Session 9: Birthright Report Report in Albion | World Anvil
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Session 9: Birthright Report

General Summary

    Queen Cridhe Nausica Nimue of Broceliande and Queen Morgana Faimurgen Le Fay of Avalon sit side by side at the highest table in Caslean Saol’s Great Hall, the former enemies turned sisters in arms surveying the storied and unusual guests collected therein. Thé Sealgaírí Fola dressed in their gold and Quercitronne dragonfly emblazoned armor fill 4 full tables in the hall, a cacophony of melodious clanking filling the southern corner of the hall. To the West, the illustrious Ord an tSnáthaid - the Order of the Dragonfly - fills one table and the assorted members of Découverte fill another, long empty seats filled by resurrected lovers and strange visitors. For the first time in over 25 years, Mortelle and Deminatural sit beside Serous and An Locha and Seiliegh, the old, great blood of Anima’s beginnings. Nestled in amongst the crowd in their armor and finery are Nimue’s daughters and Morgana’s nieces, flanked on both sides by long lost descendants of eternal legacies.  

“It almost feels like before, no?” Morgana says out of the side of her mouth with a soft smile. “It is once again the eve of war and all the free people of the realms are gathering as one against a great evil. Young heroes stop here in your great hall, beleaguered and determined, some eager to cut their teeth in battle and others who have seen enough bloodshed for one very long life. I can almost see us here 3,000 years ago preparing to march against Agenet at Ciannait.”

Nimue smiles knowingly, her voice equally conspiratorial, “Merlin had just joined the Ord. He was brilliant and beautiful and I couldn’t stand him.”

“As proven by your successful murder of the aforementioned mage several thousand years later.”

“It didn’t take, and then we had two daughters. Life is funny that way.”

As the two women’s grins fade, Morgana sighs and continues, “My sister still fought beside us. Do you remember her at Ciannait, silver armor flashing off of Molaisse’s pure white plate? Riguardata strong and sharp eyed trailing behind with her sword like a beloved shadow?”

“There is still hope, Faimurgen. Vigore has proven that no one is Lost forever and Morgause isn’t fully matured as a malicorn yet. This won’t be like Batten — the chance is slim, but it’s there.”

“Wherever Batten and whatever chance that may be, I think we must both agree that our hopes now lie with the next generation, ouais?”

A stir begins to spread across the Hall as food is brought in, piled high on jeweled plates set upon tables cut from what could only have been viridian, mazarine, incarnadine, and amaranthine geodes the size of houses. Lady Aurembiaix Den Ithir Orga, dressed in a form-fitting gown of spun gold and pure light, stands beside the set of ornate jeweled and enameled doors with their fine Il-Dath inlays subtly depicting a swooping dragonfly, an itsmy moth, a lake, her natural light flaring slightly to gain everyone’s attention.

It is the last night in Broceliande. The Protectors of the Realm followed Archmage Merlin’s instructions to the letter: They have traversed the Uncanny Valley and made the acquaintance of shapeshifters and fantastical creatures, even traveled in the company of a few, as indicated by the dragon hatchling Scheherezade, now approximately the size of a great Dane in her natural environment, curled up and dozing beneath the table. They met the Breath of the South Wind itself and parted ways as friends with a promise and a new perspective; walked through a door to nowhere and found themselves in this rich, verdant place walking amongst these people as old as cities; called the sun himself down from his heights and struck a bargain with him before the twin princesses of Camelot pulled their father’s legendary sword from his heart. They've mustered the fighting forces of Broceliande and will proceed to Avalon in the early light or morning, but tonight? Tonight a feast is being held in their honor, a welcome home and a greeting and a farewell wish from the realm that will soon fight shoulder-to-shoulder with them.

Aurembiaix lifts their delicate head on their delicate neck, a delicate hand lifting a delicate glass of something pink and fizzing and says in a high, melodious voice vibrating with something more,

“On behalf of myself, we welcome our beloved Princesses Adaleis An Machnamh Ambrosia Loch, Nepenthe’s Reflection and Aleydis Maudeleyn An Spreach Ambrosia Loch, The Spark Preternatural, Heiresses of Broceliande and Duchesses of Thios and Ebbtide home from their long absence. On behalf of House An Locha and the unbroken bloodline of Queen Cridhe Nausica Nimue, Lady of the Lake, we welcome our esteemed visitors - honored knights and contemporary mages in service to Camelot and our visiting Princesses Absabeth and Godiva Pendragon, Co-Heiresses of Camelot and the land of Albion, who have come so far from home to seek aid for those they love. On behalf of the bonds of love that tie Broceliande and Avalon together we once again welcome our returning friends, returned from far-flung places and times Peeress Mathilde Durand Le Fay Mortui, Death’s Bride, Patron Phiala of Scholars, of the old blood of Atavis and Terremorte-”

