Mererid Material in Albion | World Anvil
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Mererid (Meh-rare-id)



  • Mererid-Suspirium compound Mererium is used as a stabilizing element of enchanted weapons

History & Usage

Everyday use

  • Magical weaponry
  • Spellcasting foci
  • Crystal balls
  • Divining pools

Cultural Significance and Usage

As with most highly potent magical materials, the efficacy of the waters of the Lake depends entirely upon the freedom and quantity with which it was given.


Mererid must be magically smelted in an alicorn cauldron in order to maintain its transitive properties throughout the vulcanization process.

Manufacturing & Products

  • Gloine, a glass-like substance harder than obsidian
  • Tonach, a healing tonic for magical wounds
  • Cothu, can be reduced to a plasmatic form and added to stews and other foods to restore physical strength
  • Il-Dath, multi-colored dragon-blown gloine used for armor and weaponry as magical foci


Stolen waters are unpredictable and unstable and representative of dishonesty to the people of Broceliande. Culturally, the more stable and potent the mererid sample is the more likely the holder is a friend of/to the fair folk.


Trade & Market

Mererid is never sold, only freely given or traded for something of equivalent value. As an exotic compound it's highly sought after for spellcraft and magic armory, but stolen samples have proven unpredictable enough to pose a danger to mortals seeking mererid through dishonest means. Subsequently, pure mererid is rare outside of the borders of Broceliande.


Mererid can be stored in crystal clear glass and must be exposed to sunlight for an hour a day to remain charged or it will revert to its dormant, inert state (this can be safely stored in colored apothecary bottles).
Common State

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