Uxores Mortis Military Formation in Albion | World Anvil
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Uxores Mortis

This title initially referred to the original 9 daughters of Modwenna Le Fay Sauvage of House Le Fay - Uxores Mortis and the training they underwent to master reincarnation and fulfill their eternal obligation however over time and with the leadership of eldest Le Fay daughter and founding Uxor Mortis Molaisse Le Fay its meaning has shifted to mean an elite female fighting force comprised of the variegated living and unliving souls of Anima.

Avalon's sorceress-knights are all female. Bound to the Isle of the Blessed itself in body and in soul, the Uxores Mortis (sing. “Uxor Mortis”) are known in legend as "death's wives" and fated to reincarnate again and again to fulfill their duty.


  • Je salue la mort comme un amant (Common trans. “I greet death like a lover”)
  • Ça commence par la mort (Common trans. “It begins with death”)
  • Nous chantons une berceuse de malheur (Common trans. “We sing a lullaby of woe”)



As a respectful greeting Call: Death’s Wife, how do you fare?
Response: I greet death like a lover.

As an intimate greeting
Call: Death’s Wife, how do you fare?
Response: I greet death like a lover.
Call: I am Death, and I love you.

As an intimate greeting (alt.)
Call: Death’s Wife, how do you fare?
  Response: I greet death like a lover.
  Call: I am Death, and when I love you it’s forever.

Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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