Martellus Character in Alfee's Creation | World Anvil
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Martellus (a.k.a. Bronze Axe)

While it was Markus the Wise, who freed the orcs, it was Martellus who stepped up to the role of leading the orcs, and building a nation of free mortals. Martellus, aided by the debates of people, would create the republic system that gave each state a number of representatives bases on the number of people living there. A fair and just leader when considered with worldly maters, Martellus hated on gods and their servants. Martellus's hate was based in his belief that Eiko , and the other gods used Marus as a pawn in their plans and rushed him into slaying the Tyrant god which cost Marus his life. This hated of gods, gave all orcs the reputation of a unrational hated of all things related to gods.
Year of Death
297 R
Aligned Organization

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