Before she can complete her sentence, a young Animist man with red hair and green eyes and shockingly similar bone structure to Adaleis and Lady seems to materialize from nowhere to whisper in her ear - the news is good, judging by the shit-eating grin close friends and compatriots recognize beginning to work its way across her face. She nods to the man as the doors beside her begin to swing open to reveal the shadow of a figure approaching.

“Ahem - it seems we have one last honored guest and far-flung friend dining with us this evening! On behalf of all those that have missed her on her travels, we welcome Peeress Galexia Vigore Na Realta Maidine, La Madrugada, Thé Sun of thé Night Sky, Heiress of Ephemeris and Steward of Fornéis Neamhai.”

The shadow swells and grows as it nears the entry way before the figure, at last, steps through. Each muscle screams of complete control as the tall, willowy woman with violet eyes makes her way into the Great Hall, a billowing ballgown of stardust and light accented with a unique chain harness that seems molded to her form. Amidst the sudden din that arises from the long mazarine table at which the assorted members of Decouverte and Broceliande's visitors from Camelot are seated, Peeress Vigore proceeds to her seat beside longtime friend and brother-in-law Iliam Quelveneck Serous, hiding the small grin on her face by immediately burying her nose in a book to the surprise of...well, none who actually know her. After a few moments of familiar banter with her tablemate she seemingly becomes consumed with the book in her lap, her face smoothing into a mask of stoicism and disinterest.

This is, of course, false.

Her brilliant amaranthine gaze travels across the handwritten pages and over the edge over the cover, sweeping across the table and flaring ever brighter in recognition as two figures seated therein catch her gaze: Ser Grifflynn Toussaint, whom she mistakes for a very old friend, and the strikingly familiar blonde knight seated near her who inexplicably carries the weapon of Mathilde Durand. Neither Grifflynn nor Mathilde fail to note the pointed gaze, Mathilde eagerly leaning forward in the body of Eleanor De Gales and presenting the glaive for further inspection, eager to share her identity with her favorite cousin and fellow Death's Wife. The dam behind the facade breaks and Vigore rushes to embrace the very same cousin she watched perish heroically during The Battle of Phiala Mathilde. Each gains +1 String on the other.

It is not to be the only reunion had in Caslean Saol's Great Hall this evening - Grifflynn, having grown familiar with the sensation that people are seeing someone else when they look at her, answers the unspoken question: yes, Balestriere na Réaltaí-Riviere is her mother. She accepts Vigore's invitation to join her on the opposite side of the dining table and is surprised to learn that Vigore is not only her mother's cousin, but that she is a star-person and Grifflynn herself must then be half-star. As the crowded table sets down to dinner Grifflynn tentatively asks questions of Vigore, who patiently remembers her mother as a kind, industrious woman with a brilliant mind and a love of mint tea who loved she and her father dearly.

She knew her incredibly well, as proven by the Itsmy ink sketch she pulls out of the very tome she and Lady have been passing back and forth revealing a rendering of a young Balestriere and new husband Ser Kay Toussaint, who joyfully juggles a baby Grifflynn. When asked who drew the sketch, Lady quietly offers an answer: Her father. Kay, it seems, once lent his hand to more than combat and appears to have been quite good.

Grifflynn notes that her mother appears to have been some kind of inventor or builder and is informed that mother is indeed the Mistress of the Sacred Forge of Forneis Neamhai and founder of the Sioraic school of metallurgy - when asked if Vigore or the eavesdropping Lady Lake might have something her mother forged as an example, Lady pulls her violin from where she has stowed it beneath the table and states that it is in fact a weapon forged by her mother and designed by nearby Mathilde to save the world. This seems to ring a bell in Vigore's mind and she asks if Lady has seen hide or tail of the Hands of Truth - the very same ones that Grifflynn now carries on her person. They see the truth in all organic things, yes, but they have a secondary purpose as a repository of memory, Vigore says - her mother's memory.

