Kuhlus Dhuromath Character in Aldayin | World Anvil
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Kuhlus Dhuromath

Kuhlus Dhuromath is a 118 year old male triton acolyte. He has extremely long, straight, dyed black hair and red eyes. He has rough, sunburned, aqua skin. He stands 172cm (5'7") tall and has a beefy build. He has an oval, forgettable face.   He has a glass left eye.   Personality Traits He proudly worships Asgorath, the Ninefold Dragon, head deity of dragonkind.(All alignments) He gets bored easily. He is non-materialistic. He speaks an antiquated version of common. He keeps everything about his god a secret. He cannot tolerate rough living conditions. He sets up local dance clubs.   Ability Scores Strength - 10 Dexterity - 7 Constitution - 12 Intellect - 14 Wisdom - 15 Charisma - 10   Relationships Sexual Orientation - Straight Relationship Status - Married   Alignment Tendencies Good: 6 Lawful: 4 Neutral: 5 Neutral: 0 Evil: 0 Chaotic: 7   Plot Hook He is a time traveller from a distant past.
Current Residence
Aligned Organization

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