Skalengard Organization in Algemeen | World Anvil
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Skalengard (skal-en-gard)


Skalengard’s head of state is the High King or High Queen (currently the High King) who acts as the supreme arbiter of justice, the ultimate decision maker of what laws are passed and the supreme commander of the military. Below him sit nobles called “Jarls” who individually govern each of Skalengard’s many regions or “dominions.” All are constitutionally bound to serve the High King and obey his edicts.   Though the High King wields supreme executive power, he can be overruled by a council that sits opposed to him. This council is made up of elected federal representatives of each of Skalengard’s thirty different guilds, each of them representing one or a few different but related professions. These guilds continuously petition the High King for more rights and privileges to be granted to them, each one seeking to further its own power and influence throughout the nation. These guilds have the power to overrule decisions made by the High King and even the power to force the High King to abdicate the throne; however both of these actions can only be carried out if all thirty guild representatives vote for them with at least a 75% majority.   Additionally, elected representatives of these guilds are also present in each dominion. Here they act in the same role, but at only a dominions-wide level as opposed to a federal level. Each Jarl, including the High King or Queen is chosen based on a lengthy process designed in an effort to put the best possible rulers in power.   One of the guilds in Skalengard is known as the “Sages” who act as the high priest’s and priestesses of "Ashinism," Skalengard’s most established religion. This guild is responsible for seeking out and finding those who may be suitable for ruling positions. The sages look for those who have strong leadership qualities and choose the boys and girls for training when they are between the ages of 10 and 13. These children (or more likely the child’s parents) can refuse this recruitment, however very few do as it is considered a great honor to be chosen by the sages. Additionally, very little about the child’s home life will change as a result of their recruitment.   Over the next five years, the child goes through a more specialized education where they learn about leadership, negotiation tactics, economics, the history of Skalengard and the various guilds that reside within it. Once that training is done the child will now be between the age 15 and 18. At this point, this teenage boy or girl will be given the choice to continue on this path or to turn aside and pursue a different calling in life. Those that stay receive further training.   For five further years, the young man or young woman will apprentice with each guild in the nearest settlement for two month periods in order to gain an understanding of them and, ideally, an understanding the Skalengard people as a whole. Once this training is done, they will be between the age of 20 and 23. At this point, they are again given the opportunity to turn aside from the path of leadership and pursue a different calling.   If still they choose to pursue the path of leadership, they are brought into the guild of the Sages where they wait for their possible turn to govern and help to choose other possible future leaders.   When the monarch or any other Jarl dies or abdicates, a new leader can be chosen. All members of the Sages who seek that position come forward and “The Trials of Aerlin” are held with each potential candidate as a contestant. These games last several days and are designed to determine who has the most well rounded skills and the favor of the gods. The winner is granted the position they played for until they, themselves die or abdicate.   One additional detail that should be noted is that potential leadership candidates and/or members of the Sages are never forbidden to marry and may do so at any suitable time in their lives. However, the spouse or family of the monarch or any Jarl wields no power whatsoever in government. For example, the wife of the current High King is not seen as the Queen, but rather simply as the King’s wife. His children are not seen as princes or princesses, but are simply the King’s children.
Geopolitical, City-state

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