AQL VII Geographic Location in Alien | World Anvil
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The seventh major body, and fifth planet, within the AQL-9217 system. The planet is a habitable desert world and home to the Ferros Research Outpost and some 200+ personel at any one time. The Drassia Union also has a station, Empok Station, in high orbit of the planet.


The entire planet is a desert consisting of mainly sand dunes, but has large rocky out croppings that dot its landscape.


The planet is a desert, with no known indigenous life.

Ecosystem Cycles

The planet is in a perpetual summer cycle, while it's cold at night there are no true seasons on AQL VII.


0 to 30° C

Natural Resources

The planet has a large fossil record, which in part has created a rich fossil fuel & oil supply that prospectors are still working to tap into.


A large impact crater, that spans 42km, is located in the planets southern hemisphere. Scientist estimate that a large asteral body impacted the planet some 10 million years ago and the ensuing cloud coverage caused an ice age that turned the planet into a desert once it settled. This is supported by the large fossil record that exsist on the planet that shows it was once a rich forest world with great lakes and a handful of wild life.
Alternative Name(s)
Aquilla 7
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