The Western Calendar in Almariia | World Anvil
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The Western Calendar

Much of life in the Duven Kingdoms is centered around farming. Thus, the Duven Calendar is based on the four seasons; starting in Spring, then Summer, Autumn, Winter, and back to Spring again. Each season is around 10 weeks long on, depending on the natural ebb and flow of the seasons. Each week consists of 10 days each:
  1. Duvensday
  2. Gregorsday
  3. Kingsday
  4. Isday
  5. Halfday
  6. Landfall
  7. Korgsday
  8. Fahrday
  9. Havensday
  10. Aftday
Once a season begins, no matter what day of the week a season may end on, the week is restarted; so, the first day of each season always falls on Duvensday.

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