Hallamen Settlement in Allkinesh | World Anvil
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Hallamen boasts multiple portcullises that hold the entrances of the city. Each is made of forged spring steel, reinforced with polarite for further stability. The gatehouses have arrow slits on the insides to allow for fire into it when the enemy is trapped within. As well as holes at the top, where one might pour oil or gouts of fire from inlisted Battlemages. There are also thirty-meter (one hundred foot) walls that encase the entirety of the exterior of the city. Made from stone and iron bars with ornate carvings on the surface of them. As well as battlements and crenelations. There are also many different towers places at intervals along the walls, with arches and turrets placed upon them. The city is also segmented into districts that allow for quarantine of different parts of the city. Adding extra lines of defence to an already heavily armed city.

Industry & Trade

Hallmen relies on trade and lodging from travellers for trade and taxes. Though a secondary source


Hallamen is a midway point between the two main ports, as well as a gateway city to the Veil Mountains. Therefore it is a centre of trade and lodging. Its central location makes it easily accessible to most merely passing through the land, especially on the highway.


Hallamen is home to some of the best craftsman and trade in the three leaves.
Large city
Related Tradition (Primary)

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