Valkyan Species in Allkinesh | World Anvil
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Known for their massive empire, and many-before-the-one mentality. The Valkyans are born into political intrigue and marital conflict from the very beginning. Unlike most other races, (who trace their origins to the Cydellians), the Valkyan are descended directly from Baalh and are the earliest known Baalhkiin to exist. The fundamental thoughts of the Valkyan empire are very much based on three principles. The people before the none, the many before the few, and the strong over the weak. It is considered against the law to not kill those who break this code, but this is quite difficult to enforce as you might imagine. Though the concepts run deeper, as the Valkyan believe in a greater Baalh the rules above them named “Aukdil” who looks over the stong ensuing hose he sees to be great shall remain. The Valkyans are legendary in their ambition and devotion, as well as their skill. It is said that one Valkyan is work ten men. In some cases, it’s true. Such as the great General Amalthius Malothkion, who almost completely assimilated the entirety of the north and led a legendary infiltration against Alxeri. Valkyans are known to stick to their word to the bitter end, and to even throw themselves into burning homes for what they believe in. The Valkyans are some of the strongest and most ambitious people in the world, second to none in their drive and blind determination. They are tall, and almost always physically imposing with a darker shade to their skin, with horns on their ears, and tattoos on their face.

Basic Information


With massive frames and horns erected vertically from the sides of their heads, everything in the Valkyan physique is by design. With strict breeding laws in place which are heavily enforced, there is little room for error in the eyes of an inspector. But those that do are in many ways considered superior to all other peoples. With propaganda to incite this mindset into the people, it's seen as almost fact by most people, especially the Valkyans themselves. The average man of Valkyan heritage weighs close to 300lbs with bodies honed from intense work. This often leads to a shorter lifespan, making breeding and matrimony at the forefront of many young Valkyan's minds. This kind of mindset makes the armies of the three Valkyan states a force to be reckoned with, thousands of powerful men (and occasionally women) separated into legions of honed steel and might, with no small amount of strict discipline.

Biological Traits

There are many kinds of Valkyan that exist. Valkyan isn't even the name of the species so much as an umbrella term for all the peoples who have descended from the fabled Aukdil. There are three main kinds of Valkyans, them being the Magikarra, Chakriz and Sareerhn. All of these share a basic form, but they differ in the details. Magikarra are born smaller in stature but carry a much higher Mana Potency than their counterparts. Chakriz are physically the largest and most athletic, having much larger horns and bodies. They're typically farmers or carpenters. Sareerhn are the most physically different, having wings at the midway points on their backs. Often, they are entertainers or work in similar jobs to their wingless counterparts. Though a Sareerhn with damaged or missing wings cannot truly fill the shoes of the others, making a life of labour risky and difficult.

Genetics and Reproduction

There are strict restrictions in place in who, how, and when one may have a child. Then the child must be inspected after a week for any flaws or impurities in the body or behaviour. Those that fail this test are given to the Dalshk’Inferi (Heart Fire) as an act to purify their spirit before death. Very few impurities are overlooked, and those that are usually are grown out of or may prove useful. A unique quirk of the Valkyans, most are left-handed as opposed to most other races (who are predominantly right-handed). In fact, in the eyes of some inspectors being right-handed is a flaw. After the Valkyan’s discovery of Albadur and their less restrictive ways, many mothers who do not want their child inspected flee through an underground organization bent of protecting life in any form. They then smuggle them onto outbound ships with an agent on board to get them to a safe place. Mothers that make the journey often shave their horns and wear their hair long to appear more Alman or Human. This has led to a human-like appearance to be seen as dishonourable or untrustworth. Weak.

Ecology and Habitats

Cerice is a treacherous and deadly land, where only the strong prosper. This makes the land well suited to the might of Valkyan will. The territories of the north are separated into three distinct states, which are then ruled by the Bracil. Mountains ranges and roaring rivers separate these provinces, making three distinct biomes that the majority of the Valkyan people call home. Farming is a very profitable indrustry in the lands, especially in the eastermost state, Infervalde, where the volcanic soil of the land is fertile and rich in bounty for those willing to risk being in the wake of the wrath of the fiery mountain. The Northernmost land Casilvormen holds the capital of trade and is closest to the neighbouring nations, making it a strategic front in times of war. The Westernmost land of Arquila buts up against the stormy sea, and is subject to the raging typhoons that strike the coast when the seasons favour the chaos of the vast ocean.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They look very much like Humans in this regard, but they have a tattoo given to them at fifteen, which is unique to them and used to identify oneself or another.

