Crullen Theater Building / Landmark in Alfee's Creation | World Anvil
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Crullen Theater

Built from the scull of Rythonos, Crullen Theater is the center of Orkan culture. Weekly plays are put on for all of Corpse Hold to enjoy. The most common time of play is a low-brow comedy, that begins with two minor characters talking about an upcoming event that drives the plot, and ends with said upcoming event happening but in the wackest way imaginable. The most well known example of this is Urgis's play 'The Merchant's Missing Pants" in which two guards discuss the up coming marriage of said Merchant. Currently the theater troop, Muro's Masked Act, holds a monopoly on preforming there, but once a year a traveling group is invited for a month to preform instead.
Alternative Names
Scull Full
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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