Archduke Volral in Almilir Malroetan Empire Era 19,758 A 20,358 | World Anvil
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Archduke Volral

Archduke Volral

First of the devils created at the dawn of time, Archduke Volral sees to all matters that happens in the Spirit City and the surrounding lands. Devils, and the spirit world in general, are mostly unknown by those living on Almilir. Mentions of a being so vile and evil that he destroys souls can be found in almost all religions, but none will mention him by name and even less knows his real intentions and purposes. The Spirit City has been under heavy attacks by the Empress of the Feys and her followers since very recently. Archduke Volral has been stuck defending the city ever since, nonetheless the devils under his commands have been able to accomplish their millenial old duty to destroy the corrupted souls coming to the Spirit Realm.

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