Alchemist Profession in Alloy planetarium | World Anvil
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Alchemists are prominently known for the production of potions and other chemical and experimental products, some of which dabble in other arcane fields, crafts and are also often known for great book knowledge.



To sell their potions, one must get the related level certificate, this proves their potion of that level works and is not dangerous. If an Alchemist is selling high level potions/crafts they are not certified for they can get a fine or even worse prison time and a revocation of any certificates they may have earnt.

Career Progression

An Alchemist must get their potions certified for each level.   To do this they can send off potions and attached paperwork with cash to get them checked, if they pass they are sent a letter to go get a double test with another potion of that level. If their potions are both passes they earn a certificate to sell potions of that level (you can only apply for one level certificate at one time). For higher level certificates they must produce several potions and crafts of that level in an official potionary ,with the given equipment and ingredients. They must send out an application for this with information on their already owned certificates and cash for the booking, they may then obtain an appointment time that is posted to them (useraly a month after the potionary receives the application).



Potions and crafts are prominently used by those whom wish to boost and enhance their Adventuring career, other people use the products for a whole range of niche and wider entertainment uses along side using the products for emergency healing supplies.


Alchemists were frowned apon and feared in the past, as 'Evil witches' and as 'Necromancers' when in fact most necromancers don't even dabble in the realms of Alchemy and modern 'witches' are prominently female Wizards whom wish to be called as such instead.   Alchemists only a few century's back were mostly normalized, due to the increased expansion of civilization and the attacks that came with this, as such potions were prominently used across military forces as a healing tool to lengthen the time soldiers would be able to stay out in field to fight incoming monstrosities and 'lesser vile beings' (such as goblin).



Standard equiptment generaly used are:   -Cauldrons
  • Inden
  • Materials

    Dependent on whats being crafted different ingredients are required.   For example: For a Minor healing potion an Alchemist need to use Herm shrooms and water in combination with tools relevant, for this example a cauldron and Inden are used and the final product is placed within a container for sale (prominently glass bottles for potions like this).


    Most Alchemists have a specific craft room lay'd out separate to where they sell their goods.

    Dangers & Hazards

    Depending on products produced one of this profession is recommended to take part in the necessary safety precautions for what they are trying to produce, and for what ingredients/components they may be using. This usually highly dependent on what is being crafted.
    Alternative Names
    Potion makers
    This profession requires a qualification level which is dependent on what level items are being produced and sold. If someone is distributing goods they don't have the relevant certificate in they can be fined, given prison time or even have their certificates revoked.
    Famous in the Field

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