Puertovalero Valley Geographic Location in Allethalassia, Blood of Gods | World Anvil
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Puertovalero Valley

Puertovalero Valley is a secluded and rugged expanse that exists far removed from civilization. Shielded by imposing peaks and rugged cliffs, this hidden valley has managed to preserve its untouched beauty, remaining largely untouched by human influence.


Puertovalero Valley is nestled in the heart of a rugged mountain range. The valley lies at an elevation of approximately 1,500 meters above sea level and is surrounded by towering peaks on all sides. Its geography is characterized by steep slopes, rocky cliffs, and deep ravines, which make access difficult and limit the potential for large-scale agriculture or settlement.


The ecosystem of Puertovalero Valley is a unique blend of alpine and subalpine environments. The valley's high altitude and rugged terrain create a challenging habitat for flora and fauna. The vegetation is dominated by hardy, cold-resistant plant species, adapted to survive harsh winters and short growing seasons. Grasslands, scattered shrubs, and patches of coniferous trees such as firs and pines are found in the valley.


The climate in Puertovalero Valley is harsh and unpredictable due to its mountainous location. Winters are long, bitterly cold, and marked by heavy snowfalls. Summers are relatively short, with cool temperatures, making it challenging for crops to thrive. The valley experiences frequent fog and mist due to its elevation, adding to the atmospheric moisture.

Fauna & Flora

The flora in Puertovalero Valley is characterized by hardy, cold-resistant plants that have adapted to the harsh mountain environment. Common plant species include mountain grasses, mosses, lichens, alpine flowers like saxifrage and gentians, and hardy shrubs like juniper. The valley's flora is limited due to the challenging climate and lack of fertile soil.   The wildlife in Puertovalero Valley is diverse and includes various species well-adapted to the mountainous terrain. Common animals found in the area are mountain goats, chamois, wild boars, wolves, foxes, and various bird species like golden eagles and choughs. The harsh winters make survival challenging, leading to relatively low population densities of larger animals.

Natural Resources

Puertovalero Valley's natural resources are limited but play a vital role in the lives of its inhabitants. Timber from the coniferous trees is a valuable resource, used for construction and fuel. Mountain streams provide a source of freshwater for the locals, and some fish species can be found in these waters, albeit in small quantities.   The valley's rugged terrain also contains valuable minerals like iron ore, copper, and small deposits of precious metals, attracting occasional mining activities. However, mining is challenging and dangerous due to the difficult access and inhospitable conditions.

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