Average Intelligence

Most Valkyans are educated by scholarly elders in the area, who teach them basic mathematics, combat techniques, and history of the people. They really only learn a pragmatic amount of each though, and it's entirely optional. But most parents require their children to attend and are in many cases friends with the teacher and ask certain stories or lessons to be taught. Most parents are very trusting of these elders as most were likely taught by the same family or even the same elder. Though some are able to attend Universities, these are typically quite expensive leading only the wealthy with the means to attend. Though sometimes these Universities will hold public lectures for anyone with a curious mind and free time can attend.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Valkyans do not necessarily have names as much a titles of what they do with suffixes. They are mostly identified by the tattoo that is marked on their face at 15, which distinguishes them for the rest of their life. But sometimes one does a deed or gains such high honour, that they are given a name of their own. But individual families do have names that were given to them after the first of their line.This also ties into the way in which one may create a new legal family line. When one receives their name, if they so choose they may use that name to create a new family line, in which case all their descendants would carry their name, at least until their kin are named and create thier own line. It is common to refer to someone by the first syllable of their family name, then their occupation, then the appropriate suffix according to what they are to you (mother, sister, brother, friend). Example: MalUlkric’y (general Malothkion superior). But someone who is far superior to you in rank would refer to you as a derivative of “you” followed by the first syllable of your family name. “Chask’Old” Though some who leave Cerice are nameless, and in a society like Albadur’s which uses names heavily, some choose a name for themselves.

Historical Figures

Perhaps the most infamous example to ever grace the history books is General Amalthius Malothkion himself. The general who nearly brought the Alxerian empire to its stiff knees. Though only a century ago, the effects of his actions have been felt through the ages, both positively and negatively. Though the residents of Albadur are blissfully unaware of the prior.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Valkyans are seen one of two ways by other cultures, as fearless warmongers or powerful allies. Rarely in-between. The lands of Albadur have seen only the prior from the powerful peoples, thus relations have been strained, putting it lightly. Their Baalhkiin cousins, the Cralkyans see them in much the same way. Though relations have calmed in the past few decades, the memories of the past as the Cralkyans fought constantly to remain independent and alive are still burned in the minds of most. Though perhaps the Valkyan's most steadfast allies, the Minkyan see them as their great defenders. As when their home was destroyed by disasters and famine, the Bracil granted them shelter in their lands in exchange that they assist the townspeople with their tasks. And so the Minkyan have been grateful ever since.
70 years
Average Height
  • Male: 2.15 meters
  • Female: 2.00 meters
Average Weight
  • Male: 105kg
  • Female: 95kg
Average Physique
Though it varies a bit due to lifestyle and profession, Valkyans are almost always muscular and tall. Weakness (be it physical or mental) is very much frowned upon, thus making fitness socially mandatory.

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Ability Score Increase +2 STR
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

  • Baalhic Toughness Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
  • Brave You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
    Subraces There are three kinds of Valkyans who walk Allkinesh.
  1. Chakriz +1 CON
    • Natural Armor You have a natural armor bonus of +2. When unarmored, your AC is equal to 10 + your natural armor bonus + your dexterity modifier. But you cannot wear heavy armour.
    • Natural Weapon You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d10 bludgeoning damage on a hit.
    • Savage Attacks When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
    • Baalh Watch Me You have disadvantage against magical saving throws.
  1. Sareerhn +1 DEX
    • Wings You have a flying speed of 40 feet.
      • You must be in a space wide enough to accommodate your wingspan to fly. Your wingspan is equal to twice your height.
      • You cannot fly if you are wearing armor you are not proficient in, armor not tailored to accommodate your wings, or a backpack not specially tailored to your wings. They are quite heavy, bringing your movement speed down by -5.
    • Lucky When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can re-roll the die and must use the new roll.
  1. Magikarra +1 WIS
    • Innate Magic You know the Control Flames cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Bestow Curse spell once per day. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Confusion spell once per day. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
    • Inept Bloodline You have the ability to cast a spell that you were just hit with for no cost so long as you already know the spell, or have been hit with it more than once. This resets after a rest.
    • Darkvision You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Humanin and Baalhic. Baalhic is rough and full of sudden changes and complex conjunctions. This spills over into any language a Valkyan might speak.


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