Vigore offers to educate the little star in the use of her mother's gifts - Lady Lake is quick to offer her own aid in the matter, and the last vestiges of hesitation in Grifflynn seem to be spirited away with Iliam quietly offers his own two cents: At least Grifflynn has an answer and knows where her mother is - not just that, but that she’s waiting for her and has been for 20 years knowing it couldn’t possibly make up for the time she was gone. There are worse fates. There are quieter fates. Grifflynn agrees to try her mother's work for herself in earnest and Lady Lake abruptly gathers their party from their table, unceremoniously exiting the Great Hall under Nimue's bemused eye and entering a nearby anteroom. There, Grifflynn dons the Hands of Truth and the others gathered there in link hands, completing the circuit as the incarnadine veins running throughout the gauntlets glow brightly. Like Alice, Grifflynn leads the way headfirst down the rabbit hole.  
We turn the calendar back almost 100 years from where we began and find ourselves in another time and place entirely. The year is 10, 434 Gan Stad (or Le Marasme, depending on where your origins in Anima lie) in the season of Natale, during which most reincarnation cycles in Avalon begin anew - the reborn Death’s Wives have at last exited their intermediary state of aevum and been untombed and the realm is awash with night-blooming flowers from Atavis to Terremorte. Brocéliande is blanketed with flowers and the crystal clear waters of the Alluvion creep ever higher in anticipation of the holy festival of Deluge. After rumors spread of a darkness seeping into Avalon and Broceliande The Revenant Magner Bane Mallacht, L’Inimite, makes his reborn presence known by casting the Sleeping Sickness of Aisling Milis using a rare substance known as melted malicorn as a spellcasting focus. The Sleeping Sickness most notably traps several Animists who drank from water other than the pure water of the Lake or Broceliande’s rivers in their own dream space - the malicorn makes the curse so strong that many sleep to death over the course of the next several years.

The Ord an tSnáthaid were mustered to investigate the preternatural malady and its cause, employing members of the Memoriam Inanimatam, Guthanna An Domhain, and Reminiscentia alongside the Sealgairi Fola and Uxores Mortes. Through her mother's eyes Grifflynn recognizes friends Lady, Adaleis, and Mathilde in their younger years, alongside unit members like her cousin Vigore and the mysterious Iliam. They are joined by an assorted delegation from Camelot - Queen Guinevere Pendragon, Queen Ena Pendragon, and Ser Galahad Le Deux bearing a brand new shield and hoping to answer the threat posed by Magner’s return. Those gathered here today comprise the special operations task force known as Découverte (Common trans. “Discovery”) and have attempted to follow the trail of The Rrevenant after a lengthy 4-year investigation into Magner Mallact, though your parents and superior officers have known him by others. There have been no sightings during this time period and the trail goes cold in Anthesis of 10.434, remaining that way until today. Commebanders Daralis Na Fola and Ord founder Queen Scarlata Seiliegh An Imortui of Imortui stand before them, uncharacteristically excited. Once the two dozen or so task members filter in and find seats around the massive incarnadine table, they begin:

  “Magner Mallact has been sighted off the coast of the Offing of Lumieres Mortes. According to Illiam’s report and corroborating statements by the Comadoir and Capitaine Serous, he is alone and he is on the move. After 4 years, we finally have a chance. That being said, we know that Magner has few qualms about collateral damage - make no mistake, we are all in mortal danger the minute we get within casting range. Get your gear, muster in five.” Scarlata Seileigh An Imortui, legendary warrior and woman of few words, nods curtly and exits the room.

  After the hunting party has collected and stowed their accoutrement Iliam leads themto his galley-style ship, The Red Tide, docked just off the edge of Ebbtide in the shadow of Tur Spoondrift. Though there is no crew, the ship sets off with little incident and carries them swiftly past the Mazarine Steppe and the singing driftwhales swimming alongside and over the vessel into the Smaragdine Estuary and, finally, on to the Darkling Sea. His companions watch as he calls forth a great tidal wave to carry them up to the floating Isle of Avalon where the Eaux de Mer Mortes spill off the Western edge of the world and finally, deftly, the Red Tide coasts to a stop at the edge of the Offing of Lumières Mortes. Up here the sea is fog-drunk and crimson, eerily offset to black by the strange green lights dancing lazily overhead. The Triple Moons of Avalon are at work as always, their guiding lights bright, but even they struggle to cut through the murk.
Investigation reveals that they have dropped anchor in the so-called Doldrums, a watery graveyard where ships often come to die. Scholarly cousins Mathilde and Vigore determine there is a thick residue of ambient enchantment in the air. Something like ozone and taffy, something natural made artificial. Following the scent, so to speak, they can feel the shape the magic has bent itself into and guess the thing it’s wrapped around — a galley style ship similar to Iliam’s but much, much older, barnacle encrusted and rotting, sitting low in the water. They're able to sense that the enchantment’s success lies in its nature — the ship isn’t invisible, it’s barely visible. Glimmering in and out of sight like a ghost.

