Therianthropy Condition in Albion | World Anvil
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Therianthropy refers to the mythological ability or affliction of individuals to metamorphose into animals or hybrids by means of shapeshifting. Therianthropy has long existed in mythology, and seems to be depicted in ancient cave drawings across Albion. It can be hereditary/congenital or acquired, depending on circumstances of transmission. Though we do not yet have the magical language to explain the existence of therianthropy in sapient species, it is widely believed that it is the result of a powerful ancient blood curse.

Transmission & Vectors

  • Via bite/saliva transfer
  • Via blood transfer
  • Genetic inheritance 


Mages across Albion have pondered the mystery of therianthropy since the early Pre-Apostasy era, but due to the stigma therianthropes often face in society it is difficult to take census or collect accurate objective data. It is widely believed, however, that therianthropy is the result of an ancient blood curse cast by a powerful unnamed sorceress at the dawn of the Pre-Apostasy era, thereby infecting any who come in contact with therianthropic blood or saliva samples, even in-vitro.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

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