but captain Marcellus had unch that it was not a simple portal, it was something more important. They decided to cross it. At first only Marcellus, then he came back saying he met with fairies. They were good fairies, we never crossed path with any. In our order, we protect the land from invaders and little did we know that only the bad fairies try and cross the realm. Well the bad ones and those at the Portal of Dreams. Turns out, one of the bad fairies, she call herself the Empress of the Eternal Court had started capturing the good fairies and doing all sorts of experiments on them. She was conquering the Dream World. The good fairies, trying to survive where using the Portal of Dreams to escape. Sadly this is when the problems started, our communication beyond the portal was alted, no one was coming back. The two captains and the lieutenants where stuck or prisoners on the other side. We decided to form a rescue mission, but before we could cross the portal we saw her. I was never afraid in my life, facing the armies of men or the creatures that come out of the portals was never much of a concern for me, but when my eyes saw the Empress I was overwhelmed with fear. Then we fealt the aura of pure evilness, pushing on us, crushing our resolve. The three lieutenants emerged from the portal at this moment and soon after Captain Marcellus, he was waiting for Clodia. The oppression from the Empress overcame us and we lost conciousness.   When we woke up, the Captain was standing beside the portal. The portal was broken, so was his sword. The captain gave orders to leave this place, no one really talked about what happened on the other side. The company was never really the same after, the captain lost his will to command and I'd say even his will to live. We each left the company little by little, the hearth wasn't there anymore.   Note du DM : dans vos background, vous avez un event qui est arriver exactement au moment ou le Portal des Rêves a été brisé.

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