  Meanwhile, Bel looks at the problem from a different angle: She can’t see it through the murk, but as she watches the water she can see that the stillness is broken by strange waves generated by and lapping at nothing. It’s difficult to tell what size it is, but she thinks it’s a big nothing. There’s another ship docked in the Doldrums. She focus her senses, expanding as stars are wont to do, and at the very edge of her hearing where it’s a strain to catch it, she thinks she hears the clinking of an iron chain of immense size, similar to the one connected to the Red Tide’s anchor. This ship is docked, not stuck. It means to be here.

Mathilde directs her Sworn's gaze to the faint outline of the ship. Lady freezes before drawing her violin from its holster on her back and beginning to play, trying to put the pieces together. She draws out a simple chord on her violin and the strings glow faintly, using her bow to direct the light from the strings into the hull of the ship and it is not without its results: a figure enshrouded completely in shadow but clearly still discernible slowly makes their way to the deck of the ghost ship. The night holds its breath. Before any aboard can make a move, a bolt of violet lightning rockets from the ghost ship in the direction of the Red Tide, forcing the crew aboard the Red Tide to Defy Disaster and get to safety as the bolt strikes the mast of the ship with a crack, which is shortly followed by another crack - the mast splinters about halfway up and comes tumbling down in a cacophony of creaking lumber and snapping ropes.

Lady, Adaleis, Galahad, Guinevere, Vigore, and Iliam just barely dart out of the way to safety amidst flying chunks of the mast and deck - Mathilde and Balestriere are not so lucky, however - in the fray each leaps to what they hope is safety, but is in reality one another, tumbling to the deck in a tangle of limbs. Thankfully, the two extricate themselves fairly quickly and find their way behind cover. Queen Ena Pendragon, who leapt daringly out of the way of both blast and mast, lands safely out of the way but loses her balance in the rubble and tumbles overboard headfirst. In the water she now just manages to make out the edge of the ship and turns back to the Red Tide, presumably to call for aid, only to be unceremoniously yanked beneath the waves. Fortunately, her daughter-in-law and her loyal knight have kept an eye out for just such an emergency and immediately dive into action - literally, in the case of Queen Guinevere of Camelot, who climbs astride what remains of the deck railing and secures herself to it with a length of rope and a well-placed arrow before jumping in after the Queen Mother. She manages to wrest her free of the unseen grip and a waiting Ser Galahad exerts his considerable strength to tow them both safely back to the deck. Safety is relative, however: as one, the assorted members of the strike team notice abnormal movement in the water - already unusual for a place named the Doldrums. In a matter of seconds the movement works itself into a churning froth and head after ravening undead head crests the waterline, moving swiftly in the direction of the Red Tide.

Vigore removes the chain sword wrapped around her form and begins to twirl it in a wide circle above her head, the bright light of the stars themselves cutting the gloom and lighting the deck of the Red Tide like to the morning sun. Iliam joins his sister-in-law, drawing forth the waters of Mer Mortes and working them into a ribbon not unlike Vigore's, mimicking her movement and extending the range of the light she casts. The stage is set.

The Battle of the Red Sunrise begins.

Queen Ena Pendragon climbs atop the broken mast and fires her bow again and again into the crowd; Galahad's blade flashes in the light Vigore provides as he hacks away at limb after limb; Mathilde, too, swings her weapon aloft, her form and intent similar to that of her cousin, fending off undead with her offhand; Adaleis draws her spellsword as Lady sets her bow to her violin strings; Bel draws twin daggers and picks her way through the fray amidst tendrils of water Iliam uses to bat away those in her path.

