The baobab tree 'The great tree' Myth in Alkebulan | World Anvil
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The baobab tree 'The great tree'

The baobab tree is one of the oldest living things on the continent of Alkebulan. It is the tallest tree on the continent. It is sometimes called the upside down tree because when it branches are bare of leaves.   Over 300 feet tall   The Baobab tree provides food, medicine and shelter.   The Baobab Tree: Africa's Iconic "Tree of Life" The majestic baobab tree is an icon of the African continent and lies at the heart of many traditional African remedies and folklore. The baobab is a prehistoric species which predates both mankind and the splitting of the continents over 200 million years ago.   The baobab is a prehistoric species which predates both mankind and the splitting of the continents over 200 million years ago. Native to the African savannah where the climate is extremely dry and arid, it is a symbol of life and positivity in a landscape where little else can thrive. Over time, the Baobab has adapted to its environment. It is a succulent, which means that during the rainy season it absorbs and stores water in its vast trunk, enabling it to produce a nutrient-dense fruit in the dry season when all around is dry and arid. This is how it became known as "The Tree of Life".   The striking silhouette of a baobab tree at sunset is a familiar site to anyone who has spent time in rural Africa - but it is also well known all across the world thanks to its starring roles in Disney’s Lion King (it is Rafiki the monkey’s tree), Avatar (The Tree of Souls), Madagascar and the famous children's novel The Little Prince.   Baobab Fruit While many people know of the baobab tree, not many people know that it has a fruit - and even less know that this fruit is one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world.In fact, every part of the baobab tree is valuable - the bark can be turned into rope and clothing, the seeds can be used to make cosmetic oils, the leaves are edible, the trunks can store water and the fruit is extraordinarily rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Women in Africa have turned to the baobab fruit as a natural source of health and beauty for centuries. Baobab is the only fruit in the world that dries naturally on its branch. Instead of dropping and spoiling, it stays on the branch and bakes in the sun for 6 months - transforming its green velvety coating into a hard coconut-like shell. The pulp of the fruit dries out completely. This means the fruit simply needs to be harvested, deseeded and sieved to produce a delicious pure fruit powder. Unlike many other supplements, baobab powder does not have to be spray-dried, freeze-dried or transformed in any way. It is 100% pure fruit in its natural form. Incredibly, the fruit has a natural shelf live of 3 years so there are no preservatives or additives whatsoever. Aduna Baobab Powder is one of the health and beauty world's best kept secrets. It is an extremely rich source of vitamin C, almost 50% fibre and has the highest antioxidant content of any whole fruit. The benefits of baobab include: Energy release - reduction of tiredness and fatigueImmune function - protection against illnesses, infections and diseasesDigestive health - baobab is a natural prebiotic, supporting gut healthHealthy, younger-looking skin - baobab produces collagen leading to a glowing complexion and helps fight the signs of ageing.   How to Take Baobab Aduna Baobab Powder has a delicious sweet and citrussy flavour - a bit like zingy sherbet. It is perfect for sprinkling onto cereal, granola, yoghurt or fruit or mixing into smoothies, juices or water. Just let your imagination lead the way - or check out our baobab recipes for inspiration.Our two delicious energy bars Banana Boost & Superfruit Blast are perfect for getting your daily dose of #baobablove on the go. Superfruit Blast is an updated version of the original baobab bar, combining a teaspoon of baobab powder with cold-pressed pineapples and almonds. Banana Boost combines a teaspoon of baobab powder with sun-dried Ugandan bananas with dates, almonds & cashews.Our Aduna Lemon, Ginger & Baobab Super Tea blends whole pieces of dried baobab fruit with lemongrass, ginger and hibiscus, all of which are known to enhance energy, vitality and general wellbeing in the body.Shop the Aduna Baobab RangeAduna's organic-certified range of baobab products are best-sellers in leading health and beauty retailers in the UK and all over the world. Find a store near you or order online now and we will deliver straight to your door. We ship worldwide and offer free delivery for all orders over £20 in the UK or £50 international.     The Stuff of Legends There are many stories and traditions involving baobab trees. Along the Zambezi River, many tribes believe that the baobab once grew upright, but considered itself so much better than the lesser trees around it that eventually the gods decided to teach the baobab a lesson. They uprooted it and planted it upside down, in order to stop its boasting and teach the tree humility.       In other areas, specific trees have stories attached to them. Zambia's Kafue National Park is home to a particularly large specimen, which the locals know as kondanamwali – 'the tree that eats maidens'. According to legend, the tree fell in love with four local girls, who shunned the tree and sought human husbands instead. In revenge, the tree pulled the maidens into its interior and kept them there forever.       Elsewhere, it is believed that washing a young boy with water that has been used to soak baobab bark will help him to grow strong and tall; while others hold the tradition that women living in a baobab area are likely to be more fertile than those living in an area with no baobabs. In many places, the giant trees are recognized as a symbol of community and are used as a gathering place for ceremonies and rituals.

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