Tohazie (The red hunter) Character in Alkebulan | World Anvil
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Tohazie (The red hunter)

Tohazie (The red hunter)   THE LIFESTORY OF TOHAZIE The origin of the mole Dagomba kingdom can be traced to Tohazie, the red hunter. He was a great warrior and a hunter. While he was on a hunting expedition, he came across a village and was received by an old lady. This lady provided Tohazie with everything except water. The woman told Tohazie that she could not provide him water because they only source of drinking water has been invaded by a wild bull. He asked what the men of the village had done about it. The woman continue that the bull, believed to be a spirit, kills any one who venture there to fetch water. .The story narrates that at first he was about leaving the village then he thought to himself "if I leave without doing something who else will rescue these people from this bull? When this thought occurred to him he decided to try killing the bull. He stay in the village for two days and very early the next day he went down the river to single handedly face the bull. The bull saw him and rushed into him with an effort to kill him. He struggled with the wild beast for a along time and he had to use a whole lot of hunting experience and other superpowers he had, and eventually succeeded in killing it. He beheaded the bull and sent the head to chief of the village as evidence. The chief and villagers were very happy. He was awarded with a princess called Pagawugba who gave birth to a son known as Kpognambo. After the death of Tohazie, his son, Kpognambo also grew up to become a great warrior just like the father. He married and gave birth to Gbewaa............The story of Gbewaa will be posted later.THE LIFESTORY OF TOHAZIEThe origin of the mole Dagomba Kingdom can be traced to Tohazie, the red hunter. He was a great warrior and a hunter.One day while he was on a hunting expedition,he came across a village and was received by an old lady .This lady provided Tohazie with everything except water. The woman told Tohazie that she could not provide him water because the only source of drinking water has been invaded by a wild bull. At this point Tohazie was furious and ask the woman, "aren't there men in this village and what have they done about it. The woman continue that, the bull, believed to be a spirit , kills any one who ventures there to fetch water including men.The story narrates that at first he was about leaving the village then he thought to himself "if I leave without doing something, who else will rescue these people from the bull? When this thought occurred to him he decided to try killing the bull. He stayed in the village for two days and very early the next day he went to the river to single handedly face the bull. When he arrived there, the bull saw him and rushed into him with an effort to kill him. He struggled with the wild beast for a long time and he had to use a whole lot of hunting experience and other superpowers he had, and eventually succeeded in killing it. He beheaded the bull and sent the head to the chief of the village as evidence. The chief and the villagers were very happy. He was awarded a princess called Pagawugba who gave birth to a son known as Kpognambo. After the death of Tohazie , his son also grew up to become a great warrior just like his father . He married and gave birth to many children. Among his children were Gbewaa, Malgimsim, Nyelgili and Namzisheli.He move 2 a village cal Buem which cotten trees was planted along d path he take 2 village 2 show appreciation.but his son later kill d cheif of the new village one morning n put on d cheif regaliar as a way of installation of himslf as a king due 2 his braveness,he was addres as such by elders of d vilage.dats a rminder broTHE HISTORY OF NAA GBEWAA AND HIS SONS.........PART 1......................................................................After the death of his grandfather, Kpognambo(son of Tohazie), Naa Gbewaa moved to settle in Pusiga. Pusiga is in the Upper East Region in present day Ghana. Naa Gbewaa married and had nine(9) children, one of his children, a lady known as Yemtori, married to a Mossi man and they established the Mossi kingdom.Zirili was the elder son and Kufogu the young one, but they were of different mothers.Naa Gbewaa became blind during oldage. He wanted his younger son to succeed him after his death and made his intentions known. One day he mistakenly spoke with the mother of his first male son(Zirili) instead of the younger son's mother, about his desire to make Kufogu the heir to the throne. Zirili mother got jealous and reveal everything to her son. Zirili then plot to kill his younger brother.He dug a deep hole in front of his house, put some leaves over it and then covered it with soil. He asked his wives to boil water and then give them the appropriate instructions. After all his machinations were completed, he sent for Kufogu, who was also unaware of anything quickly responded to the call. Zirili place himself just by the covered hole awaiting his brother's arrival, he final arrived, he wanted to place himself in front of the elder brother to listen to him, and in trying to do this he fell inside the hole and the wives of Zirili quickly responded by pouring the hot water inside the hole there by killing Kufogu instantly.After the death of Kufogu, nobody was bold enough to break the news to Naa Gbewaa. One of the elders suggested that the should get some children to play it using flutes near the palace and they did exactly that. This was how the flutes sound.........."Zirili ku Kufogu, Zirili ku Kufogu, Zirili ku Kufogu"......When Naa Gbewaa heard the sound of the flutes he asked and he was told the story. Upon hearing this, he became restless and struggle on the skin. Some historians has it that, at a point in time he turn into a wild animal and vanished later, some say the earth swallow him. The skin on which he was sitting was buried and that became his grave. It is now a tourist site in Pusiga. Zirili was made the chief after the death of Naa Gbewaa, his fatherZirili masterminded the death of his younger brother, Kufogu, who was also the favourite son of Naa Gbewaa. On hearing this, Naa Gbewaa disappeared-he was swallowed into the earth at the site of his palace. This is now a place in the bush where sacrifices are still made to his spirits in Pusiga.Zirili became king after the disappearance of his father and rule the kingdom till his death.At the death of Zirili, conflict erupted between his two brothers, Tohagu and Sitobu, as to who becomes the next king. Tohagu was the elder brother to Sitobu but they were of different mothers. This created alot of confusion and tension in the kingdom and eventually Sitobu brokeaway with a very large following forming the Dagbon kingdom. Tohagu also migrated with the lesser group to form the Mamprugu kingdom. The third brother, Mantanbu, followed his brother Sitobu. He was a good orator and his brother gave him the chieftancy title Naa nuu, which is known today as Nanun, he too formed the Nanun kingdom.The Mamprusi, the Dagombas and the Nunumbas are brothers with mamprusi being the eldest. Traditionally, dagombas refer their problems to the Naayiri who is the king of Mamprugu for solution.((((((some guy commented It is true that Naa Gbewaa was the chief of pusiga or even in Bawku in general . But he should bear in mind that, Naa Gbewaa was from Tamale and not from Bawku . So once he is dead , the mamprusi must know that the Kusasis being the owners of the area are supposed to take control of their area and not mamprusi. If you have borrowed my property and finally , I come to collect it , that should not be a problem . Like what is happening in Bawku .))))

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