  Our heroes put up a valiant effort, but the swarming undead continue to rise from beneath the water in droves and they are quickly becoming overwhelmed. They look to one another in the heat of battle, each in turn assessing the situation. When Ena fires upon the shadowy figure captaining the ghost ship, the shot itself a clean through-and-through that clearly hits its mark, the figure then removes the arrow from its chest and waves back at the crew of the Red Tide. This is, of course, their cue to leave. Iliam races to the chaos of the deck and begins to rock deliberately from heel to toe, gathering momentum on each pass until the ship itself is set asway on ever-swelling waves. Bioluminescent fluid leaks from his nose with the exertion, but the act it successful - he just manages to shout Hold On! before a tidal wave the size of a building crashes over the ship, blasting away the undead clinging to its hull and transporting the ship to the calm waters off the edge of the isle of Nomen Nescio. They are safe, if not a little worse for wear, but clearly a much bigger problem lies ahead of them. The walls of reality begin to fade and crumble as the group calmly resolves to research the matter further in the Serousian library and Grifflynn blinks only to find the deck of the ship and the smell of salt and water gone, replaced with the musty air what appears to be some kind of tomb or catacomb.

It is years later and this, she hears Lady Lake say from the front of the formation, is Shadowrend - a former citadel of Magner Mallact. Though it appears abandoned, Decouverte has been tasked with clearing the site of harmful preternatural materials before someone stumbles upon them by accident. A routine reconnaissance mission like hundreds they've carried out before, except for all the ways it will shortly prove to be different.

In the months after The Battle of the Red Sunrise Magner Mallact sets his sights on a mysterious relic from the Tower of Eadóchas in the mountains of Gilganis. His homunculi set the city ablaze and outnumber the 200 strong army of Gilganis, Manger Mallacht is said to have fought one on one with Aajfe Christobel An Locha, descendant of King Agast Afanen An Locha I, Lady of Gilganis and protector of The Relic of éadóchas. After his defeat, she and her people seek protection in the mountains of Gilganis. Enraged by his failure, Manger Mallacht sets out to take the city of Chanteur, securing a major foothold for him in Avalon and a tactic to draw out Aajfe III by killing her brother Kiaan Lumiere An Locha and his wife Arifa Songbird, the Lady of Chanteur. Magner attacks during the Festival of Gaieté, a 7 day celebration of music and dance. He traps the people and visitors of Chanteur within the palace walls for 5 days before a plot to escape is devised by honored guest Lady Lake, who begins relying solely upon her signature violin in battle and earns the moniker “An T-amhrán Catha” (Common trans. "The Battle Song").

A year after the Battle of Gilganis, Aajfe An Locha III and her people have sought refuge in the mountains of Gilganis, hidden in caves that flow beneath the Mines of Malicia. Magner draws her out with his “gift” of her deceased brother and sister in law. The battle lasts weeks before her forces are outnumbered and her people massacred. Before her death, Aajfe III entrusts the Relic to her familiar, an owl named HigHam, to be delivered to Aleydis Lake, but he is shot down by an arrow over the Starling and Faintree rivers. The Relic is seemingly lost. In the shadow of what once was the bustling and beautiful city stands a small fishing village where the rivers of Starling and Faintree meet. Rumor spreads of a strange item found by one of the fishermen, and Magener Mallacht sets out to raze the village. Aleydis Lake and Adaleis Lake lead an army of Sealgairi Fola to meet Magner at Starling-Faintree and avenge their fallen kin. During the 4 day battle Lady manages to maim Magner by taking his left eye, but he succeeds in retrieving the relic. Magner ceases all activity at this point and is presumed dead or seriously wounded.

Thirty years pass since the Battle of Phiala Aajfe and the fall of Gilanis. Thirty years entrenched in feverish battle against the forces of Magner Mallact, which rise again and again like an unwelcome tide. Latent signs of activity across Anima and reports of great magical feats in the mortal world suggest Magner's approaching return, and Decouverte is once again dispatched - this time to Shadowrend, a known fortress of Magner's believed to be abandoned, the brief dictating that their mission is to find and diffuse any relics or traps the Revenant may have left behind in the event of trespassers and the unwitting.

