The Clans of Zasel Organization in Alfee's Creation | World Anvil
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The Clans of Zasel

The Clans of Zasel are a collection of clans each with their own trations. While they are some what unitfid under the current leading clan, Zwal , it is by support, ether grudging or other wise they Zwal rules. Long term friends with the Ehron Horde because often banding together against the orcan assaults before the formation of Orkan.
Living in Archtell with thick jungles, the majory of the food is from a cultvation method in which food or other farmed crops is grown between Snow-flower Trees, which enhance the crops. While very few mines or quaries exest in the lands of the Clans the spices and food are traded with local parts of the Underground League or with Orkan, for stone and metals.


The head of the government is the head of elected clan as chosen by the vote of all clans, this vote happens every 50 years


Founded by a band of 15 morals leaving the The Isle of Mages, after the war in heaven. the band of 15 morals formed in to the five clans,


A decentralized worship of many different gods, with each settlement having its own parton god. Fae worship is common, but are treated as sepeprt entries from gods, unlike Rex Kan. The head or dominant deity is Edgar, and their daughter Cyanti. Most notable is Eiko who is the credited with aiding in the founding of Zasel.

Trade & Transport

The major cities are connected via Mofavel groves, which anchor the teleportation circles, providing fast travel through magic. lesser settlements are connected via paths and small roads.

Of Jokes and Jests
  While to outsiders the Clans of Zasel, especially the High Elves are stern, humorless people, the truth is a major part of culture is of making jokes and word play during any social event. Many a diplomat, after judging the Zasens as dry and boring, are taken a back at the mirth and joy that is a Zasen Moon Festal. The belief of the Zasen is that jokes are wasted if not told in front of a large group, however acting on some situational humor is ok, but its even better if is situational and in fount of a large group. This tration of joking and what not is becasue of the influence of Eiko, the god/dess of High Elves, Gnome and the grandparent of the founder of Zasel
Flag of Zasel
Geopolitical, Country
Power Structure
Major Imports
imports stone for construcion, gems for magic and luster, Silver Barb as a luxury good
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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