They walk through the shadowed halls in a loose formation, once again accompanied by their friends, the dignitaries from Camelot, who seem strangely unaltered by time and age.
Prince Rhamanthus of Imortui leads the way accompanied by a gently scintillating Vigore, who provides light by which the entire party is able to see. The halls reek of dust and death, malicious magic and ancient evils. Decouverte has seen more than their fare share of each by now and walks on carefully but confidently, examining the long stone hallway they traverse. Balestriere, in the rear near Galahad, closely examines the walls for signs of traps and danger - so closely, in fact, that she does not realize the danger at her feet until she steps down on a particularly large square of cobblestone and hears a click. She freezes immediately as a sensation of warmth spreads from her right foot on the tile and continues all throughout her body - the warm, drowsy feeling of deep and fast-approaching sleep. She stops the party at once, indicating her dilemma, and it is ultimately decided that Galahad must smoothly replace Bel's weight with that of a large hunk of broken stone located nearby; the party huddles in the hallways and holds its breath as the switch is made, but Bel steps free - all take a deep, relieved breath tinged with nervous laughter and continue, doubly focused on their surroundings. It is no surprise, then, that only Vigore notices a change in her cousin's demeanor as Bel, having examined the melted bottom of her boot, has accepted her fate and begun scrawling her findings and symptoms as quickly as she can, feeling all the while that time is running out. Balestriere makes a valiant effort to hide the truth from her cousin, but it comes out: The curse was in the stone she stepped, and the damage was done by the time they made the switch. Balestriere has been infected with the Sleeping Sickness of Aisling Milis.

All struggle to accept the fate of the brave, brilliant inventor who has done so much for their world and has a young daughter awaiting her return, but eventually fate must be accepted for what it is: Bel will inevitably sleep, and all they can do is see that she's comfortable and well-looked after until she can be awoken. Galahad scoops the dimming star up in his arms as if she weighs nothing at all, and the party begins to walk out of the fortress, mission aborted. Balestriere asks for a lullaby and Lady draws her violin from her back, playing something akin to a linnet's song as Balestriere, glowing tears streaking down her face, succumbs to sleep.

Knowing that Ciunas will prevent them from sharing the details of the botched mission with her Mortelle husband back in Camelot, Aleydis desperately calls out for her Grandmother.

Cridhe Loch Fae appears before them and, discouraged to see such a bright mind go to even a temporary rest, agrees to aid in whatever way she is asked - the answer comes in the form of Bel's new Hands of Truth, which Lady slips from her hands. She goes to a weeping Vigore and insists that baby Grifflynn deserves a chance to know her mother and her mind and begs Vigore to provide the necessary spark to provide that opportunity, having only to wait a short while before Vigore acquiesces. Lady puts the gloves in Cridhe's hands and insists that as the walker of all the woods in all the worlds, Cridhe Loch Fae is charged under most solemn oath to provide Grifflynn with the means to access her mother when she was ready and willing to accept the truth of both her mother and her lineage. Aleydis, Adaleis, Ena, and Guin assure the drifting star that Grifflynn and Kay will be protected and want for nothing, giving Grifflynn +1 String on all listed.

Cridhe acquiesces and quietly offers to take the party to the sacred forge of Forneis Neamhai to lay Bel down to sleep - in the blink of an eye they stand beside the heart of an ever-collapsing star, watching as Lady waves her hand and a bed of glass materializes atop of a grand dais. Galahad climbs the dais to lay Balestriere down and, after a moment's thought, covers her with his cloak. Vigore arranges night lilies and crysanthemums around her for healing, tucks a few springs of fresh mint leaf into her hair for good measure, and the vision fades on this last view of the Mistress of the Sacred Forge only to cut back to Grifflynn. Speechless, she rushes to Vigore and hugs her tightly:

She understands now.

Rewards Granted

Real World Experience
+2 XP to party for expanding their horizons and learning more about the realm of Anima.

Whatever She Needs
Grifflynn gains +1 String on Adaleis, Ena, Galahad, Guinevere, and Lady 

Death's Wife, How Do You Fare?
Mathilde and Vigore trade +1 String on their long-lost cousin

Related Reports



Absabeth (x):
Adaleis (x)
Godiva (1):
Bewitched, -2 forward
Grifflynn (x):
Lady (x):

Malcolm (1):
Bewitched, -1 forward

Grifflynn (The Trickster, Feelings Tracker): 0
Malcolm (The Beast, Feral Tracker): 1
La Naissance D’Une Reine
Absabeth Pendragon
Malcolm le Deux
Godiva Pendragon
Adaleis Lake
Aleydis Maudeleyn Lake
Report Date
07 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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